Zimmerman not guilty

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Thank God I’m not a black kid who went to the store for candy and had to walk through a neighborhood where the block watch captain dosn’t recognize me.

    If only it were that simple. I know a lot of people want to make out to be about a kid with skittles and a hoodie and a stalking white guy who was an over zealous cop wanna-be.

    The problem is you can’t pass judgement without even hearing any words or facts not. They can just trow a image up of someone and people will judge guilt or innocence just by that.

    I trust the verdict by the jury. I didn’t really follow this closely as I am guessing most of the people upset, or happy for that matter, with the verdict didn’t watch the entire trial. Probably just snippets fed to them through the media.

    Why didn’t I pay close attention? It was FLA, and about someone dying or being shot and there being controversy which happens every day all across the US.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Why didn’t I pay close attention? It was FLA, and about someone dying or being shot and there being controversy which happens every day all across the US.

    “People die every day”
    -OJ Simpson

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Acquitted by a jury of his peers. Due process was served. Done deal. Have a hard time figuring out why the DOJ might stick their nose into this ?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028


    Acquitted by a jury of his peers. Due process was served. Done deal. Have a hard time figuring out why the DOJ might stick their nose into this ?

    Exactly. And all woman. Hand picked by the prosecution in hopes of supporting the “kid”. They saw through the charade and made a decision in less than a day. That speaks volumes.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Have a hard time figuring out why the DOJ might stick their nose into this ?

    Does anything the DOJ tried to do surprise anyone anymore?

    Some people just can’t wrap their heads around a crime involving people of 2 different ethnicity NOT being about race.

    Hate Crime legislation is just another set of naive laws with unintended consequences. Why do we punish people more severely if race involved?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549



    Have a hard time figuring out why the DOJ might stick their nose into this ?

    Does anything the DOJ tried to do surprise anyone anymore?

    Some people just can’t wrap their heads around a crime involving people of 2 different ethnicity NOT being about race.

    Hate Crime legislation is just another set of naive laws with unintended consequences. Why do we punish people more severely if race involved?

    Well, at least the DOJ isn’t arming Mexican drug cartels, or something insane like that.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    The DoJ will make sympathetic noises and will “thoroughly investigate and evaluate all possible legal options”. And then they will place the file in a circular container and hit the flush button.

    Any smoking gun of racial bias would have come out during the FL trial. It didn’t because there was none. Evidence is NOT suddenly going to emerge to the contrary.

    Travon Martin died because he chose to confront somone when he should have walked (or ran) away.

    A concealed carry instructor I met summed it up very well: The best possible win is to get yourself and loved ones as far away from any threat or confrontation as you can. That is a 100% victory for you. Winning a fight is the second worst outcome–the only thing worse is losing one. Once engaged in a fight, luck and chance become major factors and no intelligent person ever wants to bet his life on luck and chance.

    Weather or not it is “right” or “just”, the fact is that Travon Marin engaged in a confrontation with Zimmerman when he could have gotten away. There is no evidence that Zimmerman “ambushed” Martin. They were in the middle of a wide open space, so both had chosen to be there in close proximity to each other, when they both could have gotten away. As it turned out, it was a fatal mistake for Martin, but could have just as easily been a fatal mistake for Zimmerman.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Winning a fight is the second worst outcome–the only thing worse is losing one.

    Grouse, you impress me!

    Oh, that was an instructor that you quoted….either way, it’s so true.

    Posts: 9311

    I also thought that it was a great statement. You may have saved your life but then you need to survive the civil suit game. But in the end at least your going home.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    It’s an oldie but a goodie….

    “I’d rather be judged by 12 than be carried by 6”

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    geez! where’s Nancy Grace when you need her!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    My conceal instructor told us there needs to be two phone calls if you should ever have to use a firearm to protect yourself. 1st should be 911 and the second is your lawyer, because right or wrong, you’re going to be arrested.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I understand that everyone believes that justice was served. And it was. The only problem is that its so hard to believe that the shooting wasn’t racially motivated.

    Justice was served as it should because there wasn’t enought evidence to prove otherwise.

    Trials are supposed to leave emotion and gut feelings at the door. That’s what happened here. The verdict isn’t a surprise and should never be in a case like this.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    The only problem is that its so hard to believe that the shooting wasn’t racially motivated.

    No doubt. Trayvon thought all Hispanics are homosexual krackers.

