Antler Point Restriction Bill Passes!!!

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    We just want to shoot a deer to. Could care less if it had horns or not. If its brown it down. Throw it in the freezer and get back to fishing. Older bucks taste like crap anyways. So you got nice horns. What do you throw the meat in the ditch somewhere?

    That is great Mike I have no problem with that if that is what a guy wants to do out of the zone 3 area like you are. Look at it this way I like to fish but I love to deer hunt for bucks I can put on the wall, you like deer hunting but you love fishing for walleye, would you rather have a 2 pound walleye on the end of your line or a 10 pound walleye? See my point? To each there own.

    Posts: 4033



    We just want to shoot a deer to. Could care less if it had horns or not. If its brown it down. Throw it in the freezer and get back to fishing. Older bucks taste like crap anyways. So you got nice horns. What do you throw the meat in the ditch somewhere?

    That is great Mike I have no problem with that if that is what a guy wants to do out of the zone 3 area like you are. Look at it this way I like to fish but I love to deer hunt for bucks I can put on the wall, you like deer hunting but you love fishing for walleye, would you rather have a 2 pound walleye on the end of your line or a 10 pound walleye? See my point? To each there own.

    Now lets compare these two a little better. Do you go out and fish for walleye looking for wall mounters? WOULD YOU mount a 10# walleye? Or get a replica?

    Shooting a big buck is not like having a 10# walleye on your line. It is like catching and keeping a 10# walleye for the wall.

    Lets go ahead and say all walleye up to 27″ need to be thrown back. you can only keep big trophy walleye. Hows would you expect to have a large population of big walleye? You’ll just have a huge population of nice walleye (20-26″) but very few 27″ since they will be taken (or a huge population of stunted fish). That would be the equivalent of APR for fishing.

    Stunted deer anyone?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    65 percent of MN hunters want APR, not just special interest groups, and oh by the way MN Deer Hunters Association another special interest group fought against APR.

    Don’t go trying to buffalo people with this statement Steve. APR were NOT put before the whole state so saying that they were wanted by 65% of deer hunters is a bold faced lied.

    Ok Tom you got me there, I should have worded that better. I should have said 65 percent of zone 3 deer hunters want APR.


    65% represents the number in favor during public meetings that were held in Winona, the heart of the area affected by the rules wanted by a special interest group located in that corner of the state.

    Actually most of the deer hunters that were opposed to APR were from the Winona area, there were one or two other locations for the public meetings, right of the top of my head I do not remember where those locations were.


    That group is largely bow hunters….the ones that can shoot these huge heads a month and a half before a gun hunter can even give pointing a gun at one a thought. Who does it benefit?

    The group you are referring to is Bluffland Whitetails Association, I have said this here many times but most seem to conveniently forget or choose to ignore the fact that the majority of the most active BWA members are gun hunter not bow hunters, out of the ten BWA board members only two of them are hard core bow hunters. So to say… “That group is largely bow hunters” is simply not true.


    If the apr concept has such strong substance, it should have been applied state-wide or perhaps Camp Ripley and the state parks where archers can hunt, not just one corner of the state.

    That may very well be the next step that Minnesota Whitetail Alliance and BWA will take but personally I am not sold on the idea, I feel that APR would not work as well up north as it does in SE MN.


    Congrats to all who voted for this and those who went to war to get the rules put in place….you are no better than the natives and their netting.

    Tom how in the world can you compare APR to the natives and their netting????? Netting kills thousands of fish, APR helps protect young bucks, please explain to me how this is even remotely the same thing??? You are lumping me in with a group of people that have no respect for our natural recourses and that I do take offence to!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Rather than being proud of forcing your beliefs on everyone else, you should be ashamed to be part of a group that encourages further government intervention in the lives of Minnesota citizens.

    You could not be more wrong when you say our group “encourages further government intervention” BWA pushed to take this out of the hands of the Legislature and give the job back to the DNR where it belongs, that was actuwally part of the bill that was passed.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    Comparing Mn deer hunting to Iowa deer hunting is beyond silly. Almost like comparing Illinois vs South Dakota corn crops it just doesn’t make sense.

    How about WI vs MN? WI is 50X better deer hunting and basically the same habitat and food.

    You are right when you say “basically the same habitat and food” the big differance in MN & WI is that WI holds there gun season after the peak rut, all one needs to do is to look at the record books and see which state takes more record book bucks, the differace is like night and day.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406




    We just want to shoot a deer to. Could care less if it had horns or not. If its brown it down. Throw it in the freezer and get back to fishing. Older bucks taste like crap anyways. So you got nice horns. What do you throw the meat in the ditch somewhere?

    That is great Mike I have no problem with that if that is what a guy wants to do out of the zone 3 area like you are. Look at it this way I like to fish but I love to deer hunt for bucks I can put on the wall, you like deer hunting but you love fishing for walleye, would you rather have a 2 pound walleye on the end of your line or a 10 pound walleye? See my point? To each there own.

