Sleep Apnea – Whose Got it

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I think it is finally time to do something about it. I have it bad. Seriously bad. If the Doctor said I had brain damage from it, I’d believe him (Yeah, I am sure you guys would too). I am sure it has hurt my quality of life.

    I want to know people who have gone through it and are being treated. Where do you start? Doctor visit? Call the sleep center?

    How much did it cost? I don’t know if my Medica plan covers it.

    Thanks in advance

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Don’t know about your health plans, But I’d start with your Dr. Probably need a referal. Insurance paid for all of mine as long as the deductable was met. Now I’m due for a new one, and I hav’nt been to the Dr. yet this year to start paying on my deductable…$3000 for a new machine.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Yeah, I can’t find any info online looking at my account. I hope that isn’t a bad sign.

    Michelle and I were digging and agreed that yep, we’ll start with a Doctor referral. I’ll let them sort it out.

    I’ve only known one person who had the machine and said it made a huge difference. What had been your experience. I can’t wait to cure my “Night Bruising” that occurs on the side that faces Michelle.

    Posts: 508

    I have sleep apnea, also have medica, now 65 years old. Started having some heart issues and they ordered a sleep study in Bemidji. Not cheap! like maybe a couple of grand! I quit breathing around 70 times a hour! severe, I got on a snoring machine, sleep apnea machine, took a bit of time to get used to it and now cannot sleep without it. No more snoring, not drifting off in the day. I really cannot remember the details but medica was good and it was like everything else you have your deductables and such. Its amazing how many people have this and do not talk about it! especially gals!

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 34

    I had a referral from my Internal Medicine doc. Did a partial sleep study and they said I was stopping breathing 25 times an hour and I was a shoe-in for a machine. My only ran $300 and change through my insurance. Been running fine for 11 years with a few tune ups. Nothing to mess with, it can kill you!

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 172

    I have it,pretty bad.At my test I stopped breathing 67 times an hour! I use a machine and mask every night,it does help.

    I started by telling my Dr I was tired all the time. I would take naps all day long,I never felt rested. I am a very loud snorer too. That was the 1st step.2nd step is to get a refural to a sleep clinic and get tested,easy,just gotta sleep with a few wires on. I got the results a within a few hours.

    I went through the VA so I have no idea it will cost.Machines and masks are spendy…

    I have tried going without the machine.I am much better with it than without it. I do notice a difference,not as tired,more energy,better mood and less angry.

    Good Luck,Paul

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Dr. Mike thinks it could be caused by a lack of sleep.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Well I do have poor sleep habits, but there is no doubt I have apnea, and judging by comments from fishing trips and Michelle, it is bad.

    All jokes aside, I hope it helps with some mental health issues like anxiety. Seems like there are 2 activities that I don’t get anxiety from, not surprisingly they are fishing and watching hockey.

    Posts: 1054

    I got a referral from my Dr. My Insurance covered the sleep study and the machine less a deductible. I stopped breathing over 80 time in 1 hour they got me up and started me on a cpap machine after the 1st hour. The Dr said it would of killed me for sure. It took several months for me to feel good again. I cannot believe how run down I was. DR said it was affecting every facet of my life Hypetension, Diabetes ETC. The machine is so quite my wife can not believe it. Please get tested as soon as you can. It makes a huge difference in your quality of life.


    Posts: 1499

    I don’t have it but everyone that I go on a fishing trip does.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 172

    Sleeping better will help your mental health! or so I have been told…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    IDO proving once again it is more than a fishing site, its a brotherhood.

    Thanks guys. I have a $300 deductible, so I assume it will probably cost me at least that.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874


    Its amazing how many people have this and do not talk about it! especially gals!

    I used to have it bad when I used to drink .. a lot.. now that I quit drinking I don’t notice it anymore. Now it’s just the snoring.

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    I was tested 3 1/2 yrs ago after having sleep apnea for 20 years prior and it was bad enough. The test showed I stopped breathing 30 times in the first 2 1/2 hrs and also revealed I was getting 65% oxygen which is not good either. A physical was required before the overnight test.

    Bottom line – should never have waited that long. I sleep much better and have more energy.

    Finding a suitable mask was a bit of a challenge as in trying 13 before finding the right one.

    Don’t remember the cost of the test but the machine was $2200.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Dr sent me in for a sleep test. Issue was I could not get to sleep. They hooked up a ton of wires and said see you later. Never slept a wink that night. What a joke. Take melatonin now and dose off at a regular time every night.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    I have it along with one of my good fishing buddies. The other two that fish with us are sure glad we have the CPAP machines. I think it has been about 7 years on a CPAP machine. I use it every night and can’t sleep very well without it. Dr said sleep apnea can cause heart problems and other issues. For your health please go through the sleep study and get a machine if needed.

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Dr. Mike’s office is billing your insurance company as I type.

    Posts: 4941

    I have it also,unfortunately I quit using it, I could never get a mask that fit properly.
    The wife is insisting that I try it again, so I have to go in and have my machine and mask refitted.

