Armed agents raid animal shelter for baby deer
Unreal in these times, with all the advance thought and time they had that they never came up with a better, more “correct” way to handle this.
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Armed agents raid animal shelter for baby deer
Unreal in these times, with all the advance thought and time they had that they never came up with a better, more “correct” way to handle this.
Agreed. It’s insane that that many people “armed to the teeth” needed to stop these hardened criminals.
It doesn’t really say if the weapons were drawn…but for pete’s sake it’s just a freaking fawn!
What would have happened if one CO would have needed to make two or five trips out there to get the damn thing?
This is nuts.
That dnr supervisor sounded like a complete moron trying to defend the reasoning for what they did. What a waste of time and resources!
A phone call could have saved everyone a lot of grief. If only state govt showed that kind of effort in combating fraud in our state social services….Oh yeah, that’s why Illinos is a 297 BILLION dollars in debt.
Still trying to move to IA.
“If a sheriff’s department is going in to do a search warrant on a drug bust, they don’t call them and ask them to voluntarily surrender their marijuana or whatever drug that they have before they show up,” Niemeyer said,
Speaks volumes about this person. Talk about apples and oranges.
Sounds to me like an over zealous agent or 2 wanting to pretend they are FBI. I wonder if someone in the group spoke up and pointed out that they were going over board?
It’s a knee jerk reaction to condemn the government for their actions here.
The story seems a bit one sided. There may have been a good reason to go in expecting the worse. Although it does appear out of line, I’ll hold off ripping them until more details are released.
It does appear from the perspective the story was done that Law Enforcement went way overboard. None of us were there and there is always two sides to a story. When a search warrant is served you usually prepare for the worst, and hope the best. This could have been a non-story if the shelter had called a warden for guidance when the deer was turned in to them. Time may tell.
Unless they are leaving out things said by the person leading the raid, they got their side. They had a chance to speak up.
A google search shows dozens of the same stories.Pointing towards the reason of the invasion was because the shelter didn’t ask the state for a permit.
I wonder how many of the agents involved felt good enough about what they did to go home and tell their spouses and children that they executed an innocent, harmless baby deer – one who was less than 24 hours away from being transported to a wildlife reserve.
It looks like our governor still has some work to do on making the DNR more user friendly. I can’t say I’m surprised this happened.
Better pull a permit if you are doing work on your house, otherwise you might be served with a warrant from armed officers.
Hard not to Judge,
Just seems ridiculous that they didn’t send someone over to investigate first?
I’ve judged (for Not showing up on time or not at all, what a waste of Tax Dollars) the Inspectors and company they work for hired to be doing AIS Inspections at Christmas Lake. Now, I find out that many have requested to not be assigned there or quit because they’re bored. Average 1-3 boats on average weekday morning between 6am-2pm. Not, I feel bad for my judgement without knowing the whole story. That said however, the Fact still remains, they were hired to do a job and they are not showing up on time or sometime not at all.
Has anybody asked for a comment from the WiDNR?
Has anybody asked for a comment from the WiDNR?
And you’ll probably get some BS justification.
In my humble opinion, they were breaking the law. We don’t condone it when someone is keeping too many fish, shooting deer out of season etc… Why condone this?
I don;t think the problem is “what” they did, but “how” they did it. I am sure it is sensationalized by the media (whodathunk ?) armed to the teeth is probably a sidearm and shotgun…. I doubt they had grenades and rocket launchers too….
Lets all take the side of the tree hugger
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m not taking either side…except like Koots said, the were breaking the law.
Speculation from this point on:
Did the CO’s know something about this “shelter”.
Haves there been confrontations there before? Armed confrontations?
What was the background?
I’m just not going to bust their chops without knowing more.
Lesson learned:
Contact CO before (or asap) harboring orphaned animals.
Actually the tree hugger is lucky they didn’t take him…now that I read is public criminal history.
At least two people should lose their job over this. One person from DNR and one person from Sheriff office.
I must have read the story too fast this morning after having the subject work me up. The clever use of words and line of questioning by the reporter has me thinking that this is a very on-sided story. I also glossed over the part where the DNR rep said…
“These are always very difficult situations for both parties involved, and we are empathetic to the fact of what happened because we know in our heart of hearts they tried to do the right thing,” Niemeyer said.
I also call BS on this…
“I said the deer is scheduled to go to the wildlife reserve the next day,” Schulze said.
Gee, what a coincidence.
Clearly, much like what happened up in Forest Lake last year or the year before, the fault lies with the people handling these animals like this.
The only fault I find with the DNR is that it would be nice if they made an effort to rehabilitate animals in these circumstances. I understand its just another dang deer that would have starved or been eaten by wolves, but wouldn’t it have been nice to bring it somewhere?
Good PR isn’t bad as I think the opposite is what happens when you read through this thread.
I have a feeling there is more to this story than meets the eye. My guts says there is a history with this shelter or it’s staff. I believe 99% of our enforcement agents are good people. We just get to hear about that 1% whackos all too often in the media. So to show up with these #’s leads me to think the report might be missing some details.
I agree with your sentiment, but WI had such a large outbreak of CWD they error on the side of caution when it comes to these critters. Not saying the policy is right, but there is no test for CWD unless the critter is dead.
I realize that, but being kept at a shelter doesn’t make it a high risk for CWD either, that I know of. I am also not saying they should have rehabilitated it and let it into the wild.
I also understand that some of these things aren’t feasible too. People can’t complain about using all these resources to “swarm” a no kill shelter and then say they should have done all this work to keep the fawn alive.
The test doesn’t work on fawns…although I don’t pretend to be an expert.
Like a single squad car with an animal control team couldn’t have handled it.
Like a single squad car with an animal control team couldn’t have handled it.
Just because the shelter called it a swarm and swat team doesn’t make it so. At no point does the reporter actually back it up with a head count or car count.
Like a single squad car with an animal control team couldn’t have handled it.
Just because the shelter called it a swarm and swat team doesn’t make it so. At no point does the reporter actually back it up with a head count or car count.
I should know better than to believe an article and get worked up but I am sure I’m on the opposite side as you. If for no other reason than your increasingly disturbing avatar.
They should have sent one ole boy over there with a dog cage and a pickup truck. Would have solved the problem pretty easy.
Anything government is such a waste of time and money anymore.
I should know better than to believe an article and get worked up but I am sure I’m on the opposite side as you. If for no other reason than your increasingly disturbing avatar.
That’s usually a safe play to make.
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