Quit the Dip… BUT….

  • dave-barber
    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    So, I smoked for about 15 years. At the most, I was at 2 packs a day. I quick smoking… and started chewing. Been chewing the last 10 years. Not so much to begin with… but some days I was chewing 2 tins in a day (how you ask? LARGE dips… all day long).

    So… chewing on average of a tin a day, time to quit. What is the “BUT” in the subject line?

    To quit chewing… I have moved to E-Cigs. Basically.. nicotine without the tar, carcinogens, etc that comes with smoking. Although they don’t have FDA approval… other than the nicotine, my research hasn’t found anything “negative” about them.

    It still hasn’t been easy… I still miss that dip in my lip. But it is slightly better than the nico-gum (I have tried that too). And it is a familiar feeling having smoked in the past. Good thing, though.. the juices come in varying strengths… so I can soon begin weaning off of that as well.

    ANyone else here try E-Cigs?

    Anthon, Iowa
    Posts: 496

    a few guys from my work have fully switched over, but to me, its just another habit you are getting into. I am on Chantix right now, day 16, and doing really good. I just think about all money that I could be spending on fishing gear

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I got Blu eCigs, how about you. What I don’t like is the battery life and the fact it cuts your drag off if you take too many within a minute.

    I found the Holiday by work sell General Swedish snus. I got those too.

    Yet I still smoke about a half pack a day. That is mostly just a mental game with giving in to habit. 1 or 2 on the drive to and from work. 1 at morning break and another at the afternoon break. Then after every meal and when I take the dogs out. I just have to get serious about those times.

    I can usually go all day at work just on snus, I just don’t always. I like it because the “buzz” is continuous for many hours.

    I quite for 2 weeks last fall. Not sure why I started again. I was sick with what felt like the flu for 5 days from withdrawal.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I just think about all money that I could be spending on fishing gear

    Thats really the way to do it. I’ve heard many people employing that reward system. You just take what you would have spent on cigs and save it up and reward yourself with gear.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I will never give up nicotine though.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I must be Jones’en. Yet another post.

    So how do you know when the eCig cartridge needs to be replaced?

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    I must be Jones’en. Yet another post.

    So how do you know when the eCig cartridge needs to be replaced?

    The E-Cig I am doing… I purchased the battery separate from the atomizer.. if that is what it is called. The battery pack is good for a good length… but I put it on power and recharge it a few times a day (haven’t yet been without power). And with the atomizer, I can see how much “e-juice” is left.. I refill as often as needed. I have been on the french-vanilla, tabacco cherry (since cherry chew is one I liked in the past) and Rootbeer.

    It is definatley different. I am still having a difficult time because it still doesn’t replace that big dip in my lip.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    pug.. I got the atomizer, and battery pack separate… and just fill the atomizer. THe battery pack is good for quite a few “puffs” before needing recharging. I haven’t heard of what you are using. You may want to shop around. I may want to too.. who knows. For now, though.. I am 1 1/2 days without chewing (I started e-cigs 5 days ago). Still a challange for me… I REALLY want that dip in my lip.

    Posts: 3010

    for the dip that burns the inside of the lip I did various mixtures of
    ginger root
    mint leaves
    peppermint schnapps

    Posts: 277

    I quit chewing 5 years ago- BY FAR the hardest thing I have ever done in my life!!! I would put a dip in, and my then 1 year old son would look up and watch me the whole time. The next thing I know- he’s pushing his tongue into his bottom lip, just like dad…. I quit the next day!

    Long story short- what helped me immensely were the nicotine lozenges, NOT the gum. Just tuck it away like a dip… They lasted a long time too!

    Good luck- it ain’t easy

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Biggest thing I discovered is that for me there can be no dabbling. I am an all or nothing guy. And just one chew has sucked me back in way to many times.


    Alex Anderson
    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 104

    I’ve been using the ego-c 650mah passthrough battery with the v3 tank. I love it! The battery lasts me all day and worst case scenario it has a usb mini on the bottom that lets you use it while charging.

    Posts: 1455

    I’m a dummy smoker myself..Bigtime waste of money. I’ve quit for a month or two hare and there but somehow get sucked back in. Heading to the woods this weekend. Gonna not buy any and see how it goes. Want to quit, but just have not. Know I can easily if I just put my dumb mind to it. It is 100% mental for me.. Never had Nicfits when I quit. Good luck to ya’ll! We’d all be smarter if we quit. Sometimes fishin’ and smokin’ a [censored] just go hand in hand though.

    St. Paul
    Posts: 179

    Dude. 2 tins a day?
    That is some champion chew skills
    Were you a MLB player? Cripes.

    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    Its a all or nothing thing for me last time I quit I used a product called back off its mint flavored tobacco free and also the spicey jerky chew that had burn to it really helped just needed something for the lip

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I got tired of researching ecigs and just went with Blu. Mostly because they are readily available.

    Lozenges aren’t bad.

