They were thick on two of my fruit trees last year. I sprayed them heavily with everything from Raid to what was suggested by a pro. It looks like I may have lost both trees. I can only guess the chemicles were to blame because I overdid it. It a big loss as they were at least 10 years old. Apple and a cherry.
I feel your pain!
Had some beautiful cherries about 10-12ft right at the corner of the driveway. A ground-bee nest was discovered nearby and my old man jumped at the chance to take care of it. Half a coffee can of diesel down the hole, then another half of gasoline, then a match….made all of the bees shoot like popcorn coming out of a blow-torch.
Sure was fun. Sure did “cook” the entire root system for a clump of three trees and the fire underground lasted for hours. Nothing grows there now.