Steve is the only guy I know of that takes ear plugs along for the other people that’s staying in his cabin. Considerate, he is.
True story…
Yup that’s me Mr. considerate 
I cannot believe that I have not seen this post until now seeing as it started in June of last year! 
Yup I was one of those guys who could raise the roof with my snoring just ask my wife Wendy or any of the guys that I have shared a cabin with on fishing trips. My wife has put up with my snoring for 20 years by using ear plugs or on nights when it got really bad by sleeping in the extra bedroom.
Wendy is a medical transcriptionist for Mayo so she thinks that qualifies her to make medical diagnoses,
she swore up and down that I had sleep apnea and would stop breathing, the whole nine yards. A few years ago after years of Wendy nagging me about my snoring I finally talked to my doctor about it and he referred me to the sleep clinic at Mayo, that was a given as where to go as Wendy and I both work for Mayo. Instead of having me stay overnight at the sleep clinic they sent me home with a monitor that hooks up to your fingers that will monitor your sleep patterns at home in the comfort of your own bed. I have no idea how they determine if you need to do the sleep study in the clinic or at home, I wish I would have asked that question.
So the next day you take the monitor back to the clinic and they get back to you with the results, Wendy was as giddy as a school girl because she was sure that I would be coming home with a CPAP machine and she would no longer have to put up with my snoring. Well much to her disappointment they told me that I did not have sleep apnea, I just snore loud,
to say that Wendy was pissed would be an understatement.
After my sleep study I just went back to the same old same old and Wendy continued to use ear plugs and the extra bedroom, and oh yea I forgot to mention I also suffered from the body bruises same as pug.
A little over six months ago at my regular dentist appointment my dentist informed me that I was showing signs of gnawing my teeth and that I should consider getting a mouth guard to protect my teeth. I had seen the mouth guards for snoring from commercials on TV so I asked him if the mouth guard for protecting my teeth would also prevent snoring. He said no it would not but he could get me a mouth guard for snoring and that one would also protect my teeth, the catch was that at first he did not think that the guard for snoring was covered under my insurance and it was more expensive, $900 to be exact,
but after he thought about it for a bit he said “let me look into it and I will get back to you.” Come to find out because I did need a guard to protect my teeth the one for snoring would also be covered by my insurance. Unfortunately at that time I had used up my insurance allotment for eyes & teeth for the year so I put it off until January of this year.
So at my six month dentist appointment in Jan of this year I was fitted for a mouth guard for my snoring, (they take a mold of your teeth) it took about a week to get as they send the mold to a company to have it made. I have been using the guard for about a month now and it has made a world of difference and Wendy is very happy, it is true what they say “Happy Wife Happy Life!”
It does take some getting use to and for the first few nights it was a little uncomfortable and there was some soreness with it but now it is fine, it is kind of like they need to be broke in like a new pair of shoes. The guard is adjustable with different length straps that attach the uppers to the lowers on either side of the guard on the back end, you just have to play around with the different lengths to find which one is the most effective for you.