Man Arrested 44 Times In 18 Minnesota Counties

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12610

    DULUTH, Minn. (AP) – A 37-year-old Minnesota man who has been arrested 44 times in 18 counties has been sentenced to nearly six years in prison for robbing a car and pet wash.

    This POS has probably have more housing and meals paid for by Tax payers that he has paid for. What ever happened to the 3 strike rule. This guy has had 12 Felony’s

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 412

    It won’t be long before we have 9 year olds stealing delivery trucks, running them into squad cars, sneaking past TSA and getting on airplanes without a ticket…. Oh, wait, we’ve already got that. I live in Burnsville. Three murders within a mile of my house this summer. Thank goodness for CCW!

    Posts: 1960

    Why in the world was he offerred a plea bargain? That seems asinine to me.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    Why in the world was he offered a plea bargain? That seems asinine to me.


    Think it is all Politics and likely did not have strong case so they Plead it out, just to get him off the streets.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Carroll, they plead it out so the lawyers, can legally, take it all the way because it waists the lawyers and the states time. So the lawyers don’t have to settle with a guilty plea to defend and the state gets a conviction for the books, that’s (all) it means and nothing else. In Other words if they can get a conviction the criminal admits to guilt with no contesting it, which costs the state alot less. And in other words it frees up the court and the money it takes to prosecute them for further Indepth and through prosecution.

    Its the quick way to get it through court with an uncontested conviction, which the state wants do do. The state gets a conviction which is what they wanted in the first place.

    If its a serious criminal complaint by the state where they want to take it all the way to put he person behind bars, instead of rehab, they will take it all the way to get a through conviction, with no plea bargining involved by both sides. If the person walks with rehab its because the state wanted it that way because they thought it was the way to do things instead of putting the person behind bars.

    Posts: 1960


    Carroll, they plead it out so the lawyers, can legally, take it all the way because it waists the lawyers and the states time. So the lawyers don’t have to settle with a guilty plea to defend and the state gets a conviction for the books, that’s (all) it means and nothing else. In Other words if they can get a conviction the criminal admits to guilt with no contesting it, which costs the state alot less. And in other words it frees up the court and the money it takes to prosecute them for further Indepth and through prosecution.

    Its the quick way to get it through court with an uncontested conviction, which the state wants do do. The state gets a conviction which is what they wanted in the first place.

    If its a serious criminal complaint by the state where they want to take it all the way to put he person behind bars, instead of rehab, they will take it all the way to get a through conviction, with no plea bargining involved by both sides. If the person walks with rehab its because the state wanted it that way because they thought it was the way to do things instead of putting the person behind bars.

    Thanks for the explanation, Dan.

    The system is broken.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya Tim, alot of those people need a good swift kick in the as- infront of all their friends to show them how smart and big they are. If you put them in the pokey it only costs everybody too much anyway. Maybe have them mow the ditches along side the highways?, instead of putting them in jail, sounds about right to me. Sounds about like the same thing as a $50-50 caliber machine gun round.

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