Old videos

  • Tom Anderson
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 138

    Anybody else having trouble viewing old videos? I was trying to go back and watch the old “dog days wingdam” video but I couldn’t pull it up.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    Just watched that one this spring and it was still working.

    Posts: 347

    Ya I can’t watch any of the old videos without the youtube link for some reason now…

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Ya I can’t watch any of the old videos without the youtube link for some reason now…

    We’re redesigning our video portion of the website and going forward we will no longer offer a flash version of the video. So Youtube only going forward. At one point this winter visitors were viewing 8 million minutes of FLASH video per month at a huge cost to the website. A cost that we could no longer bear without going to a pay to watch system… an option that I completely reject as unthinkable. The decision has been made to let youtube do what youtube does best and that’s host all our video content… at no cost to anyone.

    Once the new video portion of the site is completed (expected before winter) we’ll load all the old videos to Youtube and those legacy videos will again be available.

    Posts: 347

    awesome can’t wait…I’ve already watched all the videos for about the 3rd time haha

    Posts: 7348


    awesome can’t wait…I’ve already watched all the videos for about the 3rd time haha


    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    One I can’t get enough of is James and Granrud on the rainy river in spring. It inspired a trip next spring
    This will make you happy James, it also inspired me to order alot of plastics from B fish N tackle. Hard not to after that, great selling tool!

    Posts: 6

    thank you for clearing that up . been having same prob. thought it was my p.c. been getting my “fix’ FOR ICE BY LOOKING AT ANYTHING I CAN FIND ICE RELATED. already booked trip to st. paul plus room. bought dozens of jigs, spoons, &stuff.p.s. will IDO be at the icefishing show?

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