True to my nature I’m often trying to figure stuff out. Does anyone else understand this? There is a river tournament coming up, were they made this ruling: you can bring 5 fish to the scales but only weigh 4? I’ve gotten a couple phone calls asking if I understand this bring five fish in (if you can) but only weigh four. I don’t quite get this bringing in 5 but only weigh 4? Why not weigh five if you have them? I mean if you do have 4 fish in the box, of course you can legally keep fishing until you get something bigger then what you have. But what is the down side to not weighing five? It seems to me that this favors the folks who only catch 3-4 fish and not recognize those that do or can catch five?
It is like grading a guy who takes five tests, gets “A”‘s on all of them and another guy takes five – flunks one; and they both get the same grade? I don’t understand what regulations are broken by weighing five fish? I don’t see why the playing field needs to be tilted toward the less skilled anglers?
Can someone explain this to me?