Ryan Braun

  • Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    The cheating doesn’t bother me as much as the way he denied it and made a big deal about it with the attitude of “How dare people question my integrity.” 65 games isn’t enough… His entire contract should be voided and he needs to be stripped of the MVP.

    On a side note let’s see if Aaron Rogers is a man of his word…

    Posts: 349

    On Braun I agree what a piece of $hit. On Rodgers, I hope he does we could use some more players with the cap room that it would open up.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Ditto…He should be made an example of. Freakin’ bumb!!! RR

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    I just hope the rest of the names on the list go down with him. He should of went the first time he got caught. It will be interesting to see who all is on that list of names, bet there are a lot of guys worried right now.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I don’t know why anybody would worry. After all they still have the contracts to fall back on. Maybe they can file for unemployment and food stamps?

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Totaly agree, but seems every sport is coming down with more and more of this plaque. They all get paid rediculous amounts of money, and they still think they are above the law.
    It’s everywhere, in every sport and on every team.
    I have gotten to the point Pro sports just don’t mean anything to me anymore.
    Kick his A$$ out of baseball and use as example.
    Just my rant for the day.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Erin Rodgers (like most NFL players) should just keep his mouth shut and play football. Not a lot of brain power upstairs…RR

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    Finally all my years of avoiding pro-sports is paying off.
    I never even heard of this guy.

    Posts: 7348

    Could be so simple with a no tolerance policy, but once again the roids produce the results that bring in the $$.

    All I’m saying is a guy I talked to who knows a guy who knows a guy said Holst was roiding when boating all those monster eyes on the challenge.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116


    Totaly agree, but seems every sport is coming down with more and more of this plaque. They all get paid rediculous amounts of money, and they still think they are above the law.
    It’s everywhere, in every sport and on every team.
    I have gotten to the point Pro sports just don’t mean anything to me anymore.
    Kick his A$$ out of baseball and use as example.
    Just my rant for the day.

    I agree Mike, Alot of these guys are thugs that would be selling drugs on a street corner if it wasn’t for their God given athletic ability.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Seems like a business deal pure and simple.

    Braun gives up the remaining of his 8.5 million this year, to make 10 next year. He went after MLB and the testing process after winning an appeal of a failed drug test in 2011, and now it seems like they’re making an example of him. I have no pity for the guy, but it almost smacks of a plea bargain deal with a required admission of guilt. Whether guilty or not, it seems like it was easier for him to go on the record and say what MLB wanted him to so he could go on making money in the future.


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    I never even heard of this guy.


    Look at what MLB did to Pete Rose and that wasn’t drug related….maybe do like-wise with this twinkie.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    Erin Rodgers

    Not a lot of brain power upstairs…RR

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Braun’s 10 best lies.

    Looks like Braun studied the Lance Armstrong book of denial and mastered it.

    After he’s done buying back all his jerseys for being liar and cheat, he could do us all a favor and just stay away from the game.

    I wonder what his bro Rodgers has to say about him.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13915

    I agree with Joel completely. A business deal! If the comish had a pair, he should had been banned for life like pete rose

    Posts: 0

    I don’t care, they should just let the players do whatever they want, that would make it a more even playing field. Lets face it, as long as MLB is making money, they don’t give a rip.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Some guys should get together and create an XMLB (Extreme Major League Baseball) where they have no banned controlled substances. And in fact, maybe they encourage them by providing usage stats.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12267



    I never even heard of this guy.


    Look at what MLB did to Pete Rose and that wasn’t drug related….maybe do like-wise with this twinkie.

    I think that MLB’s head office is basically in a position where they CAN’T impose a Rose-style “death peanalty” of a lifetime ban.

    Why? Because they know this roid problem is freaking huge and they don’t want to set a precident of lifetime bans only to end up then having to backtrack or ban dozens of players should the scandle really break out into the open.

    Braun is just the latest to get caught. Anyone who’s been down in Florida or Arizona where all the oldsters congregate has seen the number of “male anti-aging” clinics that have popped up to sell quickie testesterone, steroid, and HGH pick-me-ups. The thing is, this stuff is perfectly legal with an Rx. How long was it going to be before athletes started showing up in the drive-through lane of these joints? If it’s that easy to get, there’s always going to be athletes doing it.


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 121

    Hey the way I see it if they suspend everybody who has tested positive we can do away with the minor leagues and all you Minnesota sports fans teams will have a chance at winning. Just remember Braun was caught how many of the athletes out there haven’t been caught or tested for that matter

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    My question to you all…

    Would you take a PED if you knew it would get you millions?

    I’d like to say I would be above this, but the reality is, I’d probably take them. I was always afraid of roids growing up along with cocaine, heroin etc… I don’t know enough about the PEDs of today, but I assume they have a less detrimental affect on your body than roids did in the past?

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    My question to you all…

    Would you take a PED if you knew it would get you millions?

    I’d like to say I would be above this, but the reality is, I’d probably take them. I was always afraid of roids growing up along with cocaine, heroin etc… I don’t know enough about the PEDs of today, but I assume they have a less detrimental affect on your body than roids did in the past?

    Yes I would. However I also would expect a contract cause stating that I would be banned for life and all contracts voided if caught.

    If I’m cutting sugar cane in Cuba and can take PED’s and make millions………..I’m doin’ what I gotta do.

    All that said……how about the owners that spend millions knowing these guys (or strongly suspecting) are doping? Manny Ramirez was just signed by Texas. Milkey Cabrera got a multi million dollar deal from Toronto AFTER being suspended. Alex Rodriguez signed ANOTHER $350 million dollar deal, think the Yankees didn’t know?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12267


    My question to you all…

    Would you take a PED if you knew it would get you millions?

