Interesting afternoon

  • dbright
    Posts: 1890

    I spent the afternoon on the Mississippi up by the CR dam down to 694. After seeing my truck and trailer were blocked in at the ramp I decided to check out a few more spots. I headed up river and part way around one of the islands I decided to turn around and head up the other side. Half way up I could see what I thought was a barrel but as I got closer I could see it was a small Jon boat overturned and gas tank. I decided I needed to check it out and call it in once I got the registration off of it. As I pulled up to check the registration I heard someone yell from upriver on the island. It was the 3 men that had swamped the Jon boat. I pulled up to shore to make sure they were OK. After hearing their story of what happened I had 2 of them jump in to see if we could get their boat recovered. We got it back to the bank and with the 3 of them they got it flipped back upright and water out and floating. We pushed it back in the water and helped them back down to the ramp.
    I wasn’t there to see when they flipped but two of the guys were still shaken up even after getting their boat loaded. They were very apreatiative and insisted on repaying me. I refused to accept anything and asked them to help out whoever they can if they someone in need on the river.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Wow. What time was that? We were shore fishing from the Islands of Peace park in that area, and I think I saw them go by. What color was the boat?

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Wow, Glad to hear that Story had a good ending. It could have been much worse.
    I’m sure you were a little un at ease not knwoing what you were going to find either.
    Great job in helping that group out

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    How did it flip in the first place?

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    as karma would play out, were they the one blocking you in??? Good job!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839

    You are a good Man. Glad to know some still.believe in the Code of the River. Thank you.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 502

    Good eye and thanks for helping them.

    Posts: 7348

    I couldn’t imagine capsizing in this current, bet they won’t forget that for some time. Hopefully the river karma will pay back in form of giant catfish for you

    How was fishing up that way? I was out of east river road yesterday and spent a few hours between 694 and Camden.

    Posts: 1890

    Their motor kicked up and locked and when they got it back down it wouldn’t restart. As that happened they floated sideways into a strainer. They flipped almost instantly with all 3 getting stuck in the tree. Two made it out quickly and third was stuck for awhile.
    They were also blocked in by the same group. That is a whole other story on that group.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    I saw some big boats running that stretch at WOT yesterday. How hairy is it between 694 and say, Rice Creek right now?

    Also, at Boom Island the other day, a guy was asking my buddy and I what we thought of him taking a little rowboat out. I told him that I wouldn’t do it, but it was up to him. He seemed to want us to talk him into doing it. That current was mighty fast..

    Posts: 1890

    I cringed watching a few of the big boats run in spots they would never make any other time. With the boat traffic yesterday there were a lot of trees floating down river.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I’m gonna get a little corny here, I’ve only been a member a short while but it’s obvious there are some real quality people here, alot of stories of guys helping people out. Proud to belong here!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839


    I’m gonna get a little corny here, I’ve only been a member a short while but it’s obvious there are some real quality people here, alot of stories of guys helping people out. Proud to belong here! [/quote

    That’s not corney.

    Posts: 7348

    A gentleman put in a 7′ float tube with a 30lb thrust electric on it when I was pulling out. Think he went 15 yds downstream and took 10 min getting back to the launch to pull it out.

    Posts: 125

    Living in Mounds View this stretch of the Mississippi has some appeal to me because it’s so close, but I’ve always stayed away thinking I don’t have the right kind of boat. I run a 17′ aluminum v-hull. I do have the 101 Terrova so do have some decent electric power. I’ve though about putting in at 694 and just driving around with the electric to get comfortable with the area. Is that a misguided plan or should I be able to navigate fine with the 101 in that area?

    Posts: 3319

    Way to go. Glad you were around to help. It is pretty lonely on the river during the week. Those fellas were pretty lucky. A good deed will be returned some day to someone that is for sure.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 60

    I was out on Sunday in P4 and there was what I thought was an odd tree. But after getting closer me and dad found out it was a red 10ft. row boat with three people in it. We where right at the mouth of the Vermillion river. The damn was also just opening with a few cruiser comming out.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    There you go!

    That’s the way to be a Stewart of the waters!

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