Yes, nothing like being woken up from a sound sleep by the sounds of a police raid.
About 10 years ago, I woke up at about 4 AM to the sounds of sirens that got louder, and louder, and LOUDER. Then slamming doors and running steps.
I go downstairs and look out a kitchen window and there are two police cars in our driveway with lights flashing, sirens creaming, and doors open. I freanking hit the floor! WTF???
I laid there for 5 minutes and nothing happened. So I carefully peeked out the door. Nobody around.
So I called 911 and said, hey there are two empty police cars in my driveway wiht lights flashing and sirens on and no officers anywhere. Just sayin’…
To which I got the classic response that nobody wants to hear from 911: “What? Really? Any idea what’s going on or why they’re there?” 
Well as a matter of fact, that was what I was hoping you’d tell me…
So I sat around a while listing to the sirens scream and after about 20 minutes two officers came walking back. They had obviously been out for little morning perp-jog. They were both sweating like hell and looked like they had been dragged across 3 lawns behind an ATV.
So I couldn’t resist. Come on, you guys would have done it too.
“Howdy officers. You guys want coffee or maybe a Gatoraid?”
“Very funny. Are you serious about the Gatoraid?”