Granrud “CLAM-PAYS” Guide Servce Sells Out???

  • 2catch1
    Posts: 82

    Seriously? After all his over the top rah-rah MarCum this ground breaking technology that and Otter is the best thing ever he jumps ship to Clam and Vexilar? I never liked the way he pushed product but I gave it a pass because I thought it was what he believed in. I swear I just saw the announcement over on Facebook. Where’s the I want to hurl icon?!

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    Marketing is all it is… Everywhere

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Before burning anybody at the stake lets see the announcement. Not everything on the Internet is true you know.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422


    Before burning anybody at the stake lets see the announcement. Not everything on the Internet is true you know.


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Having a sponsor is to sell their products by getting people talking and buying about them.

    Like it or not, Chris does a great job doing it.


    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Chillax dude…1) He never knocked Vex or Clam while he was singing the praises of Marcum and Otter so he won’t be going back on what he said. 2) Even though he is now pushing Clam/Vex he won’t say anything bad about the other two. He now is pushing a different line. Big deal! He’s not lieing when he says the positives of using Vex/Clam is he? No! It’s called advertising and guides do it. Golfers do it. Doctors do it. Get real…

    Posts: 82


    Chillax dude…1) He never knocked Vex or Clam while he was singing the praises of Marcum and Otter

    You need to spend more time in the ice forum. Chris has been very negative towards both. SELL OUT!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If you haven’t figured out who Chris is, I don’t know what to tell you. And that isn’t a rip on those being critical or Chris himself.

    He works in the Fishing sector. His sponsorships allow him to do what he wants. He does what we all want to do, make your work your passion.

    That doesn’t mean you have to agree with his promoting methods. I can see why there is blow back on this one.

    Personally I will be interested in seeing a response and what comes of this on IDO. Whose got some popcorn?

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Does this mean he won’t be shooting anymore ice shows with James and the IDO crew? It would look pretty funny to have IDO pushing Marcum/Otter and Chris pushing Clam/Vex in the same camera lens.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Does this mean he won’t be shooting anymore ice shows with James and the IDO crew? It would look pretty funny to have IDO pushing Marcum/Otter and Chris pushing Clam/Vex in the same camera lens.

    Chris hasn’t shot any ice shows with IDO in a couple years. That won’t change.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Does this mean he won’t be shooting anymore ice shows with James and the IDO crew? It would look pretty funny to have IDO pushing Marcum/Otter and Chris pushing Clam/Vex in the same camera lens.

    When was the last one they shot up there? Was there one this season? I don’t watch them all, because I rarely target ice walleye.

    Well there’s my answer ^^^

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    2010 I believe. Early Ice Walleye. We’ve made a few other trips up there in the last couple years that didn’t turn out due to slow bites but it wasn’t for the lack of trying.

    We wish Chris the best with his new endeavors.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383


    Chris hasn’t shot any ice shows with IDO in a couple years. That won’t change.

    Yup, I guess that cements it.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    James you are making my popcorn go to waste.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James you are making my popcorn go to waste.

    Sorry. My pleasant disposition must be contagious this morning.

    Posts: 963

    gotta love how this thread rides it out but any other bash post would be zapped in seconds…. classy site here! Pug for once Im with you!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Sorry. My pleasant disposition must be contagious this morning.

    That’s not how BK describes your disposition.

    Popcorn back on .

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116



    James you are making my popcorn go to waste.

    Sorry. My pleasant disposition must be contagious this morning.

    It really is soothing off to work, everyone have a great day!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    gotta love how this thread rides it out but any other bash post would be zapped in seconds…. classy site here! Pug for once Im with you!


    We can have a well-policed thread on this topic now or deal with dozens of flare-ups over the course of the summer when nobody’s around to mitigate. This topic will get hashed out. People will want to know what took place. Which approach makes more sense to you? I’ve dealt with the OP. I’ve calmed things down. Seems plenty classy to me and a very logical approach. Do you still disagree?

