Dipsy Diver Replacement..

  • Surf-N-Turf
    Stevens Point, WI
    Posts: 189

    I was going to get some Dipsy Divers for some fall lake trout fishing. Read the reviews @ Cabelas’s and changed my mind. Lots of complaints about poor quality, etc. Anyone know of a replacement item that’ll do the trick?

    Plymouth WI
    Posts: 314

    If you can find them– a better choice is the “slide diver”. A buddy “unfortunately past tense” invented this hoochajigger. To be honest, this thing is awesome as far as depth adjustment! Works fantastic! My suggestion would be Fleet Farm. G/L. BTW- green/silver or blue/silver seems to always work. Although you know there are never guarantees.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3905

    Either Walker or Lure Jensen work well. Walker is a bit less confusing with dive curves as there is no ring to add or remove.
    Just dont tighten the release screw too far. It barely takes any holding power to hold the trip arm back, you will be surprised.
    As for rod holders with dipsies, I know guys that use plastic but I say metal tube style espicially if you go with the Mag sizes. Its just scary running mags in plastic when its your gear.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    We carry Dipsies and Jet Divers. The jets are easier for us to use and will track straight. We do dipsies down to about 30 feet but the jets get down better in the 50 to 60 foot range with less wear and tear on the rods and holders.

    The dipsy and jet rods carry 17 pound mono.

    Andover, Mn
    Posts: 299

    Ive used the walker brand only and have had no problems what so ever, ive ran the 107 & 124mm work great, I run power pro to the dipsy and a good snubber off the otherside to my rig, I agree with do not over tighten them, allot of people over tighten them and then blame the dipsy just my .02 good luck.

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