Got a surprise first thing this morning

  • wildfan
    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Woke up this morning, go to let the dogs out to do there morning thing and found a duck had hit the side of the house last night ( blue wing teal ).
    Well the dogs were all over it but it was still alive.
    After putting the dogs back in my next dilemma was why is a live duck laying on its back and not leaving?
    I grabbed the duck and turned it over and found out its wing was messed up but did not seem broken.
    Well ended up putting the duck on to one of my ponds and let nature take it course.
    I am guessing that maybe an owl was after it last night and that is why it flew into the side of the house?
    Living in the country has its odd moments

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Way to give it another chance at life, Don

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Sharp-Shinned hawks will get after small ducks too.

    We have a lot of feeders and birds are always being hasseled by sharp-shins. Lots of thumping on the picture window.

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Well, just went out to the pond to check on the duck and it flew across the pond above the water.
    Think it will be just fine by tomorrow.
    Good thing I didn’t wring its neck!
    Also, this was an adult Teal ( just odd ).

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Cool story with a happy ending. Thanks for sharing.

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