    I’d like to say I would be above this, but the reality is, I’d probably take them. I was always afraid of roids growing up along with cocaine, heroin etc… I don’t know enough about the PEDs of today, but I assume they have a less detrimental affect on your body than roids did in the past?

    I think the thing is that for athletes who are already performing at very high levels, the siren call of PEDs is that they will take you past a personal pleateau.

    If you look at enduance athletes like speed skaters or nordic skiers, the are posting VO2-Max numbers that are off the charts and that puts them at the very edge of what their physology will support. In other words, improving performance to any signifcant degree may not be physically possible.

    So I can see where some see PEDs and doping as the ONLY way they can get to the next level. So they start rationalizing…and then it’s a slippery slope.

    The sad fact of the matter is that when I look at results for some endurance sports, it’s hard NOT to think that blood doping was playing a major role during certain periods where records were dropping left and right. It was well-known that blood doping improves performance long before there was a test for it. Since it’s your own blood, I can see where many athletes started thinking about it. And then they start wondering if they are the only ones NOT doing it…


    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    My question to you all…

    Would you take a PED if you knew it would get you millions?

    I’d like to say I would be above this, but the reality is, I’d probably take them. I was always afraid of roids growing up along with cocaine, heroin etc… I don’t know enough about the PEDs of today, but I assume they have a less detrimental affect on your body than roids did in the past?

    If it meant the difference between making millions of dollars or not making the big leagues then yes I probably would choose to do it… I’m not saying I blame him for using as much as I despise the way that he denied it. If you get caught be a man, admit it, and deal with the repercussions. I actually respect players like Andy Pettit and Jason Giambi more for the way they dealt with being caught.

    Posts: 7348



    My question to you all…

    Would you take a PED if you knew it would get you millions?

    I’d like to say I would be above this, but the reality is, I’d probably take them. I was always afraid of roids growing up along with cocaine, heroin etc… I don’t know enough about the PEDs of today, but I assume they have a less detrimental affect on your body than roids did in the past?

    If it meant the difference between making millions of dollars or not making the big leagues then yes I probably would choose to do it… I’m not saying I blame him for using as much as I despise the way that he denied it. If you get caught be a man, admit it, and deal with the repercussions. I actually respect players like Andy Pettit and Jason Giambi more for the way they dealt with being caught.

    I guess I disagree with all of you. Once we start losing our integrity what the ell kind of society are we going to live in? If I signed a contract that banned me from taking certain drugs that is my word and as good as gold. At least that is the way I was brought up.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13915




    My question to you all…

    Would you take a PED if you knew it would get you millions?

    I’d like to say I would be above this, but the reality is, I’d probably take them. I was always afraid of roids growing up along with cocaine, heroin etc… I don’t know enough about the PEDs of today, but I assume they have a less detrimental affect on your body than roids did in the past?

    If it meant the difference between making millions of dollars or not making the big leagues then yes I probably would choose to do it… I’m not saying I blame him for using as much as I despise the way that he denied it. If you get caught be a man, admit it, and deal with the repercussions. I actually respect players like Andy Pettit and Jason Giambi more for the way they dealt with being caught.

    I guess I disagree with all of you. Once we start losing our integrity what the ell kind of society are we going to live in? If I signed a contract that banned me from taking certain drugs that is my word and as good as gold. At least that is the way I was brought up.

    X2 Well said

    Yes, money and greed can be a reason for making a poor decision. But it still comes down to a chose. You abide by your contract, or you pay the consequences. IMHO, the consequences are way too pitiful. Somewhere along the way, we made heroes and idols out of athletes. Some may argue that they are just doing their job…but I believe they have a higher responsibility to society. When so many kids idolize these multi-million dollar athletes, they should be setting an example of ethics and sportsmanship. Not how to try and get away with violating their contract.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    He and Lance Armstrong are in the same camp…. not only cheaters, but also liars, thiefs, slanderers and all around low lifes.

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Strip him from all the K’s while he was not playing also. Dam liar. Talk about milkin the teets.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Love this response. For me personally, I’d love to believe I’d make the right decision but the reality is money makes people “crazy”. I can see how people justify decisions. Cripes I do it now with ammo purchases, tackle purchases. Of course, I’m not under contract either.

    I’m with Will on this one. Every time I’ve made a bad decision in my life. I’ve owned it. I wanted to believe Lance Armstrong was innocent. I’ve always believed in the good in everyone. The fact is, I’ve been burned by this by many people. For me, I’d rather be this way than spiteful and untrusting. I wonder how ticked Aaron Rodgers is, his friend and business partner set him up to look like a complete jack It sucks, I’ve been there.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I’m a store manager for a well known drug retailer. Thirty years ago with all the wisdom of a 22 year old I dabbled with amphetamines, made me feel invincable. If I did that now my store would look immaculate and with hardcore focus on my buying and inventory control I’m sure I could squeeze more profits out every year. This would “speed” up my promotion to community leader and district manager. But how long could I go at that pace before I turned into a sleep deprived cranky a@#hole. My personal and professional life would come crashing down all around me just as Mr. Brauns is right now.In the end it hurt him more than helped him, his reputation is gone. He will always be remembered as a lying cheater. I’m so tired of these people being idolized. Just on this site alone I see more acts of kindness toward complete strangers by people that I’m sure are just getting by, people that donate to charity because it feels good in their heart, not because their agent says it’s good P.R. These are the kind of people to look up to.
    In the end the cheaters usually don’t win…
    Sorry for the rant!!

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