Lake Pump/Sprinkler System

  • Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    Hello –

    I am looking at putting in a sprinkler system that will pump water from the lake. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a lake pump. I met with one contractor and he said Wayne pumps are good but cost around $1,000. I did a quick search and looks like 1 HP pump is around $400. So I guess I don’t know what to think/believe. Also, do all companies use the same installation method? I am just worried about my grass being dug up a little with the install. Thanks!


    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    i just replaced my sprinkler pump. i went from a regular deep well well pump that was encased in a pvc pipe/strainner that hung under my dock, to a simer 3/4hp sprinkler pump that sits on shore, $250 for the new pump. i have 7 zones and up to 6 heads in a zone. as far as digging up the yard, most if not all installers use a machine that layes the pipe under ground and the sod is put right back in place so there is minimal damage to the yard. get a few estiments and compare apples to apples. $400 for a sprinkler pump sounds high to me, you are pumping water out of a lake. if the $400 includes the controler and starter for the pump, that is closer to what i would consider paying

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Maybe check with the city, county, state to find out what kind of permits are required to do this.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095


    Maybe check with the city, county, state to find out what kind of permits are required to do this.


    Zach H
    Posts: 374

    I have a Sta-Rite pump for mine and absolutely love it. I was told by my sprinkler service guy to get it off of Ebay from this company. It was about $200 cheaper than buying from the dealer in town. Great pump!

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    MN state law governs usage of public or surface waters for use by a certain number of persons and for certain quantities withdrawn. Your home use may fall under the minimum but it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with specifics and details via an internet search of state water withdrawall laws-MN. …and be careful, there was deadly results recently when pump equipment fell in the water. Either way, hope you can avoid imperial legal-eagle entanglements.

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    I think our 3 HP pump would have to run 30 hrs a day free flowing to meet the minimum 10,000 gallons a day that is the threshold for needing a permit. That pump runs 12 heads per zone with 20+ ft of head with no problem. Carefree in Maple Lake is who installed and maintains ours. They do tons of lake pumps in this area, and we are pleased with the install and the continued service the we’ve received.


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