D Day on TV

  • Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5843

    and any other military campaign, seems to be absent tonight on the boob tube?

    Are the main stream viewers becoming so young, so non Rembrandt of the sacrifice of our elders that has kept us on our own soils relatively peaceful in comparison to other countries?

    I’m a full bodied sponge when it comes to history. Even though “History” bored me to death in school, that changed when I got out. Dad and my uncles served in the south pacific. Dad did one thing when he got out of the Navy, and he stated that he did a very good job of it!

    Even though I know and understand sensationalism and the movie industry, most of my understanding and knowledge of our past wars, conflicts, police actions and whatever they are called now, come from movies and documentaries over the years. I’m not just referring to the WW’s.

    One of my uncles was a Navy Seal but they were not called that then as I understand in ww11,
    One was a Chief Petty Officer,
    2 others I don’t know about and,

    That leaves me to my DAD!
    His story as told by me is, my dad was an Admiral in the Navy in the South Pacific.
    He most always well thought of enough to drive the Captains personal boat, LCM’s and other duties of a well thought of grunt in the Navy. Yes I said he was an Admiral in the Navy, well at least he had enough advancements in rank to have been if he would have not spouted off as much to the Captian! Crap captain says “To the Brigg you go, I’s don’ts likes yo attitude, Offield!” Dad should have retired as an Admiral if he would have just kept to himself a bit more.

    Oh and by the way what was it that, “Dad did one thing when he got out of the Navy, and he stated that he did a very good job of it!”

    He forgot everything that he could about it.

    Posts: 7348

    I was going to just PM you this but throw it out to the community.
    If you have extra time iTunes and some other online sources have free audio and/or video lectures of history courses from places such as Berkeley, Yale, Stanford that are awesome to listen to in your spare time. I to like yourself snoozed my way through history in school but some reason after just love the stuff now. There was a western civilization of Europe class that touched on pre WW2 Germany and that whole area and the circumstances that allowed everything to unfold as it did which was very interesting that you might enjoy. They are all regular college course classes that were just taped for the public, very cool.

    I think the youth as well as my generation sadly is to caught up in themselves to care much about what happened 70, 100, 250 yrs ago, and that makes me sad. It is not hard to see all the narcissism in our culture today with FB, twitter, and all the other social media that makes the most important come to the front and that is the “ME”.

    Thank you to your father for his service in the Navy and much like yours, my Grandfather who served in Korea in the Navy forgot everything he did there too. Purposely of course bc we did not hear a darn thing of what he did. All I know sleeping over at their house in the dead of winter I always got the basement couch which was freezing on the slab floor but I had that old wool Navy blanket to keep me warm and that it did, usually woke up sweating.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 133

    History channel is too busy accomodating to the low standard of America’s attention span by providing you with horse sh*t programming like Pawn Stars, Ax Men, Counting Cars, some crap show with Larry the Cable Guy, etc…

    I have pretty much ignored the televisions in my house over the last month and I am starting to love it.

    Now, if we could just get some decent weather, it would really make me happy

    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373

    My wife said the same thing last night. The Longest Day on DVD will solve that! 4 hours of great TV.

    I am blessed to go to church with the gentleman who actually fell though the greenhouse in that movie. It’s the scene with the officer that puts his boots on wrong. He was a demolistion specialist and had his sack of supplies draped below him, saving his life as he went through the glass. He’s spoken to our Men’s group and explained the drop. His accounts of being a POW, seeing the nazi concentration camps, escaping, and “doing what I had to do to survive” will bring tears to the toughest of individuals. Sixty years later and he still can’t talk about the camps without breaking down at the complete loss of humanity there.

    The folks that fought these battles need to relay this to the people in general because we, as a nation, have forgotten what the costs of freedom can really be. The most interesting thing I found was the opinion of our current leaders by these vets. To me it spoke volumes about the lack of dignity our current leaders have.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5843

    Thanks for the comments guys, you are resonating my exact thoughts so far!

    Heck even the isles at Sam’s club in the DVD isle (whether blue-ray or not) is even EXTREAMLY lacking!!

    Band of Brothers, of course I’ve got.
    I thought about some of the South Pacific DVD’s but, I’m wanting quality documentaries or reasonably near to real films if I’m going to own them.

    There was no “Longest Day, In Harms Way, Battle of the Bulge, Patton, Lincoln, We Were Soldg, Appol,,,, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, don’t get me started,,

    just nutt’in. disappointed and very saddening.

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