1.3 million

  • big_g
    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I know at least a thousand people, can’t say I know any that had a heart attack in the last year ??? Are they all in Detroit ? Very weird stat…

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Come to think of it G its the same with me and I even though for a few seconds to try to recall anyone. I’m not saying anyone’s facts are wrong but maybe that percentage is propped up a little for funding,,,Just Maybe. Anyone here that knows around 10 or more people heard of anyone that’s had a heart attack? I also heard it said once that younger people rarely get sick, its only the old folks, I guess maybe that’s the ones who’s heart is giving out, Maybe because of old age and natures run its course.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I’m not poking fun at you Tom but maybe that’s people over 60 or 70 years old. That to me would make sense and I do think its one of those percentages that could be split into age groups. Between ages of birth and 21-1%, between 21 and 35-2%, between 35 and 50-5%, 50 too 65-15%, 65 too 70-17% and 70 too 85-25%,,, This is only of the total population in America and at different ages which would make it different then 1 in 4 and this is just the way I see it and not to be written into any medical journal. Whew! All these numbers, I think its time to go fishing.

    Posts: 1960




    The easy answer to your question Mossydan is NO when 1 in 4 people have a heart attack each year. So of your 5 million people a chance of more then 1 million could have a heart attack and that is only one disease.

    I have read the whole thread, and have to comment on this post……

    1 in 4 people have a heart attack each year? Whose butt did that statistic get yanked out of? As they say in the town of Garage Logic, that is an asstatisitic.

    Just funnin with ya……T

    The National Heart Institute that’s who`s butt it came out of. Google heart attack percentages in the USA.

    I don’t need the google machine to tell me that 1 in 4 people having a heart attack each year is a BS statistic. If you believe that one, come on up here…,,,,not only am I having a garage sale with all kinds if unbelievable bargains, but evidently I live in a health-filled medical miracle land……I know lots of people and nowhere near 1/4 of them had a heart attack last year (and it is looking good for this year too!)

    still just funnin with ya, Tom.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    I believe Tom misread the Stats…

    It’s 1 in 4 deaths is from heart attacks….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Rejected again DT?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Rejected again DT?

    Posts: 7348

    How good are their chocolate chip cookies though…..heaven.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Not poking fun at anyone but evidently their not paying enough or the position would be filled especially the managers position, word of mouth is Mickey’d’s is a good place to work.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Not poking fun at anyone but evidently their not paying enough or the position would be filled especially the managers position, word of mouth is Mickey’d’s is a good place to work.

    Hmm, or if they can’t find someone, they might have to raise the salary. Funny how that works.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya I know pug, maybe if the wage was maybe $2 higher he wouldn’t have to wait or look.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    J, was all your electrical education funded by the dues that were paid in, I know down here the unions teach everything from the time you join. You can’t go to any local college and learn what you need to know to be an electrician. Its the same with millwrights its all on the job training and classes, just curious because I don’t know if its the same in all parts of the country, usually unions teach everything, especially heavy industrial wiring.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I will be in full support of $15/hr for McD employees if I can go there five consective times without these issues:

    1. Not being screwed at the drive thru.
    2. Not having to correct my order at the counter.
    3. Actually get a table that had been thoroughly cleaned. Not just wiped down with a wet rag that has been dropped on the floor.
    4. Use a restroom that is tidy, clean and has a stock of necessary paper items.
    5. Pull up to a restraunt where three employess are smoking outside the kitchen door complaining that they have to work a 6 hour shift.
    6. See employees dressed in uniforms that need their pants pulled up or their shoes tied.
    7. Be able to order anything I want on the breakfast menu at 10:20AM even though lunch starts at 10:30AM and there are no sausage patties left.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Maybe they are raising the wages at McDonalds. I just had the honor of paying $10.01 for 2 Big Macs and a apple pie.

    First time I’ve ordered from McDonalds in quite some time so maybe the prices have been up there for a while. I have a hard timing justifying over 4 1/2 bucks for a Mac.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    I heard a guy on the radio this morning relate this story:

    I went to McDonalds for a McMuffin and a coffee and they said their coffee machine was broken. The guy asked if I wanted another McMuffin. I said sure, and figured I’d have to stop somewhere else for the coffee. I pulled up to pay and see that they charged me for TWO McMuffins. Apparently, it wasn’t a free McMuffin, just an upsale and crappy customer service.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    The first time I went there the burgers were a dime…
    Cheeseburger was .13

    No such thing as a Big mac..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    No such thing as a Big mac..

    Research and Development costs money.

    Posts: 3010


    I heard a guy on the radio this morning relate this story:

    I went to McDonalds for a McMuffin and a coffee and they said their coffee machine was broken. The guy asked if I wanted another McMuffin. I said sure, and figured I’d have to stop somewhere else for the coffee. I pulled up to pay and see that they charged me for TWO McMuffins. Apparently, it wasn’t a free McMuffin, just an upsale and crappy customer service.

    and to top it off the guy in the drive thru window then says “hey, don’t be mad at me ’cause the coffee machine is broken”

    Posts: 3010

    about ten yrs ago I was in line at my local McD’s
    the guy ahead of me ordered a “medium Cola”
    and the girl working the counter had absolutely no clue what beverage to serve him
    … she gave him coffee

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Not to pick on the McDonalds employee’s but it’s part of the “dumbing down” of America.

