Sleep Apnea – Whose Got it

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I paid almost $6k if I remember correctly. Well, my insurance covered most, but I paid over a grand out of my own pocket. Only to find out I hated the mask and don’t use the stupid thing. I need to find a new mask.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005


    Personally I have never waken up gasping for breath. Well, not from sleep apnea.

    I have had acid reflux, normally after after a pizza dinner. And it sucks. I sleep on my back so it comes up and gets into my wind pipe. I spend a half hour trying to catch my breath while trying not to breathe in to hard and push the acid down my tubes. And nothing I do takes the burning away, I just have to wait it out.

    I used to have that once in a while, but only rarely now with a couple of small changes in eating habits and raising the head of my bed.

    Try not to eat a large meal or spicy food too close to bedtime and raise the head of your bed 4 to 6 inches to have gravity help keep the acid in your stomach. If you still have problems see a doctor – this can cause serious damage if it’s a chronic problem.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    And here it was Brian who thought HE was getting old.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I have Awake Apnea.

    NW, IL
    Posts: 884

    When you get a sleep study done, it is important to remember that there are cameras in the room for the tech to watch you. They never told me that and I just stripped down in the room and not the bathroom. Shortly after, I started dating and subsequently married the manager of the sleep study department. Coincidence…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I did a sleep study a couple years ago….19 times an hour so it was moderate Apnea. I did get a CPAP machine and what a world of difference.

    I’ve always had trouble staying awake driving but after PJ was born and sleep was at a premium I was struggling to stay awake driving home from work almost every day. I finally went in… all I can say is…..I shoulda done it 15 years ago!!!

    The benefits I have noticed:

    No more struggling to stay awake driving or at work in the afternoons

    More energy

    Less stress/anxiety

    My nasal allergies are almost non existent

    No more acid reflux

    No more multiple trips to can every night….unless I was over served.

    For you guys that complained about the mask not being comfortable you should try these.

    They are nasal pillows, they just seal up your nostrils and you breath filtered air through your nose all night which is probably why my allergies have been almost non existent. It only took me a couple nights to get used to them. Since I have a goatee the “masks” wouldn’t seal up well enough so they tried the pillows. They are far less invasive than any kind of mask and actually really comfortable.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    When you get a sleep study done, it is important to remember that there are cameras in the room for the tech to watch you. They never told me that and I just stripped down in the room and not the bathroom. Shortly after, I started dating and subsequently married the manager of the sleep study department. Coincidence…

    So that explains the laughter from the hallway outside my room.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hey JB,

    I’ve got just a nose mask, but I find my mouth opens and then the airflow is all messed up. Wakes up the wife and I’m of course looking for some water. Maybe I just need some duct tape….

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Duct tape would work but I might opt for something a bit less adhesive so you don’t rip your lips off.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 740

    If you think you have it, go get a sleep study done. I got a cpap machine it has made a huge difference. I use to snore bad and always be tired. Now, no more snoring and I fell rested when I wake up.

    I went to the doctor, got a referral for a sleep study, scheduled a sleep study and had it done. They gave me a sleeping pill which I normally never take and did half the night without the machine and the other half with the machine. When I woke up that morning after having the machine for only half the night I felt better than I have in a long time. Then the doctor had to read the report and then prescribe a cpap machine. Then I had to go to a home care provider to get the machine.

    Insurance covered everything; I had to pay my deductible and copay. The sleep study was expensive, like $3000 or something. The sleep machine was expensive too, like $500 to $1000 depending on model and brand.

    It took a while to get use to using the machine and I had to get the right size mask. Make sure they size the mask. They gave me one that was 2 sizes too big and would whistle when I was trying to sleep (not fun). I got the right size and it works great. Also make sure to get a humidified machine, either with a heated hose or a regular hose and get a hose cover for it. Otherwise you will get a bunch of water drops in the mask and on your face, which is not fun.

    If you have any questions feel to PM or e-mail me.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Insurance got back to me. Sounds like the $300 deductible is going to be the biggest expense. Time to est up a Doctor Appointment.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I have the humidifier on mine and have never used it after the first 6 months ( that was 10 years ago now). 2 friends of mine have also stopped it’s moisture use and also find they are better off.

    I’m very sure this suggestion is not for every one, I had even tried adding the distilled water and turning the heater off. Still too much moisture for me.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Finally had the study done and brought the machine home. He’s to a better quality of life.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011


    Finally had the study done and brought the machine home. He’s to a better quality of life.

    What are we gonna do if this makes you a nicer person?!?!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Sleep Apnea – Whose Got it

    Pffft, if you want to fall asleep, just read one of Pugs hockey posts.

    Seriously, it seems like they’re handing out these machines about as fast as breast pumps. People try them, it doesn’t work for them and there they sit.

    I’m not saying there’s people that don’t benefit from them.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260


    Finally had the study done and brought the machine home. He’s to a better quality of life.

    So what were your numbers from the study? Bad, really bad, or courting death every time you closed your eyes?

    A co-worker of mine, big guy, classic Apnea finally had his wife drag him in for an appointment and the Dr. said I can tell you’re an apnea death just waiting to happen so get in for the study.

    He went in for the sleep study and they woke him up all freaked out after his O2 levels dropped to near-death levels. The technician hadn’t seen anything like that and didn’t want to deal with the paperwork of having someone die on his shift, so the attending Dr ordered him on the machine for the rest of the night and he woke up the next morning feeling like he had just slept after staying awake for a month.

    You’ll be very glad you did this. I think we can all agree that it’s worth it. Heck, you might have so much energy that you’ll take up a new hobby. Maybe like fishing or something?


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Seriously, it seems like they’re handing out these machines about as fast as breast pumps. People try them, it doesn’t work for them and there they sit.