    The first time i tried the gym I didn’t read the instructions. Just popped one in and kept chewing. .. them i got real sick.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Up until ’97, I quit about 30-40 times a day. What really helped me stop smoking was a heart attack @ 50 and the morphine I was on for the week in ICCU. Stay with it boys, quitting gets easier jerr

    After thought: What really put the lid on my return to smoking was the sight of guys(and gals) in their hospital gowns with IV bags standing on the sidewalk in front of the Heart Hospital sucking on a smoke. Not pretty- – –

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Stay strong guys. Quitting is not easy ,and you will think about it the rest of your life , but by taking control you just might save yourself a one way trip to see my wife getting the poison pack they call Chemo. , or if you are a chewer getting your tongue or part of your mouth cut out. You can DO IT

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 172

    THE best way to quit is to quit,stop putting nicotine into your body! I know cold turkey sucks but it works better than any gimmicks on the market…Quit,it WILL save your life! Enough said! Here is a link that helped save my life! Paul

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I already said I am not giving up nicotine.

    You’d think it would have been easy giving it up since I watched my father waste away from cancer when I was 19. Seems fitting to bring it up on Memorial Day weekend. Love and miss you dad!

    Posts: 3010

    Quitting is easy
    Not starting again can be a real b!tc4

    it sure helps to have a reason that is truly near and dear to ya

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Went through the same hell. Smoked 2+ packs a day. Started chew to quit smoking. Then was up to 2 tins a day in no time. Then started smoking and chewing! It was so bad I had to get up a couple times a night to get my nicotine. First thing in the morning, pack a chew in to start the day. Looking back it was a horrible addiction.

    Cold turkey. Just quit and deal with the physical and mental withdrawals. It will not be easy, but if I can do it, so can you.


    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 263

    Anybody who would like is free to join me on my oncology appointments…I’m there every 2 weeks. We could also spend some time in the cancer ward and visit the room where I spent about 50 days. If this doesn’t drive you to kick the habit, nothing will. And for those that fear the sickness from withdrawl…it is a drop in the bucket compared to chemo and radiation

    The best time to quit for good is RIGHT NOW!!!!

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894


    Went through the same hell. Smoked 2+ packs a day. Started chew to quit smoking. Then was up to 2 tins a day in no time. Then started smoking and chewing! It was so bad I had to get up a couple times a night to get my nicotine. First thing in the morning, pack a chew in to start the day. Looking back it was a horrible addiction.

    Cold turkey. Just quit and deal with the physical and mental withdrawals. It will not be easy, but if I can do it, so can you.


    ^^^^ This is encouraging. I was on my way to work this morning and I gave my Copenhagen can a shake and realized it was empty, needless to say I wasn’t making a 25 minute drive without a dip. I need to just toss the can out the window and quit. But, I’m cheap, so I think I’ll finish it and then try. Seems that whenever I’m hunting, fishing, or golfing, a dip just fits right in. I need to change my hobbies I think, too.

    Posts: 3010

    for the first two years of Not Chewing, it affected how I fished

    jigging and rigging were fine, hands were busy and concentrating on rod/line kept me occupied
    trolling was good too as long as I was the one driving the boat

    but I couldn’t drop anchor and sit there watching a bobber without battling the crave

    The Big Pond
    Posts: 478



    Went through the same hell. Smoked 2+ packs a day. Started chew to quit smoking. Then was up to 2 tins a day in no time. Then started smoking and chewing! It was so bad I had to get up a couple times a night to get my nicotine. First thing in the morning, pack a chew in to start the day. Looking back it was a horrible addiction.

    Cold turkey. Just quit and deal with the physical and mental withdrawals. It will not be easy, but if I can do it, so can you.


    ^^^^ This is encouraging. I was on my way to work this morning and I gave my Copenhagen can a shake and realized it was empty, needless to say I wasn’t making a 25 minute drive without a dip. I need to just toss the can out the window and quit. But, I’m cheap, so I think I’ll finish it and then try. Seems that whenever I’m hunting, fishing, or golfing, a dip just fits right in. I need to change my hobbies I think, too.

    Please don’t throw it out the window.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Please don’t throw it out the window.


    We keep empty water bottles and plastic soda bottles in the car for butts.

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727


    … I am 1 1/2 days without chewing (I started e-cigs 5 days ago). Still a challange for me… I REALLY want that dip in my lip.

    Dave, I gave it a try because I found the e-cig forum and I’ve been with it a while. There is a confusing array of equipment available. If you get juice from a shop, you can choose the mg of nic. Maybe in a wider variety than you have now. If you need anything, I would be happy to discuss. I would prefer not to do it here, in this thread. It has turned into one of those discussions where no one can hold a candle to the cold-turkey crowd.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Screw’em Josh! I want more info. I did a ton of research and only got frustrated. I was trying to find the eCig with the best battery life, smoke and kick. I ended up being so frustrated that I just went with the Blu because it was convenient since most stations sell the cartridges.

    I tried researching, but it seemed like all the sites I went to were biased or ads. And any forum I found was hard to weed through.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Tried the eversmoke a few months back..IMHO it only takes the edge off..I have the original bullets from the original order. I only used when at work bc it was too cold to go outside and smoke.. It’s all mental and habit.. Good Luck and wish you the best.

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