    Go in someplace during a power outage and see if ANYBODY can make change without the register telling them what to give you.

    They would rather lose the business then have to sell something without entering it into the register first.

    But if you think America is dumb now, just wait. The advent of smartphones will turnout to be the ultimate dumbing down of America that history has ever seen.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    A person I know, that keeps books for business, and that I worked for got into a discussion about the over all state of well being of Amercia. We made a couple comments about the things we see and preceive and she said,,,Dan don’t you know its the dumbing of America, this was probably 7 years ago. I can see what she meant but theres so many definations I don’t know where to throw the dart.

    Why in the heck when somebody owns a Micky’d’s do they even hire someone that their pants are down to their a– and stand outside the back door smoking a cigarette. When it comes to the coffee machine, if Mine broke down Id make a beeline to the nearest place I could buy one, I don’t care if it was a $29.95 special, atleast the customers could get a hot cup of coffee.

    Its hard to believe that someone thats paid big bucks for a Micky’d’s franchise wouldn’t even keep in contact with the help to see if anythings needed, but I believe it.

    When it comes to smart phones and a calculator I did a job for a floor superintendent at a company here in town. The first time I was there I sat at the table figuring out the bill with a piece of paper and a pen, this was probably 5 years ago. Since then they’ve called me back to work for them 3 times,,,and guess why, Because they enjoyed me using a pencil and paper to figure things old school, they told me so. It was my work first of all but they really enjoyed me working things out verbally with them and double checking things with them on a piece of paper, infact the last time I was there they didn’t even bring a calculator to the table, she brought a paper and pencil because she knew I used them. If someone can’t even use a paper and pencil can they even fry a hamburger.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    There was a story on the local news here last night. Children in Minnesota schools are no longer required to learn how to write. (Hand write cursive) They are now only required to learn keyboard skills.

    Link to Story


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545


    A person I know, that keeps books for business, and that I worked for got into a discussion about the over all state of well being of Amercia. We made a couple comments about the things we see and preceive and she said,,,Dan don’t you know its the dumbing of America, this was probably 7 years ago. I can see what she meant but theres so many definations I don’t know where to throw the dart.

    Why in the heck when somebody owns a Micky’d’s do they even hire someone that their pants are down to their a– and stand outside the back door smoking a cigarette. When it comes to the coffee machine, if Mine broke down Id make a beeline to the nearest place I could buy one, I don’t care if it was a $29.95 special, atleast the customers could get a hot cup of coffee.

    Its hard to believe that someone thats paid big bucks for a Micky’d’s franchise wouldn’t even keep in contact with the help to see if anythings needed, but I believe it.

    When it comes to smart phones and a calculator I did a job for a floor superintendent at a company here in town. The first time I was there I sat at the table figuring out the bill with a piece of paper and a pen, this was probably 5 years ago. Since then they’ve called me back to work for them 3 times,,,and guess why, Because they enjoyed me using a pencil and paper to figure things old school, they told me so. It was my work first of all but they really enjoyed me working things out verbally with them and double checking things with them on a piece of paper, infact the last time I was there they didn’t even bring a calculator to the table, she brought a paper and pencil because she knew I used them. If someone can’t even use a paper and pencil can they even fry a hamburger.

    It is “definitions” and questions like “Why in the heck when somebody owns a Micky’d’s do they even hire someone that their pants are down to their a– and stand outside the back door smoking a cigarette.” should end with a “?” and not a “.”.

    I just made America smarterer, one post at a time.


    The Grammar Nazi

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Be careful of what you use, it might be a dull hook? You know what I mean,,,

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I hate it when I pull up to a drive through and they ask “Would you like to try our….”.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey Jon, I told my wife what we have been talking about here and she seen a program here within the last 10 years that a specialists said,,, you watch, someday technology is going to come back and kick us in the arse. Give your kids a pencil and paper and they think they have a special assignment?

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Me too Pug, If I wanted anything else I would have said so and I can read a menu. Or can you stop talking, or I’m Hungry so stop being so polite no matter what your boss says. Or tell your boss I don’t want to hear a 30 second speech. Anyone want delicious chicken delivered to their door?

    Posts: 7348

    Yeah fast food service sucks, as do the work ethic of most minimum wage earners, but it certainly doesn’t help when those people look at their bi-weekly checks and it amounts to scrap change. If workers don’t feel like they are invested in and appreciated at their jobs they wont put much into it. And that goes for all levels.

    Lets put some numbers to this. Maybe I have false info here but best #s I could find was MNs is $7.25 which is the federal minimum wage. 80hours * $7.25/hour = $580. Let’s assume they pay nothing in taxes, bc for the most part those at that level don’t really pay much in and if they do they need a different tax guy. $1160 a month. Think about that. $1200 a month for rent/mortgage, lets say they own a car so just maintenance/insurance, health/dental insurance, food, clothes, beer and bait $$, no wonder all the rest of us supplement their incomes with our own hard earned tax money. To ‘ell with big business, let them chip in.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

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