..you might live in a country founded by geniuses

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    And closing in 3…2…1…

    hee hee hee

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    I also align pretty much with 100% of the tea party platform… it is great for a healthy entrepreneur or a wealthy person. It is also good for the middle class, but leaves alot of people down and out, either through their own fault or not, they are left out of a Tea Party America. Quite honestly, the best thing the Tea Party could do, is distance itself from the Bachmanns of the world, she gives the media alot of their bullets

    Posts: 10


    I’m not here to talk up the virtues of the Tea Party. I’m not a member but some of my beliefs align with the Tea Party platform pretty closely. My only reason for getting involved with this thread at all was in response to some of the assertions that the Tea Party is some far out radical fringe group bent on destruction as is asserted by the mainstream media.

    I too find myself aligning with the Tea Party, the problem we currently have is that we have two parties hell bent on destroying each other. This doesn’t work: I think both parties are to blame, no I am DEFINITLEY not a fan of our current President but the Republicans need to find some middle ground, as do the Dems otherwise; We as voters have the ability and duty to vote them ALL out of office, both sides,I believe the constitution reads: Of,by,and For The people

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I don’t think the Tea Party is far out radical.

    I think I’ll leave it at that…..I need to get out fishing.!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Everybody believes in balancing the budget, but because of massive spending on both sides thats happened in the past its going to take along time to pay it down gradually. If you want to start someplace by limiting what the government spends, how about the massive amount they pay out to government contractors. I seen a story 2 years ago that by the time a 50 caliber machine gun bullet gets to boot camp it costs $50 for a single round, how about if that round is shipped overseas, whats its cost then. Some see it as were keeping people employed through government contracts, are you kidding me? I wonder how much we’ed save by telling all the government contractors that were not going to pay those prices anymore, talk about government welfare and those companies in on the take. Add up all those contractors prices and what we are spending and everyone wonders where our money is going and why were in the shape were in? Alot of people complain about putting food in the stomachs of hungry people, how about putting unnecessary hundreds of billions in the pockets of government contractors. It turns out different when you shine the light on other places where everyones money is going. Even $25 a round is way out of line.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    Quite honestly, the best thing the Tea Party could do, is distance itself from the Bachmanns of the world, she gives the media alot of their bullets

    Michelle Bachman is the greatest politician ever created by the media. As a elected official she has never done anything anywhere she has been elected. To keep in office she has continually moved up staying one step ahead of the wolves. Fortunately her last attempt (running for President) will be her last. She completely hamstrung herself in Iowa and will fade off into the sunset (with her government pension) much like Gary Hart.

    Palen is carrying the torch for the party. It will be a real cat fight with Palen, Clinton squaring off.

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