Antler Point Restriction Bill Passes!!!

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hmmm, I’m not taking side here. I’m just being edumacated…but Kooty, it appears the DNR or at least the author of this article might need to known the difference between APR and trophy bucks (or larger bucks)??


    Southeastern Minnesota has superb deer habitat and too many deer in many places. For the past five years, the DNR has been studying regulations aimed at reducing the deer population while increasing the potential for larger-antlered bucks. This year, the DNR will implement these new regulations in southeast Minnesota.

    Bluffland Bucks: Minnesota DNR<<

    Above is a link to the full article.

    Posts: 711


    I’m not asking anyone to change his opinion, but at least come to the table for a passionate, cordial debate. First round is on me!

    I’d be more then happy to take you up on your offer. actually I’d like to sit down with anybody that supports APR and have a cordial debate and see if they would be willing to answer the hard questions that the DNR refuses to answer when i ask them at there “public meetings”
    I’d even be willing to sit down with the BWA and debate it but I don’t think that would ever happen because they now have what they wanted so it’s a non-issue to them now.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239





    Comparing Mn deer hunting to Iowa deer hunting is beyond silly. Almost like comparing Illinois vs South Dakota corn crops it just doesn’t make sense.

    How about WI vs MN? WI is 50X better deer hunting and basically the same habitat and food.

    You are right when you say “basically the same habitat and food” the big differance in MN & WI is that WI holds there gun season after the peak rut, all one needs to do is to look at the record books and see which state takes more record book bucks, the differace is like night and day.

    So what you are saying is this is all about trophy bucks and nothing else

    No my point is that there are more mature bucks in WI than MN because the majority of bucks killed in MN are 1 to 2 year old bucks.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I dont think anybody around here differentiates between APR and trophy mgt.

    If that is the case, then it seems they need to do some reading. Lots of great info on the net about both management strategies.


    Yet another law forced on the majority because somebody, somewhere got paid off or blowed to make it a law.

    Ironically, these same people complaining the loudest are the ones who forced the legislative intervention. Lost again to the majority of hunters who support this law and still complain it’s not fair. Hmmmm. Where is my tin foil hat???


    I’m sorry for the real deer hunters in Z3 that got screwed. I just hope it doesnt spread.

    What is a real deer hunter? The NON obtuse, elite a-holes?? Kidding!! I agree, APR doesn’t benefit every region. I believe Mn is making a huge mistake managing the current deer population by such large zones. They just went to this model with Turkeys last year. Huge mistake in my opinion.

    I really hope Dr. Kroll is able to fix Wisconsin’s issues so you can get some venny and quit being so negative.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    For many changing zones isn’t an option any more than saying you should switch to another form of hunting to achieve your big deer successes.

    Please show me where I have ever said anyone should switch zones or switch to another form of hunting, you will not find it because I never said that.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I’d love to hear your thoughts. My opinion, is just that. Not right or wrong(well, not according to some). I’ve formed my opinion on what I’ve educated myself with to this point. When I look back at my past, I’ve been able to change my opinions drastically. For instance, it wasn’t that long ago when I put a knife to every walleye that came to the boat. Then I gained the IDO influence of catch and release. Also, I don’t even hate all Packer fans anymore. I just despise them.

    Seriously, I’d love to hear your reasons why APR will not help the deer herd or hunters.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    I’d be more then happy to take you up on your offer. actually I’d like to sit down with anybody that supports APR and have a cordial debate and see if they would be willing to answer the hard questions that the DNR refuses to answer when i ask them at there “public meetings”

    You are more then welcome anytime to come to any BWA monthly meeting they are open to the public, anyone there would be more than willing to answer any questions you have.

    Posts: 3010


    … When I look back at my past, I’ve been able to change my opinions drastically. For instance, it wasn’t that long ago when I put a knife to every walleye that came to the boat. Then I gained the IDO influence of catch and release. Also, I don’t even hate all Packer fans anymore. I just despise them.

    Well, two outta three ain’t bad

    Posts: 711

    I’ve been deer hunting in SE MN for over 40 years and i’ve seen the good times and the bad. back in the early 2000’s (maybe 03 or 04)Lou Cornicelli was hired by the DNR, his first order of buisness was to fix something that wasn’t broken.(deer managment in SE MN) I’ve been as invovled as i possibly can be thruogh it all, I’ve attended every public meeting the DRN has held. some falls i attended the same meeting in two differant locations.
    I use to be one of the DNR’s biggest supporters until i started attending these public meetings, i’ve sense lost all respect for them.
    I would like to go into many details here but it would take me a month of sundays to hunt and peck it all out,
    hel this post took me 15 min. to type.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Well, then I better find a way to buy a beer somewhere in Hastings so we can BS about this.

    Posts: 711

    A more nutrial site would work to.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    Dugarel’s comes to mind

    Posts: 3010

    heck, I’d show up anywhere within an hour’s-drive of home if Kooty were buying the

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Isn’t there an IDOHunting site?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972


    Isn’t there an IDOHunting site?

    NO pug….. there is not

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    IDOPolitics? IDOStatesBanter?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Isn’t there an IDOHunting site?

    Funny you should bring that up Mike, if you look at my first post in this thread it is a link to the hunting side, I do that to try and generate more talk over there but for some reason APR always gets more replies over here, go figure.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Now my question is what about CROSS TAGGING ?????

    Sorry Mat I missed your question here on the fishing side but I did answer it over on the hunting side.

    The no cross tagging rule for bucks is still in place, this is a separate rule from APR. When cross tagging was put in place it was not on a trial basis like APR it was permanent from the get go.

    Posts: 138

    Steve I hope you shoot an APR buck this year………..

    But your beliefs shouldn’t be forced on others, and frankly your constant APR posts are getting old.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Steve I hope you shoot an APR buck this year………..

    But your beliefs shouldn’t be forced on others, and frankly your constant APR posts are getting old.

    I put the info out there to let supporters and non supporters know about the public meetings and the results of the meetings. So often I hear from hunters that they did now know about the public meetings, these posts are my way of getting the info out there.

    I am a Reporter on the hunting side of IDO, I report on APR because I am very much involved in it. If my posts are getting old for you there is nothing saying you have to click on them and read them.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    But your beliefs shouldn’t be forced on others, and frankly your constant APR posts are getting old.

    Lady’s and Gentlemen, let me help out here a moment.

    If there’s a person on this site that bothers you, just click on their name and down by “send PM” there’s an “ignore user” button. Works well.

    Or if you don’t like the thread, like tv just turn the channel and read something else.

    Disagreement is fine. Many people learn by listening to both sides of arguments.

    However I’m getting tire of members name calling and being just plain rude. At some point it becomes much easier to show people to the door. That doesn’t make me happy either.

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