    NW, IL
    Posts: 884

    My ex-wife gave me very few good things. Two were my boys, and she got me to get a sleep study done. She extended my life, by talking me into getting the study done. I bet she regrets doing that now… I took to the CPAP, like a baby to a bottle. Can’t hardly sleep without one now.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    I had a pretty bad stretch a few months ago, where I was dreaming I was drowning and waking up not breathing. I was waking up every 5 minutes or so and was miserable. I lost about 5lbs, and have had very few issues since. Just think what would happen if I lost the other 70 extra.

    I did buy a mouthguard off ebay (new of course), and it worked ok, but I had a hard time keeping it in. I would recommend going to a professional if losing a few lbs doesn’t help. And, some people have it without the extra weight, so that may not even be an option.

    Posts: 776

    I’ve got it and have been on a CPAP since nov. 2000 I can’t sleep with out it, no more dozing off while driving ! The best thing I’ve ever done!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’ve tried the mouth guards and they help a little. However I would wake up and it would be gone and my jaw would be sore. Inevitably, I lost both to Apollo the pom who would find it for me and use it as a chew bone.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Hello, I’m Denny O and I’m a Apnea.

    Ok Pug, Yes me 2,3, 4 and more as well.

    Along with what others has said on their affects here are a few of mine.

    1: I would wake up during the night and have to find the wash room 2 to 3 and more times a night.
    2:The wife said I would stop breathing hourly and wake her up as I gasp for air.
    3: When I would awake my heart would be racing as if I had been doing 100 – 50 yard sprints back to back w/ a second in-between them! That’s quite a visual for a guy that is over 240, lol!
    4: Snoring was not a purrrr but a barn raising!
    5: Oxygen % level in my blood was very life threating as it was so sub standard.
    6: Trying to wake up after surgery was near impossible prior. They would put me on oxygen and still needed the CPAP to pipe it into me cause I breathed so shallow.
    7: Now I can be awaken by others that snore. It used to take an act of GOD (hell-latious crack of lighting and thunder directly on top of the house) to wake me up.

    There are other changes that I could elaborate on however it has changed me for the better.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    2:The wife said I would stop breathing hourly and wake her up as I gasp for air.
    7: It used to take an act of GOD (hell-latious crack of lighting and thunder directly on top of the house) to wake me up.

    Those are me. Plus she pokes me, not in a good way, 1 minute into sleeping. Its getting lonely in the spare bedroom.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Ha! Lazy boy for me!

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005


    Ha! Lazy boy for me!

    Sitting in a recliner helps keep your airway open so you can sleep without choking.

    I’ve had it off and on, and at times it’s SEVERE – as in maybe 10 hours total of poor quality sleep in a whole week. Mine is mostly if I have a cold or alergies, but the worst was from taking Claritin and it had dehydrated me so my soft pallete would STICK to my throat.

    Other things can cause apnea symptoms like asthma, or a deviated septum. If that’s the case, getting help for something like that can eliminate the need for getting getting a CPAP.

    Get the sleep study, but it can take several weeks to get in for one so in the meantime these are some tips that may help you get a bit more sleep:

    If you are carrying extra weight start losing it

    Take a glass of water to bed with you to keep your throat moist

    Try sleeping semi-upright in a recliner

    When you brush your teeth and brush the roof of your mouth, brush ALL the way to the back of your throat(gently) to firm the soft pallet tissues (it takes several weeks, but it made a BIG difference for me)

    Try some Breathe Right strips (it helps more air get in and may keep your throat open.)

    Try taking an Advil before bedtime (it opens the sinus passages)

    Do NOT take sleeping pills – sleep apnea plus sleeping pills can kill you

    Good luck.

    Emmetsburg, Iowa
    Posts: 114

    I am 40 years old and have had my breathing machine for nearly 4 years. It has been a great thing for me. I can’t sleep without it. Anytime we travel it is the first luggage packed and unpacked. It’s easy to get through airport security. If it would break tonight I would take the day off tomorrow and go get a new one.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Reggie White died from complications caused by untreated sleep apnea. I went on the machine about 2.5 years ago. I had it bad and didn’t know it. When I had my sleep test I believe I stopped breathing around 80 times in an hour. My oxegen saturation level would drop down into the 70s if I remember correctly, which is where the long term problems come from. I sleep way better with the machine, and my wife does too. For that matter, the neighbors probably sleep better as well.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 256

    I had a scary episode Sunday night where I woke up and was choking, couldn’t get a breath. It was almost like I had swallowed my tongue. My body was convulsively trying to get air in. It took probably 15 seconds of being awake before I could take a breath. Scared my wife half to death, and freaked me out too. I have had a few similar episodes, though not as bad, maybe once every 6 months. Is that what sleep apnea feels like? I wasn’t sure what it was, but after reading this thread, I’m thinking maybe I need to get checked.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Personally I have never waken up gasping for breath. Well, not from sleep apnea.

    I have had acid reflux, normally after after a pizza dinner. And it sucks. I sleep on my back so it comes up and gets into my wind pipe. I spend a half hour trying to catch my breath while trying not to breathe in to hard and push the acid down my tubes. And nothing I do takes the burning away, I just have to wait it out.

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