Live Bobcat Trap Rescue

  • dougie
    Posts: 466


    Two wildlife workers find a bobcat caught in a trap and are trying to free it. Putting it mildly….. “Kitty” is annoyed at being in the trap and that these two humans are too close for comfort.

    Kalispell, MT
    Posts: 264

    I believe what they recorded was actually illegal. If who ever was running that trap line wanted to press charges. You can’t mess with somebody’s traps.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    I believe what they recorded was actually illegal. If who ever was running that trap line wanted to press charges. You can’t mess with somebody’s traps.

    I think you are correct. I do not think these were the trappers. Most trappers have a catch pole with them for this situation.
    I think they were just a couple yahoos who stumble upon someone’s trap and chose to tamper with it.

    My two cents.

    Posts: 13

    That Just made for a bad day on the line for someone. Totally illegal.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    How do you know they were Wildlife workers?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    I do not think these were the trappers.

    I’ll second that.

    Kalispell, MT
    Posts: 264


    How do you know they were Wildlife workers?

    Even if they were, what they done was not legal.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    What a bunch of morons. Would have served them right to get bit.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    How do you know they were Wildlife workers?

    Even if they were, what they done was not legal.

    That’s not what I am getting at. In fact, if they were Wildlife workers, I’d wonder if they got in or will get in big trouble.

    Or was the trap not legally marked, therefore as Wildlife officers they felt they could let it go because of that. What is the trap was abandoned? What if they were the trappers, but not after Bobcat?

    I know I am a nature boy, but I don’t have anything against hunting and trapping.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    One last question for the trappers. Is it illegal to release something from your trap back into the wild? Hypothetically speaking, say you trapped something you weren’t interested in, can you release them into the wild?

    I am curious because I don’t know. And I would assume you can’t, because if you could, you would be releasing lame animals back into the wild. Also, people could trap for fun, if they were sick enough. Like I said, it is a hypothetical.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    I would hope wild life workers, would have an official “stick” to use… not the one he had

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    After viewing that little episode, those guys are in line for a visit from the local law.

    To tamper or release from a trap if legally set and liscensed is like stealing.

    I am sure Randy will chime in on this but a pelt from a prime kitty like this is worth some good bucks.

    Lots of sob sisters around, bet they don’t think twice when they eat any kind of meat that a bird or animal had to give it’s life for them the please their salivary glands.

    Maybe these guys were earst while TREE HUGGERS.

    Excuse the rant but my thoughts on trap robbers.

    Yes, I used to trap as a youngster.

    Iowa Roger

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    …and it takes A LOT to get Iowa Roger wound up!

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    BK, yep, somethings just rile me up.


    Iowa Roger

    Posts: 3010



    so … bear hugging and lifting “each other” then ?

    Posts: 1899

    If you haven’t smashed your head against a brick wall in a few days and are looking for an excuse to do so, go read the comments.

    Stupid hippies.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Holy flipp’n idiots. Almost don’t know wherw to start on these dumb ‘ses.
    1 if in WI. MANDATORY 5 year loss of all fishing and hunting privileges. Up to 90 days in jail plua up to $1000 in fines or both!
    2. CO’s would be much more careful to not over stress or injure the animal.
    3 use of catch pole or 1×6 or 2×4 would hole the cat still.
    3 a ladder spread over the cat and a sirect push on the levers would have been very simple.
    4. I’ve released otter, badger, domestic animals…..and on and on. A properly set/sized trap will cause very minimal to NO damage to the critter. These guys are just simply a pair of jackazzs with no experience. That cat could have ripped them each a new hole. Crap like this makes trappers look inhumane.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thanks for the info Randy! Seems you answered some of my questions.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    If you haven’t smashed your head against a brick wall in a few days and are looking for an excuse to do so, go read the comments.

    They are quite simplistic and amusing. I think it is equally amusing that they are called “heros”.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923


    Thanks for the info Randy! Seems you answered some of my questions.

    mplspug – I don’t know of anyone that would trap for “fun” in the sense of trapping for a catch and release. Simply, its way too much work. But, releases are necessary for various reasons. Seasonal dates are not all the same for all species and incidentals do happen. My uncle before his passing had the experience of releasing a timber wolf, which is VERY ironic. He was one that contributed heavily to the reduction when the state had the bounty on them. I’ve had a number of badgers in coon and fox sets. The one and only bobcat that I released was in a coyote set and I didn’t draw a tag that year. I can’t say the releases looked flawless but I can assure you that myself and the game warden accompanying me probably looked a bit ridiculous trapped on top of a ladder waiting for a badger to walk away.
    Also, equipment failures do happen. Swivels inline on the chains can get filled with debris and fail to spin. Incidentals like a muskrat going into a beaver or otter set happen and the traps are definitely over-sized and increased damage can happen. Just a few reasons why we don’t trap for fun.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    mplspug – I don’t know of anyone that would trap for “fun” in the sense of trapping for a catch and release.

    Yeah, we don’t, but there are a lot of weirdos out there.

    That’s why I wondered if there was a law against releasing trapped animals. So they could persecute some sick individuals out there who would do something like that.

    I guess now that you point out how much work it is, it is probably not necessary. But that is exactly why I ask these questions.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    mplspug, to answer your question YES it is legal to release an animal that has been caught in a trap. Please keep in mind that us responsible trappers take great pride and are very aware of proper traps used for our target animals. We spend a lot of time modifying traps to make the animal comfortable while in a trap. A trapper doesn’t want an animal in pain thrashing about because its inhumane and can cause great injury to the animal and that results in damaged furs and we don’t want either one to happen.

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