creeping charlie

  • big_g
    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    This is the one I use with good results.

    Posts: 47

    Have you thought about taking a blow torch to your yard? Damn charlie.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2516

    It’s green and has pretty flowers. It’s hard to kill and grows where other stuff won’t. Doesn’t get tall and need cutting. Hmmmm sounds better than my lawn. I may plant some.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3538





    “Other stuff” does not diminish the 2-4d… it will take 2 applications typically, 2 weeks apart, if you have it real bad. I have bought and applied both ways and both take 2 applications.

    How do you figure that. Trimec only contains 25.93% 2-4d. That means it’s NOT as strong and less efective the straight 2-4d mixed with water at the same rate……

    Ummm, TRIMEC contains the maximum amount of 2-4-D allowed by law for residential use.

    I assume that if you’re using anything stronger than this, you have a license? And are doing so only where it is legal? Which would NOT include residential lawns.


    Then explain to me how Fleet Farm sells Amine 400 that contains 46.40% 2-4d….

    Not true application rate is what governs the amount of actual spray if it is agricultural grade as you say then you can not purchase it without an applicators license. I don`t care if it is 100% 24D it just takes less amount of chemical to the same amount of water. Try and buy any chemical controlled with out an applicators license it will not happen. Any chemical can be applied wrong by not using the correct diluted amounts required for the weeds to be controlled.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I have a couple friends that have their applicators license and can mix and apply some of the same solutions the public can, but their commercial grades. That means as they come from the manufacturer they are full strength. The chemicals that are on the shelf are diluted to a proportion that are considered safe for the inexperienced public to mix and use and are less harmful if applied wrong.

    These chemicals are the ones that the public can apply and are less dangerous to themselves and anything applied too. Some of these chemicals and powders are so dangerous and lethal that Dell said he has a barrel of powder that if you break in to his shop, the person opening the lid on the barrel wouldn’t even make it to the door. They wouldn’t have to search for the thief because he would be dead befor he got to the exit. Some of these chemicals and powders are so deadly that they use them in hog and cattle barns to get rid of rats burrowed into the ground. They seal off the building, go in with protective suits and breathing apparatuses and apply to the burrows etc. Dell said when they get done the barn is sterile.

    You can always apply whats recommended on the directions and be safe. If its sold on the shelf, because of regulated standards, its considered safe to use by the public when mixing directions are followed, just follow the directions and apply the right labeled chemicals and mix it too whats recommended.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The toughest part about controlling creeping charlie is your neighbors who don’t give a darn about their yards. We use trimec on our yard when charlie shows up, but we also have a neighbor who must fertilize his crop and it comes our way under a fence. Ma cleans out a 5 gallon pail of the stuff a week along that fence. I’d spray there but we have a perennial garden the whole length of the fence. Charlie is only as big a problem as those who have it growing and won’t manage it.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I remember my grandmother used to send us out to pick these leaves(below) that grew like weeds all along the beach. She strained it and drank it, I don’t know what for.
    I thought creeping charlie looks close to it, and if you google CC it also has medicinal uses. Early Europeans used it for medicinal purposes. Its’ full of vitamin C You can put in your salad.
    see guys, you don’t have to kill everything

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    Moxie, we don’t have time to go out and play nice with weeds like this. We want to fish, not “maintain” a nuisance. Erradication is the preferred method of living on this earth with charlie. So yes we do have to kill this stuff.

    I’m going to print your comments on eating charlie and stick a note on the neighbor’s door. If I see them grazing I’ll get a pick for you.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2516

    Your pic looks like bind weed. Deer love eating it in my wildflower patch.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    The CC was so bad in my yard that I had to till the front yard and reseed because it choked out my grass. I’ve also got alot of flowerbeds and I have to get on my hands and knees and try to pull what I can. I’ve even thought about digging up all my flowers and then spraying but what a pain. Creeping Charlie is fairly hard to get rid of so anytime a person can spray it do it, because it will overwhelm everything and in a few years that’s all you’ll have instead of a lawn…

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Wait till September. Trimec. Wait 7 days. Trimec again.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Wait till September. Trimec. Wait 7 days. Trimec again.

    Here we go. Great post guys, even the bickering…over herbicide, beer and tequila. The new house has some running in the backyard. Time to take care of business kill them and weaken them enough to not survive the winter.

    I feel bad for whoever inherits the old lawn. You’d think I was gardening the stuff. The purple flowers were cute in the spring.

    White Bear Lake,mn.
    Posts: 113

    I’ve used many products to get rid of mine and Ferti-lome ,(Weed-free Zone) has worked the best. Problem is if neighbors don’t treat there’s yo u’ll have it back… Good luck.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Well, FF and Menards didn’t have anything. Well, FF had a concentrate for $60, but I don’t need that much. I’ll be tryng the weed be gone which has diluted 2-4-D.

    Trempealeau, WI
    Posts: 381

    Crabgrass is holding Wisconsin together.

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