Non Fishing Maytag on Strike!!

  • panfish
    Blairsburg IA
    Posts: 166

    A non-fishing subject sorry. Just thought I’d share that Maytag in Newton IA went out on strike today. They make the Maytag laundry products their. I know in the past they have threatened to close down the plant and move it to Mexico It’s a dang shame 1600 workers out with the family’s to support. If they close down the place I guess I’ll have to Boycott Maytag just like I do Whirlpool (which is already made in Mexico). Lets all just hope the people in Newton can hold onto their jobs.

    Posts: 315

    well you should allready be boycotting maytag i worked for maytag refrigeration products from 97-2003i lost my job along with over 1800 others to mexico last year they are completely closing the plant in september with over 200 people getting called every week telling them not to come in

    this is eating up there unemployment benefits wich will mess up there goverment tra money when the place finally closes and they are offocialy out the door

    we missed going on strike by 6 votes they even gave us a raise 6 months after we acepted there contract they announced the mexican move any way so it seems to me what ever they do in newton they will loose out in the long run any way

    Blairsburg IA
    Posts: 166

    Dusty to tell you the truth every appliance I have is Frigidaire. I work for them in Webster City IA. We make all the laundry products there. So everything I have is made buy us. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if my re-Frig quit’s. They are shutting down the re-Frig plant in Greenville MI and moving it to Mexico sometime next yr. I think it is.

    Posts: 315

    my mom was going to buy a maytag even after i lost my job she ended up with a ken more but i had to kick scream and hollar about that

    bad thing is it looks like we are all going to have to get white colar jobs to survive in the new world

    when a plant moves to mexico the dislocated workers get compensation packages from the government one part of it is 2 years retraining if necessary but im going to have a 2 year marketing and mid management degree but i bet i have to take 3 more classes after that and then transfer to a 4 year school to get a job any where unless i ask you want fries with that its getting down to it pretty bad in these parts a town of 33000 people we got 1 major employer left besides the school system and thats the railroad i believe we have lost and or are loosing over 10000 jobs in the last 5 to 10 years to mexico

    btw hows nessas new farm pond fishing where to go kart track used to be i used to race there at nationals

    Blairsburg IA
    Posts: 166

    Last time I was out that way it was just pasture still. I didn’t see a pond unless it’s back behind the new house.

    What we really need is to have NAFTA flushed right down the toilet. I would like to see how much greater our imports are compared to our export’s. I’m sure it would scare the heck out of alot of people.

    It just kill’s me we pride ourselves as American’s as being so smart about everything. When we are really just shooting ourselves in the foot.

    Posts: 315

    yep but the farmers are happy and so are the big wigs in the corporations rich get richer por get poorer and there is no middle class

    i take that back the middle class will be the construction workers laborers plumber electricians but there slowly being phased out for scab labor and alot of them are forign to

    walmart was boycotted in chicago cause they used no unuion labor from san antonio texas to build there building in chicago all the locals that were working there wouldnt cross the unions picket line i dont know how that turned out

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Dusty T, I’m sorry you lost your job. During a strike I will always honor a banner no matter the cost to my family.There has been times I have shown up on a job and a banner has been put up by a different trade and I have honor the banner by not crossing it[lost wages].If Maytag settles with it work force,remember the union is the only chance to recover those jobs from Mexico.Support the strike,then when settled support the workforce buy buying only U.S.A. made appliance.Dusty T.I feel your desperation.Just remeber the building trades will be taken on men as the economy recovers,with the baby boomers retiering there will be a short fall of a labor force.E-Mail me if you want any info. I see your from ILL. still e-mail me if you want any info. Iron Worker Local 512

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Umm so with my new house I need to not buy a maytag huh? any other brands I should stay away from.

    Maytag will not get my $, unless they work something out, and they don’t have much time.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Guys have to tell you about my situation for Tyson Foods.
    Are contract has been over since Mar 28,2004.We are still working but not under contract.
    Tyson has got to be one of the worst places to work in my opinion.They bought IBP out and have tried to take everything from us.
    They take but rarely give workers a thing.
    They want a 5 year wage freeze,a $1.00 cut in insurance costs,plus many other things.
    We voted on there offer a frew weeks agon and it was turned down by 97% of the union.
    Ryan Hale

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    IBP and a couple of others outfits basically ruined the meatpacking industry some 20 years ago by going to the non-traditional meat packing areas and offering below regular scale wages. Our packing house back in Albert Lea, workers went from 12-18 perhour down to 6 and 11 in the early 80’s. The benefits got shot in the rear. It became a great place for illegals to work. Good thing it burnt down.

    Posts: 315

    farmland in monmouth illinois is becoming one of them illegal hot beds one lady told me her husband tried getting her niece a job they kept saying we are not hiring we are not hiring then all of a sudden there is a orientation group going threw and there are 48 hispanics 1 black and 1 white

    im back in college now and i made the deans list for the first time in my life im judt having a hard time with the under standing of how this 2 year degree will get me any where but the government considerd it as as growth field (you cant get a degree in what you want) and it is interesting you do learn a little about the reasons behind some of this stuff how and why it works or how its supposed to and why its done

    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675



    Posts: 315

    clinton signed the bills

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    Gentlemen, the world is changing, we cannot go backwards unless we stop trying to improve, then we will go backwards and those we are chasing will disappear in the dust ahead of us! confrontational negotiating is a dinasaur. A concensus must be reached. A way to cooperate must be found. Big corporations do not have unlimited deep pockets. They are as fragile as anything. They must strive to meet or exceed the the competition in a world marketplace. I pray for the strikers at Maytag to come out of this having gained something, not having lost everything.

