Happy New Tax Day MN!

  • b-curtis
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Don’t forget the new tax laws start today. MN should be rolling in cash from the new online tax law…oh wait, Amazon fired the 5,000+ MN affiliates and won’t be collecting sales tax…and those 5,000+ MN affiliates paid $35 million in income tax last year. MN will end up collecting less taxes because of this new law.

    Five minutes researching would have shown this hasn’t worked in other states. Wonder why they thought it would work here. Brilliant move by the Gov and others.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Aren’t they adding a huge tobacco tax as well?
    Hello black market, I mean Wisconsin, I mean black market…

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053


    Aren’t they adding a huge tobacco tax as well?
    Hello black market, I mean Wisconsin, I mean black market…

    MN tax is 2.60/pak, WI tax is 2.52/pak. The better black market in North Dakota at 0.44/pak.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987



    Aren’t they adding a huge tobacco tax as well?
    Hello black market, I mean Wisconsin, I mean black market…

    MN tax is 2.60/pak, WI tax is 2.52/pak. The better black market in North Dakota at 0.44/pak.

    Since you made me I researched as well and found different info.

    The increase, which the Governor is expected to sign in the coming days, will take effect July 1, 2013 and raise the current state cigarette tax of $1.23 per pack to a new total of $2.83.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    Aren’t they adding a huge tobacco tax as well?
    Hello black market, I mean Wisconsin, I mean black market…

    I thought only rich people smoked? Or were only the rich people suppose to be taxed more? It’s hard to keep up with all the tax changes Minnesota keeps making. What is that saying about a drunken sailor?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I don’t know who I hate more, the morons in office or the morons who keep voting these halfwits into office.

    They will be lucky to break even with these new taxes. Its more likely they will lose revenue.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Maybe the new taxes will make up for what they will lose from the online tax.


    Rebecca Madigan, Executive Director of PMA, said the problem extends beyond Amazon when states pass such laws. “The problem for affiliate marketers is that about 1,000 online retailers terminate their advertising agreements, which causes this huge economic devastation.”

    She says states that pass such law end up collecting no new sales tax revenue, and actually end up losing income tax revenue from the devastation to the small businesses in their state.

    “There are 5,200 million affiliate marketers in Minnesota, and in 2012 they earned over $500 million and paid $35 million in state income tax. When these laws passed in other states, about 1/3 of affiliate marketers moved out of state, 1/3 downsized via layoffs, and 1/3 went out of business.”

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Gotta make sure Ziggi gets his stadium so that he can become even more rich ya know!

    Posts: 264

    Not a smoker but aren’t our semi-sovereign indian nations exempt from state tax or is it just federal?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Gotta make sure Ziggi gets his stadium so that he can become even more rich ya know!

    Except this won’t raise enough. They’ll need a new Outdoor Heritage Heritage type law so they can pilfer that.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    “Rich” people don’t get or stay rich by living or running businesses in states that aren’t tax “friendly”.

    This might be the single best thing that happened to South Dakota….besides Koot moving out I mean.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    If Target can collect sales taxes so can Amazon.

    Posts: 659

    Thankfull I have friends who work in North Dakota,and one or the other is usually traveling back and forth every couple weeks or so.So Mn will no longer collect any tobacco tax whatsoever from me,they should have just been happy with what they got.If this was done as Dayton says it was to get smokers to quit and if they do quit (doubtful but some may) and everyone else who doesnt quit goes elsewhere like me to buy smokes,be ready for some new tax to make up for the lost “revenue” from this one.Wonder whats next?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    This might be the single best thing that happened to South Dakota….besides Koot moving out I mean.

    Funny, my brother-in-law says something really similar to this.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438


    If Target can collect sales taxes so can Amazon.

    Unless you are in Vermont and order something from Target

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    We all should be free to move to any state we want…. they took the wall down a couple decades ago.

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