Question-Lead Core Trolling Scatter Rap Challenge

  • chamre68
    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 34

    I may have missed something but on day one the Black Team talked about trolling with 58′ to 70′ of line in 12′ to 15′ of water. Let’s assume a 10′ leader that puts us at 4 or 5 colors of line. I thought for each color of lead core you would get 5′ of so of help with depth from the lead core. I have only trolled lead core a couple of times but wouldn’t the line itself be dragging on the bottom even if you had a floating lure. Just trying to learn!

    In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Each color of lead is 30′ in length / 10 yards. If each “color” of lead is getting these guys 7′ of dive depth that would mean 60′ of lead would get the guys right in the wheelhouse in 14′ of water.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    They are clearly using the new Sufix Advanced 832 lead core line. That’s why they can get the scatter raps down to 12′ deep with only 58-70′ of line out.

    Regular lead core has a dive curve of 5′ per color @ 2mph. Sufix Advanced 832 lead core has a dive curve of 7′ per color @ 2mph.

    Old lead core @ 60′ or 2 colors = 10′ deep @ 2mph.

    Sufix 832 Advanced @ 60′ or 2 colors = 14′ deep @ 2mph.

    (leader length unknown so I left it out)

    Also, they may not be trying to get their lure right on the bottom. Many times, you can catch more & bigger fish by running these baits a foot or two above the bottom.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Besides leader length, we also do not know the dive curve for all the different Scatter Raps or the speed at which they are trolling. Speed is especially critical to depth when running lead core.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 34

    Thanks for clearing that up for me!

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Maybe the guys could tell us what they are finding for a dive curve for a #7 shad Scatter Rap?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    The leads were 8′ foot max, most were shorter about 6′, it really didn’t matter what length of a lead. These were also 20lb floro carbon, speed was 2.1-2.5mph. 8′ or less of a lead isn’t going to get much of a dive curve, maybe 6″ to a foot at the max with the Scatter Shads

    So with the 2 colors of leadcore and a bit more (68′) we could achieve the 15′ mark with the 832 Advanced Lead Core.

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