Since 6:47 am this morning, I’ve received 17 donations. The longest span has been 21 minutes between them.
Bob, YOU are the prince! Applause to you!
I’m just trying to help out, in all seriousness, I prefer no accolades, or praise. Knowing that I am helping my friends keep there minds and hearts from exploding is good enough for me. Suffering the loss of a son or daughter has to be the worst thing anyone could go through. They both need new and constant activities to keep their minds and souls busy. They had put so much into their sons battle that the loss of Kaden has left more than just an empty room in the house. For 15 months it was a non stop roller coaster of trips to the hospital, late night food and drink runs (cause Kaden was finally hungry or thirsty) constant doses of medication and the list goes on and on. The only fuel they had was to keep up the fight for Kaden. Now that their lives are not 23 hours of nonstop fighting with about 1 hour of rest, they need different ways to stay busy. Hence the Ultimate Hike. When Logan first asked me for help, he was asking for some fundraising help to reach his $2500.00 goal. When I offered to walk with him, he was quit shocked. I want to and need to support these two amazing people and I am honored to walk in Kadens memory, he was and is my little buddy.
All of you are the real fighters. With no emotional or physical attachment, you’ve all jumped on board.