“I don’t care for the “crowders”. You know, those lonely people on the road who just HAVE to be near another car. So they’re either on your rear or stay close next to you no matter your changing speed. I’m a pretty calm driver but I prefer to be ALONE. The further away the other cars, the better. “
-I call these type chicken____s(fill in the blank). If you did 90 mph they would stick to you like glue but the second they have to cut their own air they slow way down. I like having fun with them when in traffic, pull into the fast lane to pass a car – they follow – then turn back in as soon as I can get back over and watch them fall WAY back till they realized they are now being passed by the car we were passing. (and the whole time I never changed speed either)
Worst example I saw about a month ago a county squad was in the left lane of I90/94, car in the right lane was matchng his speed and there was at LEAST a mile of traffic backed up behind them (east of Tomah so not an area where this should be common) and we were going at to 5mph below the speed limit. If everyone drove the speed limit would it have been a mess like that, no, but an officer of all people should have realized the danger he was creating.