The right thing is hard to do

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  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Just bought my first ever pup. I’m not looking forward to that day or how I take it. Sorry for your loss.

    My Tuffy turned 11 a couple weeks ago. We’ve been through a lot! About a week before his birthday I think he may have had a seizure or something medical with him. Not sure what it was, it happened fast and he acted very odd. Then the other day he started limping and acting depressed.

    This post and that made me think I need to start cherishing the time I have left with him.

    I know the thought is always in the back of every dog owners head. It sucks. My wish for all dog owners is that the their dogs pass peacefully in their sleep. That way no one would ever have to make that difficult decision.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    We had to put our 14 year old Border Collie Pepper down last year. My youngest daughter was in kindergarten when we got her and she drove home from college to be with pepper on her last day. The vet came outside so we could be in the grass under a pine tree instead of a sterile room. Hardest decision we’ve ever made.
    It was gut wrenching. In fact hard to write this without welling up.
    Enjoy every day with your pooch!

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