    Not sure if I posted said it but they woke me halfway through and said I qualify and then made me wear it the rest of the night. My Dr told me in the initial consultation he doesn’t like prescribing them and prefers other methods, but he gave them permission to send one home if needed.

    I had no problem sleeping with it along with all the wires. I’ll be curious to see if I pull it off during the night at home. I tried mouth guards and inevitably they would end up in the bed or on the floor. However, those things will make your jaw stiff and uncomfortable.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I think the attendant thought I was exaggerating when I said how bad I was. He woke me up at some point and said you started out snoring right away and I was recording and then you really ramped up. He alluded to O2 levels, but nothing specific. He then fitted me for the CPAP the rest of the night.

    I asked the day attendant if he could share any results with me, but he said that he was in the process of putting the report together and the wouldn’t be ready for a couple hours. I guess I won’t know the results until Dec 5th.

    I haven’t got time to fish. I have posts and replies to make!

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    I went for the study about 3 months ago, same thing, they woke me up in the middle of the night to put me on the machine. It took 3 different masks before I became comfortable with one, no doubt, the WORST part of the study was trying to sleep with all the electrodes on.

    As far as results, I feel no different now than before, but my wife claims that the snoring has stopped, and I don’t gasp for breath anymore. According to the study, I was waking-up 58 times/hour.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I think I picked the perfect night for the study. I am always drained come Sunday evening and I forced myself not to nap.

    Posts: 776

    I had the study in 2000 and slept with a cpap ever since,I have never slept bettter and I don’t fall asleep in a 1/2 hour after waking up when I drive.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thanks God I never dosed off in situations like that. The closest I have come is napping at work after lunch, but I think that is common in people without apnea.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I don’t have it but my FW does. She did the overnight O2 monitoring and they suggested the sleep study based on the info. Was told her portion would be $600 after deductible. She questioned it and found out the study was $6K Further investigation showed that the medical facility contracted out the sleep study to a company and that company was in the cpap selling business. She got a 2nd opinion thru Mayo and referred to a oral surgeon who made a custom mouthpiece to change jaw position. No more snoring and better sleep for her. And I don’t have to listen to a machine or the sawmill any more. If you have issues and can’t wear the cpap ( many can’t) look in to alternatives.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I have no problem sleeping with one. In fact, last night I wore the chin strap too.

    I tried the over the counter mouth pieces and Michelle said they helped, but did not completely take away the snoring. I am sure a pro fitted one would be much better. My problem was my jaw would get sore and stiff. Half the time I’d subconsciously take it out in the middle of the night and they would become a new dog chew toy.

    The odd thing is my Dr said he didn’t like to push CPAP and preferred alternatives because they are cumbersome. Yet, he signed off allowing me to bring one home if I hit a threshold.

    It is kind of funnny how the next day he’s like, “If you want, we can call downstairs and have you fitted for one today and you can bring it home”.

    My first night went well. So far I am feeling more alert. I had no problem waking up either. I am skeptical though of a little placebo affect going on.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    Yeah, I can’t find any info online looking at my account. I hope that isn’t a bad sign.

    Michelle and I were digging and agreed that yep, we’ll start with a Doctor referral. I’ll let them sort it out.

    I’ve only known one person who had the machine and said it made a huge difference. What had been your experience. I can’t wait to cure my “Night Bruising” that occurs on the side that faces Michelle.

    I cured mine 11 years ago.
    No SNORING, No more BRUISED Side from FW ELBOW.

    Much more away during the day too.

    I was told I was so exhausted that I was liable to fall asleep at a traffic light and pull out when foot fell off brake pedal and get broadsided.

    On second CPAP with a heated humidifier.

    Good Luck.

    You will find when searching, there are much lower prices via internet, but they have no service and no respiratory therapists to give you proper service.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    I think it is finally time to do something about it. I have it bad. Seriously bad. If the Doctor said I had brain damage from it, I’d believe him (Yeah, I am sure you guys would too). I am sure it has hurt my quality of life.

    I want to know people who have gone through it and are being treated. Where do you start? Doctor visit? Call the sleep center?

    How much did it cost? I don’t know if my Medica plan covers it.

    Thanks in advance

    11 1/2 years ago began my story.

    Doctor visit for referral to sleep/Lung Doctor.

    Lung Doctor sent me to Sleep Study & a Nap Study.

    Was in there around 8pm, slept until up at 6:30am, Breakfast, then 3-naps of 20 minutes every 1 1/2 hours.

    Results: I quit breathing 20 times per hour and for naps I fell asleep in average of 3-minutes.

    Much better today.

    PS: Judging from your photo, your NECK size is one give-away to having Sleep APNEA. Those with Larger Neck sizes are more likely to have Sleep Apnea.

    Many people are thought (In-Correctly) to Die from HEART Attacks in their sleep, yet it is Sleep Apnea and that they Quit Breathing and never awoke.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Steve is the only guy I know of that takes ear plugs along for the other people that’s staying in his cabin.

    Considerate, he is.

    True story…

    Posts: 1552


    PS: Judging from your photo, your NECK size is one give-away to having Sleep APNEA. Those with Larger Neck sizes are more likely to have Sleep Apnea.

    You might want to tell that to Matt Cooke.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    Steve is the only guy I know of that takes ear plugs along for the other people that’s staying in his cabin.

    Considerate, he is.

    True story…

    That’s like treating a potentially fatal wound by asking your friends to not look at you.

    I don’t have a big neck, but I do have a big head. Literally, not figuratively.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Slept with Michelle last night. Not one elbow. She said its the first time she hasn’t woken up at least one time when sleeping with me. As for me, I woke up on my own and didn’t feel groggy. Good stuff.

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