I think it is finally time to do something about it. I have it bad. Seriously bad. If the Doctor said I had brain damage from it, I’d believe him (Yeah, I am sure you guys would too). I am sure it has hurt my quality of life.
I want to know people who have gone through it and are being treated. Where do you start? Doctor visit? Call the sleep center?
How much did it cost? I don’t know if my Medica plan covers it.
Thanks in advance
11 1/2 years ago began my story.
Doctor visit for referral to sleep/Lung Doctor.
Lung Doctor sent me to Sleep Study & a Nap Study.
Was in there around 8pm, slept until up at 6:30am, Breakfast, then 3-naps of 20 minutes every 1 1/2 hours.
Results: I quit breathing 20 times per hour and for naps I fell asleep in average of 3-minutes.
Much better today.
PS: Judging from your photo, your NECK size is one give-away to having Sleep APNEA. Those with Larger Neck sizes are more likely to have Sleep Apnea.
Many people are thought (In-Correctly) to Die from HEART Attacks in their sleep, yet it is Sleep Apnea and that they Quit Breathing and never awoke.