This is why you will never see a big bass tourney in MN. Anglers are already teaming up to boycott fishing MN waters because of their stance on this. I have a feeling this will be the last big tourney you see on the WI/MN boarder waters, huge loss of revenue for the state/city and local business.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Don’t ya just love MN?
Don’t ya just love MN?
Tom Sawvell
InactivePosts: 9559June 22, 2013 at 3:01 pm #1179424He must have missed the rules meeting.
Personally I don’t agree with the law. I also feel he should know the laws.
I don’t recall the young ladies name that was dqed last year, as I don’t follow tournies much…but even I heard about that one.
Know the rules before playing the game. No tears here.
June 22, 2013 at 3:05 pm #1179427I think MN should pull its head out of its rear and allow culling for a BASS major tournament. What are they going to do, spread AIS to the west side of the river? Their livewells are professionally cleaned and inspected before each tourney, they cant transport disease or anything.
MN just wants to be the odd state that has the strict rules, they arent winning any fan votes with the bass fishing comunity. Especially after today.
You guys wouldnt believe the revenue for a BASS tourney to the local economy, if MN would allow it I bet they could get their hands on an elite tourney in the future. Bring bass fishermen (fans) from every state to watch the tourney and fish a little bit and you will get many of them hooked. MN has great fishing but most people south of Iowa don’t even know about it.
June 22, 2013 at 3:26 pm #1179430The law is asinine. The very least MN should do is allow tourneys to purchase a permit.
You can’t convince me that people keeping a limit for the table will cull that often.
Whoever came up with this law probably looks longingly at his fish instead of smiling for the camera.
Tom Sawvell
InactivePosts: 9559June 22, 2013 at 3:32 pm #1179431Quote:
I think MN should pull its head out of its rear and allow culling for a BASS major tournament.
This is a minnesota LAW. Don’t care for it? Don’t fish here. Simple as that. We have bass tourneys all over the state and people seem to be able to abide by the law pretty much.
Like it was said, no tears here. No excuse either.
June 22, 2013 at 3:34 pm #1179432Minnesota’s culling laws are much older than the idea of Bass tournaments. This isn’t something somebody came up with because they don’t like B.A.S.S. or tournaments. The laws were in place to prevent people from throwing back a dead, smaller fish on their way to a limit. That’s bad all the way around so there’s logic behind this. I doubt a Bass tournament guy would callously do something to kill fish so having them cull probably isn’t the end of the world, however there are a lot of people with fishing licenses who aren’t as conscientious about the resource so the rules are there.
That being said, I don’t think that there should be one set of rules for the tournament guys and another set of rules for the rest of us. That’s not right. He knew (or should have known) what the rules were. That’s a big part of being a “Professional”.
June 22, 2013 at 3:35 pm #1179433The tournament and all the publicity says “LaCrosse Wisconsin.” The only connection to Minnesota is the boundary of the river. Where are the anglers staying? Where are all the alleged fans staying? Where is everybody buying their food, gas,drinks? The money is being spent in Wisconsin.
I may not agree with the rule, but it is the rule. Break the rules and that whats happens. Feel sorry for him but you can’t blame Minnesota.And since the state has so many terrible laws and rules regarding fishing maybe everybody should stay away.
InactivePosts: 4941June 22, 2013 at 3:36 pm #1179435He should have know where he was, I think those B.A.S.S.pros use GPS.
I highly doubt that the BASS circuit would avoid any state because one of their; “Tournament Pros” didn’t know the laws of the state he was fishing in.
June 22, 2013 at 3:38 pm #1179436You don’t get it at all. Nobody is questioning whether or not he knew about the rule. Its the law everyone is questioning. Already Pros protesting the return of the tourney to lacross. This might have ruined minnesota’s chance of ever getting an elite tournament. From what I have read it seems he followed his GPS and the GPS said he was in WI, but with the changing river levels and channel he was technically just over the invisible line and in MN by mere feet while still in WI according to the GPS line.
I know you crappie and walleye fishermen don’t care, but bass fishermen do.
Here are a couple quotes from pros
“Veteran pro Paul Elias echoed those thoughts, saying, “In my personal opinion, we shouldn’t fish these places. Brandon is a perfect example. He wasn’t cheating in any way whatsoever, and he gets DQ’ed because of a stupid law.
“I can’t think of anywhere we’ve ever been where we had to worry about something like this.”
