zero turn

  • kevinh1570
    New Richmond, Wi
    Posts: 63

    Just bought a house outside of town with 2.2 acres to mowed with quite abit of trees to mow around. I’m thinking a zero turn would work well and I have shopped around some. I think I’m gonna go with a club cadet. Anybody have any suggestions? Looking to spend about 3gand…thanks

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 667

    Toro makes a nice machine in that price point too. Either way you will be super happy you upgraded to the zero turn. It has saved me HOURS through the course of the summer.


    Gary Sanders
    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 434

    Set aside a few hundred bucks to pay some kid to mow your lawn and then do the sensible thing which is spend the rest on fishing tackle!

    iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    You might think of a sickle type mower for that big of a place.Trees can be real obstacles though.
    I had a Simplicity and they are good machines too.

    My brother in law has used Cub Cadets for many years, still does.They have Kohler engines seems like, very good engines too. They are a fairly simple engine, and repairs are easy to get and make.
    Cadets were made by the old International company, dont’ know now.
    Get a hydro tranny, no stop and shifting then, and oh so smooth too.


    Iowa Roger

    Lytton Iowa
    Posts: 268

    Check out Bad Boy Mowers. They are a heck of a mower made in USA. I got a new one this year and for the $$$ , you get a lot of mower.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I would be surpised if Cub Cadet is still manufactured by IH. That quit a long time ago. Cubs are owned buy a LLC corp in Ohio I believe. The transition I think moved away from IH in the early mid 80’s

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    toro makes a real nice residential zero turn unit. i believe its called the “time saver” or something like that. my dad bought one last summer. think it has a 42″ deck with a 24 horse kawasaki….. pretty sure he paid like 2300$ for the mower, and 400$ something for the bagger. i have used it and its a great well built machine!!!

    Posts: 1027

    A coworker bought a Toro zero turn and hasn’t had a single problem with it in 9 years of use and he mows almost 5 acres.

    Beaver E
    Posts: 137

    Toro for us. We love it and it takes a lot…..Rocks, Tree stumps, ect…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    Very difficult to go wrong with a John Deere. For commercial use, we had good luck with Woods and Toro as well.

    From talking to the dealers and mechanics where we bought mowers, the #1 “problem” was customers not doing maintainance. A ZT mower is a more complex machine and it needs to be greased, drive chains lubed, filters changed, etc. A lot of homeowners never read the manual or considered the fact that they needed to do things beyond just put gas in it and maybe change oil once in a while.


    Posts: 1027

    Just saw an add for Besswingers? in the St. Paul Sunday paper selling a 42″ Toro zero turn for $2,300.

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