    Posts: 1499

    Does anyone think that if Zimmerman was on top he would have shot Trevone that way. Wouldn’t they have found the spent bullet in the ground?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The sad thing is this was really not a national news story and the media fraudulently handled it and pundits and activists exploited it. Well played America.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549


    I understand that everyone believes that justice was served. And it was. The only problem is that its so hard to believe that the shooting wasn’t racially motivated.

    Justice was served as it should because there wasn’t enought evidence to prove otherwise.

    Trials are supposed to leave emotion and gut feelings at the door. That’s what happened here. The verdict isn’t a surprise and should never be in a case like this.

    Do some research on George Zimmerman and see if you still feel it was racially motivated. He spent much of his time working with and trying to improve the black community.

    Meanwhile, read Trayvon Martin’s own tweets. All he talked about was sex, drugs and the gangster lifestyle.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    The only problem is that its so hard to believe that the shooting wasn’t racially motivated.

    I think you are trying to stir pot or simply didn’t follow this case at all. The only racism in this trial was from our government. The good news is we now have a new term in America. White Hispanic. The fact the President has involved himself in something NO President should ever comment on is laughable. I bet there will be 50 + murders in Chicago this weekend, I also bet the President doesn’t say a single thing about any of them. Our government is becoming a bigger joke everyday.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I heard that on the census form there was a checkbox for white and then a you chose either White/Hispanic or White/Caucasian.

    The things that are alleged that the DOJ did are despicable.

    You are right, there will be hundreds of more despicable crimes this week and they won’t become national news. Not unless there is something the media and activists can exploit.

    Posts: 3010

    How long does your family have to live here before you could/should just claim to be native American ?
    or if you were born here, wouldn’t that qualify you as such?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    Native Americans came from Asia. I call them AAA’s (ancient Asian Americans).

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12964

    SOoooooooohow the fish bitin???????

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137


    Native Americans came from Asia. I call them AAA’s (ancient Asian Americans).

    Hey Dave, do you suppose there was some sort of Ellis Island like place on the Bering Land Strait?


    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    The news media really played a big part in this. They didn’t show the pictures of the kid with his tattoes or give out about the time he had served in jail for drugs etc. Not so innocent as many may think without the facts. I have a daughter and son in law who are investigators for the sherrifs office just across the street from the court house. This trial has caused them to have to work many overtime hours. So I get good info from the source.

    North St Paul
    Posts: 392

    any of your “insight” explain why a 17 yr old deserved to die ? i have no idea of zimmerman’s thoughts that night niether do any of you..i’m sure the police love to have armed block party captians running around with a firearm.. a terrible situation with a terrible resolution…period..niether possible veridict would change the reality of it

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    any of your “insight” explain why a 17 yr old deserved to die ?

    Nobody here has said he “deserved” to die….

    His own actions caused his death….

    He should have just walked away….

    And your right….this whole thing was terrible..

    Mike Burke
    Oskaloosa, Iowa
    Posts: 267

    I think its time for Zimmerman to buy a one way ticket out of here.

    He better run while he has a chance. I have a feeling they (feds) will come after him again.

    This is just crazy…now you have the president (if you can still call him that) making comments on it…

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549


    any of your “insight” explain why a 17 yr old deserved to die ? i have no idea of zimmerman’s thoughts that night niether do any of you..i’m sure the police love to have armed block party captians running around with a firearm.. a terrible situation with a terrible resolution…period..niether possible veridict would change the reality of it

    Because if you want to live like a gangster and break people’s nose and bash their heads into the road because they dont give you proper respect, eventually you will encounter someone tougher than you are someone who is armed and will die.

    I dont see it that he deserved to die, it is a numbers game. If you live a violent lifestyle, your less likely to live long enough to come to your senses.

    Chicago has a lot of people who, either through circumstances or choices, live a violent lifestyle and wont see adulthood.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    any of your “insight” explain why a 17 yr old deserved to die ?

    Imagine if Zimmerman didn’t have a gun. It could be a story about a neighborhood watch organizer suffering brain damage or even killed at the hands of a teen. He volunteered his time and organized a neighborhood watch to protect his neighbors so they could feel safe.

    He found this teens behavior unusual that night. He called 911 so that officers could make sure the teen was not up to no good. He tried keeping tabs on the teen until officers arrived. That’s when he is ambushed…

    Good story, huh? Probably not worthy of national news though.

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