“The strange Minnesota no-cull law trapped Palaniuk. When you’ve got five bass in the boat in Minnesota, you have to quit fishing there. You can’t cull. But you can go back across the state line that snakes down the Mississippi River, boat into Wisconsin, cull one and come back to fish in Minnesota.
That sounds simple enough. Everyone in the field knows the rule. It’s following that rule that can prove difficult. Just exactly where is that state line in the always shifting Mississippi River?
“I guess they’re never going to get that law changed,” Lowen said. “This is a river system. It’s got bends and turns. One minute you’re in Wisconsin, one minute you’re in Minnesota. You have absolutely no idea.”
June 22, 2013 at 3:42 pm #1179438Quote:
Palaniuk gave this statement: “I had no idea today that I ever broke a rule. I signed off on the rule sheet. One hundred percent in my mind, I believed that south of the I-90 bridge, the main river channel was the state boundary between Minnesota and Wisconsin, until we went south of the take-off and went into the West Channel. I knew one of my areas was in Minnesota and I could not go back to that when I caught five.
I knew right away what happened when I saw this……..
Lots of people don’t know that the state line runs down the east channel a bit before it crosses into the west channel…..thus there is a section of the main channel entirely in MN.
Although it IS shown on most accurate maps….it’s missed a lot of the time
I think this is the only section of the river (up here anyway)that does not follow the main channel.
He was a man about it but I wonder who made the protest?Tom Sawvell
InactivePosts: 9559June 22, 2013 at 3:46 pm #1154699Per Kevin….”You don’t get it at all.”
What I don’t get is why you get tied up in something without understanding the full scope of what’s at issue. Read on.
Per Quote….”The strange Minnesota no-cull law trapped Palaniuk. When you’ve got five bass in the boat in Minnesota, you have to quit fishing there. You can’t cull. But you can go back across the state line that snakes down the Mississippi River, boat into Wisconsin, cull one and come back to fish in Minnesota”.
This is a mis-quote in its own right. When you have 5 bass as a limit and leave the state, you have your possession limit and cannot legally fish bass again that day even if one is culled somewhere that allows it.
I have a great solution. Have all those wonderful bass tournaments in some other state and not allow any on border waters where thought is required and rules have to be followed.
June 22, 2013 at 3:51 pm #1179439You can sure tell the crappie/walleye fishermen from the bass fishermen cant you? They will never take the side of a bass fisherman regarding a stupid rule that has been outdated for 20 years.
If you are going to be biased and not understand this is about the rule itself and not what brandon did, do not post on my thread.
June 22, 2013 at 3:51 pm #1179440Quote:
He should have know where he was, I think those B.A.S.S.pros use GPS.
I highly doubt that the BASS circuit would avoid any state because one of their; “Tournament Pros” didn’t know the laws of the state he was fishing in.
They already avoid Minnesota. The river down there is as close as they will come. I believe the last event on Minnetonka left a bad taste in their mouth.
Forget the tourneys, I still am not convinced that mass culling would happen. But then again, as I write that, I realize that if no one would cull, then the law is moot. It would be like complaining about a max 55 mph speed limit when cars can only top out at 50mph.
So then we are back to tourneys. I could care less either way if the big circuits come here, so I’ll let those who care debate it.
Can someone explain this?
“• It is illegal to cull fish that have been reduced to possession.”
What does reduced to possession mean?How does the DNR feel about releasing those fish after the weigh in? What about the Minnesota fish, shouldn’t they be tracked and released on the Minnesota side?
June 22, 2013 at 3:55 pm #1179441Quote:
You don’t get it at all. Nobody is questioning whether or not he knew about the rule. Its the law everyone is questioning. Already Pros protesting the return of the tourney to lacross. This might have ruined minnesota’s chance of ever getting an elite tournament. From what I have read it seems he followed his GPS and the GPS said he was in WI, but with the changing river levels and channel he was technically just over the invisible line and in MN by mere feet while still in WI according to the GPS line.
I know you crappie and walleye fishermen don’t care, but bass fishermen do.
Here are a couple quotes from pros
“Veteran pro Paul Elias echoed those thoughts, saying, “In my personal opinion, we shouldn’t fish these places. Brandon is a perfect example. He wasn’t cheating in any way whatsoever, and he gets DQ’ed because of a stupid law.
“I can’t think of anywhere we’ve ever been where we had to worry about something like this.”
