Headliner Glue or Tape?

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The headliner in our GMC Envoy has come unglued near the sunroof. I can put my finger in there and feel this was attached with a 2 sided foam tape product. The roof side (on steel) is the side that came unglued. So this would be the side that gets hot in the summer and cold all winter.

    Is there a good glue I can apply to this area for a fix? Or is there replacement tape out there I should be using? The tape in this area is about 2 inches square and still a little sticky on the side that came off.



    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    3M trim adhesive, in a can I have used this stuff extensively in my former manufacturing life and the stuff is great ! It will hold in 130′ and also at -20′

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853


    3M trim adhesive, in a can I have used this stuff extensively in my former manufacturing life and the stuff is great ! It will hold in 130′ and also at -20′

    X2 ! I just hate it having to agree with Big G !

    Posts: 1719

    I have repaired dozens of GM headliners. 3M glue is great stuff. But the problem is whats happening is the foam on the fabric is breaking down. It needs to be removed scrape all the old foam and glue you can off. Then glue the new fabric to the clean surface. If it’s a little spot the glue may hold . But soon the rest will let loose. The foam ,not the fabric is what is actually glued to the backing board. If you are willing to remove and clean the headliner yourself it will cut the repair cost near half.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    How much is full cost???
    I have that trouble too…..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    Sounded like his pulled away from bare metal to me ? Not sure ?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    This headliner is formed to allow the sunroof to drop down and move back. So there are a few contact points that are the double sided glue tape areas. (Not an entire glue on) The one spot above the driver seat let loose and drops down about an inch. It let loose on the metal roof side.

    I don’t see how I can spray in the trim glue and hit that one spot. There are moving parts in there. I’m thinking high temp silicone may do the trick?


    Posts: 1719

    Ok, my wife says I don’t listen. My speed reading missed what you said. If you can remove the 2 sided tape. Clean with alcohol,prime with 3m #94 primer on both surfaces. Then the tape comes in 7/8” wide. run 2 passes and you should be good to go. As your old tape lets go, it gets contaminated that will make it hard to reglue. Better off going back to square one. May be cheaper to have it done by someone that has everything already as the tape alone is over $45 wholesale for 20 yard roll. Some one will maybe do it for that.

    Randy Rowell
    Rockland Wi
    Posts: 66

    I think Envoys use industrial velcro around the sunroof.So put some new pieces in.

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