best loop knot

  • nhamm
    Posts: 7348

    I premake many of my snells for circles or trebles for cats or your regular rigging setups for eyes, and I tie a loop knot at the end to connect to a snap swivel. I have been having issues of the loop knot breaking right at the knot a few times so far and wondering what loop knot you guys use? Thanks for the help.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Surgeon’s Loop or a Perfection Loop and I haven’t had any problems. On the other hand, I’m not fighting with big cats.

    Posts: 7348

    I’ve been using the perfection and it will happen even with light tackle stuff. Yesterday just had a little 3/4 oz egg sinker to a #6 hook to get a couple suckers and even that broke. I guess my leader line is #14 vanish that is a few years old now so maybe that is the problem. Haven’t had it happen with the big cat #30 omniflex mono leads yet. Funny how I think of this stuff after the fact… I wouldn’t think flouro would get brittle after a couple years though.

    Posts: 1040

    I had terrible luck with vanish and loop knots. Try a different line I’d say.

    Posts: 1054

    I would blame the old Vanish. I quit using years ago as it made tackle and fish Vanish with regularity. I have now switched to Seguar floro lines. Remember floro lines are real touchy when drawing knots tight. Make sure to lubricate the line before drawing it tight. I prefer the the double surgeons loop to the perfection with floro it seems that the perfection is a weaker knot with floro.


    Posts: 7348

    I will try out the double surgeons with the flouro and see what happens. It was just leftover line and is almost out now but will see if it makes a difference. Either way thanks guys.

    Posts: 4941

    I use a swivel instead of a snap,I make my loop on the ends of my rigs,and I then pass the entire loop though the swivel, pass the hook end through through the loop and pull it tight to the swivel.
    Then the line is doubled on the swivel end.

    Posts: 1899


    I use a swivel instead of a snap,I make my loop on the ends of my rigs,and I then pass the entire loop though the swivel, pass the hook end through through the loop and pull it tight to the swivel.
    Then the line is doubled on the swivel end.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    I usually make a triple Surgeon’s loop. I like the extra few turns in the knot. Pull it up slowly and carefully and lube it.

    Personally I quit using Fluro line period. I have terrible luck tying knots with the stuff. I can tie stronger knots with 4 pound mono than I can with 8 pound fluro

    Posts: 1054

    Rootski is correct Flouro is tougher to work with. I personally only use it in clear water conditions. For my cat leader’s I use 30lb Berkly Big Game very tough stuff the channels never break or chew thru it. FLouro is used for steelhead fly fishing and for at my cabin where the lake has a 23 ft seechi disk reading.


    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    My last spool of floro went into the woodstove. Darned stuff wouldn’t hold a knot, used up about half a 125yd spool trying to find a spot that I could use for leaders. Even without a knot it’d break under a good yank. Back to XL jerr

    Posts: 72

    x 2 on the XL
    I have used it since it came out and have never had
    a failure.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104


    I had terrible luck with vanish and loop knots. Try a different line I’d say.

    X 2 / Big Ditto on this….But not all Fluro, just the Vanish for whatever reason still leaves me wondering why

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    RRR turned me on to the Maxim Chameleon line for Leader material

    I have use the old fashioned Trilene knot and have had no issues

    Posts: 7348

    If I wasn’t lazy I would just leave the end as is and just tie it to a swivel every time. After catching a few good fish I always tend to retie the knot anyways, seems a lot of stress to be put on a single point time after time. Tried the double surgeons knot this weekend a bit on the Zumbro and got some nice suckers and smallies and didn’t have any issues with that knot yet so will use the vanish till its gone. Just love it for its abrasion resistance, have not had one fish bite me off yet BC of it.

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    Simple fix but do you wet the knot before pulling it tight?

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    Simple fix but do you wet the knot before pulling it tight?

    If you don’t wet the line before tightening when using fluoro, you can pretty much guarantee a knot failure. The friction causes the line to weaken and it breaks very easily. Also I have found some spools of cheap fluoro to suck no matter what you do. I only use Seagaur now and have zero issues even on big salmon with a surgeon’s knot.

    Posts: 7348

    I broke off another one the other day. Completely different line, 8# sensation, double surgeons, going to be tying directly to barrel swivel from here on out. Does still seem odd it should happen so frequently for myself. I check out the online knot vids, practice them until perfect in front of PC with a spool of line and then use them in the field. I have wet every knot I have ever tied in my life. The extra 15 seconds it takes to do a double cinch is well worth it now, comparing to hauling in the rig and seeing that damned lil line loop hanging there with nothing else And I know everyone of those I lost was at least a 28″ eye.

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