“The strange Minnesota no-cull law trapped Palaniuk. When you’ve got five bass in the boat in Minnesota, you have to quit fishing there. You can’t cull. But you can go back across the state line that snakes down the Mississippi River, boat into Wisconsin, cull one and come back to fish in Minnesota.
That sounds simple enough. Everyone in the field knows the rule. It’s following that rule that can prove difficult. Just exactly where is that state line in the always shifting Mississippi River?
“I guess they’re never going to get that law changed,” Lowen said. “This is a river system. It’s got bends and turns. One minute you’re in Wisconsin, one minute you’re in Minnesota. You have absolutely no idea.”
You are right………I don’t get it. I don’t get why you think Minnesota should change a law to accommodate any particular group. Let BASS move to the great state of Iowa. Again you are trying to make something out of nothing, it’s a BASS problem, not a Minnesota problem.
June 22, 2013 at 3:55 pm #1179442Least we don’t need to build B.A.S.S. a new stadium every 15 years.
Fishing laws can be changed if they need to. I’m living proof.
June 22, 2013 at 3:57 pm #1179443You know what they say about any publicity?
In this case, I don’t think it is helping Minnesota.
June 22, 2013 at 3:58 pm #1179444Quote:
You can sure tell the crappie/walleye fishermen from the bass fishermen cant you? They will never take the side of a bass fisherman regarding a stupid rule that has been outdated for 20 years.
If you are going to be biased and not understand this is about the rule itself and not what brandon did, do not post on my thread.
How about you move YOUR thread to the Bass forum or tournament forum? You put it here to generate the most conversation, you don’t like the way it went so now we are the bad guys?
Nice try.
June 22, 2013 at 3:59 pm #1179445Quote:
You know what they say about any publicity?
In this case, I don’t think it is helping Minnesota.
It is on every forum, all over facebook, all over the major bass fishing websites, on every bass blog, and almost every pro is talking about it.
Not good at all.
June 22, 2013 at 4:00 pm #1179446I think walleye fishermen should be culled
Just trying to lighten the mood. Now excuse me, I got some pants to iron. I am also hauling bricks.
June 22, 2013 at 4:06 pm #1179447I couldn’t agree more. This law was put into place many, many years ago. Since then, many studies have shown Bass have a great survival rate. At least compared to other species. I don’t have a horse in the race one way or another, but growing up as a no cull guy this is one area I’ve changed my opinion on over the years. For bass only.
June 22, 2013 at 4:06 pm #1179448Quote:
You can sure tell the crappie/walleye fishermen from the bass fishermen cant you? They will never take the side of a bass fisherman regarding a stupid rule that has been outdated for 20 years.
If you are going to be biased and not understand this is about the rule itself and not what brandon did, do not post on my thread.
How about you move YOUR thread to the Bass forum or tournament forum? You put it here to generate the most conversation, you don’t like the way it went so now we are the bad guys?
Nice try.
I put it in the general section because it is regarding a MN regulation and a tournament. Not talking about a bass.
Didnt realize MN regulation questions are to be posted in the bass fishing section.
June 22, 2013 at 4:07 pm #1179449He just said there is a law in Iowa where you can’t fish past 1pm????
InactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348June 22, 2013 at 4:08 pm #1179450First anyone can post whatever they like it is a community here and not start dictating to others what to do, and secondly if you got beef about the rule and law just respond according to that in particular and have BASS as an example. I already have a wife I got to try to understand what she is saying every day don’t need to come online and get it too. Make it about the nail man!!!
I see your point though, tough call. If it comes to protecting fish or making $$ I choose fish.
June 22, 2013 at 4:09 pm #1179451Quote:
I couldn’t agree more. This law was put into place many, many years ago. Since then, many studies have shown Bass have a great survival rate. At least compared to other species. I don’t have a horse in the race one way or another, but growing up as a no cull guy this is one area I’ve changed my opinion on over the years. For bass only.
The most people who would cull bass are guys fishing in tourneys. Bass guys are throwing all their fish back when recreational fishing.
June 22, 2013 at 4:11 pm #1179452Quote:
He just said there is a law in Iowa where you can’t fish past 1pm????
He was referencing an old tourney they had where they could not fish past 1pm (I think it was on the IGL). He was talking about stupid rules and the tournaments. That one was a doozie also.
Posts: 1960June 22, 2013 at 4:11 pm #1179453I don’t get why a guy from IA would get upset because a guy from ID broke a law fishing a WI and MN event???? Is it really affecting you that much?
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