Dumb and Dumber

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Man jailed for using brother’s fishing license
    9:43 AM, Jul 16, 2013
    CARLTON, Minn. – A Cloquet man recently found himself behind bars after using his brother’s fishing license.
    A Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conservation officer (CO)asked Andrew Swenson to see his fishing license while Swenson was fishing on the St. Louis River in Cloquet.
    The officer became suspicious when Swenson couldn’t answer questions about his height, weight and his address.
    A check on the Minnesota driver’s and vehicle services website pulled up a picture of a person who looked different than the person who was fishing.

    “I asked him to look at the photo on my computer screen and asked him who that was a picture of,” said CO Scott Staples of Carlton. “He said it was his brother.”
    Swenson was arrested, and admitted to the officer that his own application for a license had been rejected because he failed to pay a fine for fishing with extra lines the previous year.
    While Swenson was booked into the Carlton County Jail, Staples called Swenson’s brother, Chayse J. Swenson, 20, of Duluth, who said he was aware that his brother had his license.

    “He stated that he did not think it was that big of a deal,” Staples said. “I informed him that it was not legal to lend another person a game or fish license and that I would be mailing him a citation for that violation.”

    Andrew Swenson was charged with a gross misdemeanor for giving false information to a peace officer, angling without a license, and lending, borrowing or transferring a license. The maximum fine for a gross misdemeanor is $3,000. Angling without a license carries a $50 fine. Lending, borrowing, or transferring a license is a $100 fine.

    Chayse Swenson was charged with lending, borrowing or transferring a license. He pleaded guilty and paid the fine.

    Col. Ken Soring, DNR enforcement director, says angling without a license is among the most common fishing violations in Minnesota. State statute states anglers age 16 or older must have the appropriate license in their possession when fishing.

    “Well, ‘I don’t have one’ or ‘I just forgot to bring it with me’ is an excuse that conservation officers wish they’d hear less often than they do,” Soring said. He also said it’s an excuse that’s easily corrected.

    Anyone witnessing a fish or wildlife violation is encouraged to contact the DNR’s 24 hour toll-free Turn-In-Poachers (TIP) hotline at 800-652-9093. Cell phone users can dial #TIP.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Good luck trying to Fix that Stupidity… Can’t be done

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Imagine all the illegal fish that person has and will catch in his lifetime. You know he has no regard for limits.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Thanks for the post Jon…those types of posts always make me feel smarter.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    How can the brother not think it is a big deal? The state obviously won’t give his brother a license for a reason. There should be a more severe penalty for lending your license to a known offender.

    Also, these penalties gotta start getting a lot stiffer IMHO.

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Why is fishing without a licenese only a $50 fine? Should be high enough where people actually get worried about getting caught. Pretty cut and dry that you need one! Should be atleast $500

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323


    Imagine all the illegal fish that person has and will catch in his lifetime. You know he has no regard for limits.

    Totally agree. Between the two @ss clowns, can you imagine how many violations they’ve gotten away with? Being that it’s July, why is it that I can’t believe this is the first and only time that this jerkbait fished with his brother’s license?

    It’s like with DWIs, every time you see a bad accident caused by a drunk, it’s also mentioned that that’s the drunk’s 5th violation and they were driving with a revoked license, etc, etc, etc.



    Posts: 1027

    Hopefully these guys are not adding to the gene pool and reproducing offspring.

    Posts: 7348


    Hopefully these guys are not adding to the gene pool and reproducing offspring.

    That’s the main problem nowadays. 150 years ago they would have done something stupid enough to kill em off early, with our parent government on our backs now like a ravenous monkey there is no natural selection anymore. All the stupids are reproducing a lot faster than the rest.

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