You most likly have a defrost problem. take the back cover off the back of freezer and see if its froze up. if it is check the heater coil for zero to 50 ohms then check the defrost cut out(a small quarter size piece with two to three wires) for short or very low resistance. this needs to be done before defrosting as it opens up about 35 degrees. hope this helps. remember to unplug frig before making tests. no need to light your self up.
Totally agree. Cold freezer, warm fridge = defrost problem.
Do as SC says above. Also, there is a small defroster fan that can go out as well. Also, make sure the defroster drain tube isn’t clogged such that the melted frost can’t escape to the evap pan and therefore ice is building up.
You may need to call for professional help, because it can be tricky to diagnose all the compoents of the defroster system. You have a defrost timer, defrost heating element, defroster fan, all, one, or some of which could be bad.
Bottom line is it’s probably saveable at reasonable cost.