    Posts: 315

    yes this is all a result of the keeping up with the jonses theory etc etc we the american worker priced our selves out of the market but the us goverment has allowed us to do so

    we have 2 many tvs to much of this to much of that we eat out to much we do alot of things now that we didnt do in the past that all cost to much money so wages go up and then they ship us out its all about corprate greed but our greed as well i got a few theorys on this but i argued this in a gokarting site and i hear it far to often

    one man said hes making 24.00 and hour and the company is making money hand over fist so now he wants a 10% raise i cant rember all the specifics but this is why his job will sooner or later wind up in mexico or china cause we never have enough and why americans are viewed world wide as greedy

    we want it all we all want to better our selfs and some times we take it to far i just hope maytag and other companies realize what they are doing hopefully we will recover to buy there products cause the more jobs go the less people can buy there products but the more people will buy to many of there products

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Maybe they could have afforded to keep everyone if they didnt have to pay the unions as well as the employees.

    Posts: 315

    dave im a former union member and we accepted maytags terms on the contract and they still shipped us outal though ours wasnt a strong union it did what it had to to keep our jobs

    in cerntain ocassions i believe we need unions especially in the consrtuction industrys where i worked i think we could have got rid of it but made far less money but alot of people would have lost there jobs due to there bad habbits wich the union protected them from

    i dont really think you can point the blame at any one thing there are many things ,women went to work causing there to be an increase in the workforce, and increase int he need for child care. School tuitions have risin and right now it has the highest inflation rate of any thing. the advances in medical care have cost people more money gaiven us longer life but has driven drugg costs threw the roof its not all just one thing it is a combination of thigs that have risen along with wages that we need more and become to expensive i mean the line has got to be drawn some where and i havent put a finger on where to stop it we cant stop importing we allready tried to tariff steel that started to back fire we can not become self reliant nation we will really become poor

    what has to take place in this transition period is the world economy has to grow the better it grows the more we as a nation are supposed to grow with selling our technologys our office space etc

    currently right now there are 2 fields that are growing leeps and bounds the demand for nurses and the transportation industry especially over the road truckers

    dusty taylor

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    This can become a heated disscusion and I’m glad its staying civil so it doesn’t get deleted from this fourm.
    There is a quoate from one of our greatest leaders,I love to read when I question what one union or another is trying to achieve it goes,”ALL that serves Labor serves the nation…ALL that harms Labor is treason.No one can draw between these two. If a man tells you he loves his country yet hates Labor, he is a liar.If a man tell you he trust his country yet fears Labor,he is a fool.There is no country without Labor,and to fleece the one is to rob another.”
    In my opion U.S.A is being fleece by companys that hate labor unions,unions have been around in one fourm or another since the ferios ruled sand and no labor have never got more than they deserve.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Lincoln was NOT referring to unions when he used the word “labor”.

    The US economy is constantly changing. Days are gone (or very rare) when a person can stay in a given profession for their entire life. Companies need to change faster than ever to keep up w/ competition here and abroad. As employees, we need to keep this in mind and continue to train ourselves in areas outside of our direct profession and prepare for the inevitable change.

    I am sorry to here that Maytag is laying off people. However, I am happy to here that they are searching for a solution to their problems versus going under. I see that the credit default swap market (insurance on a companies debt) has increased the cost of insurance by 30%. I guess that I would prefer that they outsource 90% of labor now and survive than to see 100% lose their jobs 2-3 years from now via bankruptcy.

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    All labor in the U.S.A falls under the same banner. No matter how one tries to read between the lines.Some are union some are not.All are trying to do one thing and that is to preform at a level that will keep the labor in the U.S.A. I do not know of one appliance,car,clothing line that has left this nation for the purpose of finding a cheaper work force and then discounted there prouducts,but there profit margians always seem to skyrocket.Who ever responds to these statements don’t worry, I won’t post about the ethics of using SLAVE labor to increase profits.No company or trade has ever been unionized that pays there work force what they are worth. There are to kind of people in this world,people who labor and people who profit off others I don’t feel there is anything wrong with either. Just don’t tell me if I don’t bust my back for nothing your going to tade me in for slave labor.

    Posts: 315

    the thing i dont understand and im kinds of glad i dont is why we would send our jobs over borders and oceans and these forign car companys are building plants in the southren us i understand the savings in trasportation costs
    i also have herd from some of there employees they dont make the huge uaw wages but some have on site doctors and dentists and awesome benefits packages to go along with 15 dollar an hour jobs

    the only problem is the profits of these companys go back over seas

    there is value left in america

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Then you should also no that Ford and GM dont make ANY money selling cars anymore (maybe $200-300). These are now highly leverage finance companies and they are both playing w/ fire. If they make any mistakes on measuring their interest rate risk, then they are HUGE trouble.

    GMAC (finance arm) accounted for 90% of GM’s income last year. And RFC (Residential Funding Corp) was 1/2 of that. So 45% of General Motors income is from the mortgage business.

    Foreign companies are builing cars here to avoid US import tariffs. This is why European cars are much more expensive than US built Japanese cars.

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