
  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12610



    ding ding ding. Winner. The takers now out-number and out- vote the givers. Once that happens its basically over. They will vote us into oblivion. Its going to take exceptionally strong leadership, character and integrity

    As the camel says on Wednesdays…….Mike, mike, mike, mike…

    The world is not failing, we are just succumbing to the news media hype of an apocalypse. There is so much good going on in this country, but it is not newsworthy and makes Limbaugh and Schultz zero dollars or ratings.

    This country is fine. Mistakes like this are made from time to time, but the sky is NOT falling.

    Is it worse that a MIA’s family is delayed benefits vs. an active government employees family is denied income??

    Both are sad, but it’s not over….


    Some people succumb to media hype while others bury their heads in the sand. Neither is going to fix the situation ( oh ya the country is fine ) so there is nothing that needs fixed.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I know a guy, Kenny, who fought in VietNam. I got to talking to him one day over a beer and he said he was having problems getting a set of eye glasses through the local vets hospital. Seen him 6 months later and he said he finally had an appointment scheduled for his glasses.

    Seen him since then and he’s got his glasses but what took so long? He used to disarm 2000lb bombs that were dudds dropped from b-52’s, 100 yrds away from the north Vietnamese troops, hummm, imagine that.

    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    Until the officials have to live by the same rules as the people voting them in and the people taking free money from the government (when they are capable to work) lose the RIGHT to vote, we are in trouble!

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