Hey Guys and gals
I opened wildside bait in Hastings, MN about two months ago so I’m just letting everyone know we’re here at 1630 Vermillion St. just south of the M&H gas station. If anyone has fishin reports or want me to carry somthing in the store let me know, I’ll do my best to get it in. the bait store isn’t anything fancy but we got bait. The old bait store closed last year and it’s silly not to have a bait store in a town that’s on the river so we filled the void
right now I have crappie, fathead and sucker minnows, leeches, crawlers , worms and wax worms and I’m lookin for some bullheads if anyone know where I can get some let me know thanks

Posts: 1
July 27, 2013 at 7:32 pm