    Posts: 2627

    It is the nature of the beast that is called marketing. Every product has it’s good and bad points and the good points can be accented by someone knowledgeable such as Chris. You can’t tell me he didn’t use Marcum and pound the heck out of it last winter and it kept functioning so he served his purpose. If Lund and Mercury had anyone with any insight they would be at my door tomorrow because no one pounds on a boat and motor much harder than I do I have ran the same Lund for ten years now and it has always done what it is suppose to do under ALL cirmcumstances. That being said if Skeeter shows up at my door tomorrow I will be glad to pound on their product and if it holds up I will have good things to say about Skeeter. You can bet whoever has Chris in their corner will have a better product if they listen to his insight and input.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Wow, what’s the big deal? Guides and others like James depend on their sponsors in order for them to survive in the business. Maybe Marcum/Otter is cutting back on their sponsorships and Chris did not have any choice in the matter?

    Whatever the reason I wish Chris the best of luck with Clam, Vexilar and any other sponsors. I have never fished with Chris but he seems like nothing but a class individual.

    Drew Engelmeyer
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 359

    Chris is really good at it, and he has an audience that listens. What was he supposed to do? Turn down a better opportunity? Let’s face it, among top end fishing equipment most of it is fairly close in quality and features. If they were not fairly close, there would be no competition. Whether it be reels, rods, portable shelters, boats, etc… Each brand needs pitch men, and these pitch men get paid to make their sponsored brands sound superior to their competitors. Whether or not a certain brand truly has the features and quality to set it apart from its competition, is up to the consumers. If a consumer watches one video, from one guy, about one product, and decides that he has to have it. That is a job well done by the sponsored angler, and shame on the consumer.

    It is not about “believing” in something. If you romanticized his relationship with sponsors, that was your mistake. Any sponsored angler is just trying to get paid like the rest of the world. Nothing wrong with that. That might sound cold to some. Very prominent people on this site have switched brands from time to time. Good for them for continuing to better their position. As a responsible consumer, it is up to you to sort through the truly useful information , and the over the top marketing pitch. A lot of these great anglers could use a lot less expensive equipment, and still out fish the majority of us. You can’t always correlate everything they are currently selling with their current success on the water.


    Posts: 963

    I dont agree with calling sombody out in open forum, no i dont, never will. but for you to allow then aid the tread bashing a man who put dollars in your pocket and helped grow your company says alot about the integrity involved… see my point..

    Posts: 6259

    Good for him, I hope he is making a pile of cash for pushing the product of his choice, If Vexi and Clam wants me to sell out I am all over it Both are fine products in there own right!

    Posts: 963


    Seriously? After all his over the top rah-rah MarCum this ground breaking technology that and Otter is the best thing ever he jumps ship to Clam and Vexilar? I never liked the way he pushed product but I gave it a pass because I thought it was what he believed in. I swear I just saw the announcement over on Facebook. Where’s the I want to hurl icon?!

    so you wanna hurl and you didnt like him pushing product so much so that you became friends on FB.. gotcha, makes cents!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Congrats To Chris. A guy has to do what he has to just to keep bread on the table. It is nice to see someone achieving success.

    Posts: 936


    Wow, what’s the big deal? Guides and others like James depend on their sponsors in order for them to survive in the business. Maybe Marcum/Otter is cutting back on their sponsorships and Chris did not have any choice in the matter?

    Whatever the reason I wish Chris the best of luck with Clam, Vexilar and any other sponsors. I have never fished with Chris but he seems like nothing but a class individual.

    X2. Guides are in the sales business, plain and simple.If they get approached with a good deal to rep a different product, more power to them, especially if they can continue to rep good products. By all accounts, Chris is an excellent person and guide and I can easily see why people want him promoting their products.

    Besides, when I was watching the latest IDO Rippin Raps video, I noticed James was wearing something other than a FXE jacket…

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