    Now lets compare these two a little better. Do you go out and fish for walleye looking for wall mounters? WOULD YOU mount a 10# walleye? Or get a replica?

    Shooting a big buck is not like having a 10# walleye on your line. It is like catching and keeping a 10# walleye for the wall.

    Lets go ahead and say all walleye up to 27″ need to be thrown back. you can only keep big trophy walleye. Hows would you expect to have a large population of big walleye? You’ll just have a huge population of nice walleye (20-26″) but very few 27″ since they will be taken (or a huge population of stunted fish). That would be the equivalent of APR for fishing.

    Stunted deer anyone?

    Interesting kevin. maybe all deer over 6 points should just be photoed. Sure someone could make a replica of it you the wall.

    Yep. Kinda ironic Steve that I fish a pool that is 100% catch and release for all walleye. DNR labeled it a trophy walleye fishery but there are still many that would like to see it opened up for keep them.

    Not sure what the happy medium would be for this to keep both side happy. Just glad its not happening yet up where I hunt.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239




    We just want to shoot a deer to. Could care less if it had horns or not. If its brown it down. Throw it in the freezer and get back to fishing. Older bucks taste like crap anyways. So you got nice horns. What do you throw the meat in the ditch somewhere?

    That is great Mike I have no problem with that if that is what a guy wants to do out of the zone 3 area like you are. Look at it this way I like to fish but I love to deer hunt for bucks I can put on the wall, you like deer hunting but you love fishing for walleye, would you rather have a 2 pound walleye on the end of your line or a 10 pound walleye? See my point? To each there own.

    Now lets compare these two a little better. Do you go out and fish for walleye looking for wall mounters? WOULD YOU mount a 10# walleye? Or get a replica?

    Shooting a big buck is not like having a 10# walleye on your line. It is like catching and keeping a 10# walleye for the wall.

    Lets go ahead and say all walleye up to 27″ need to be thrown back. you can only keep big trophy walleye. Hows would you expect to have a large population of big walleye? You’ll just have a huge population of nice walleye (20-26″) but very few 27″ since they will be taken (or a huge population of stunted fish). That would be the equivalent of APR for fishing.

    Stunted deer anyone?

    My point with my reply to Mike’s post was that Mike’s passion is fishing, mine is deer hunting that is all. Pretty easy for you to sit back and criticize someone from MN who what’s better deer hunting when you live in Iowa. Why don’t you come and deer hunt in northern MN for the next few years and then tell me how much you enjoy it compared to deer hunting in Iowa.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    You got your special interest pushed through . Great job .

    I cant believe its a 65% agreement on this ? Do the pole here? Seems you posted and tucked tail once the truth came out about how people really feel ?

    No tail tucking here, Tuesday to Thursday I work on average a 14 to 16 hour day I simply do not have time to play on the computer on these days and at my work place I can not get away with spending time on the internet.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239




    You need to do your homework Shawn 65 percent of MN hunters want APR,


    Hello Steve, I’d like to do my homework. Could you point me to the source of the information you’re using to make the assertion that 65% of MN hunters want APR?

    I corrected that reply with my reply to Tom, see my reply above to Tom

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Like any controversial subject on the internet, many here have reverted to name calling since we have different opinion than them. I didn’t expect to change their opinions, simply stated why I support this new rule. Apparently having a different opinion makes us elitist, obtuse a-holes according to some. Can’t say I’ve been called and elitist before, but the rest has been used a few times.

    If I recall correctly, the vocal minority is the reason this ruling was in the legislative body’s hands vs. the DNRs to begin with…

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    All this name calling and finger pointing is sickening. If we all share the woods Im ashamed to be a Minnesotan. Mn. nice my If everybody just did what they personally felt about apr we would just be fine. Now my question is what about CROSS TAGGING ?????

    Posts: 264


    I corrected that reply with my reply to Tom, see my reply above to Tom

    Fair enough, can you point me to the source of the information you’re using to make the claim that 65% of Zone 3 hunters support APR then?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469



    Like any controversial subject on the internet, many here have reverted to name calling since we have different opinion than them. I didn’t expect to change their opinions, simply stated why I support this new rule. Apparently having a different opinion makes us elitist, obtuse a-holes according to some. Can’t say I’ve been called and elitist before, but the rest has been used a few times.

    If I recall correctly, the vocal minority is the reason this ruling was in the legislative body’s hands vs. the DNRs to begin with…

    For the record there are those of us in other zones (NE ZONE 1 here) that support APR.

    Posts: 527

    Arm-chair biology is easily the most entertaining of the “sciences” hehe. Sucks when it becomes law though

    Posts: 711



    Rather than being proud of forcing your beliefs on everyone else, you should be ashamed to be part of a group that encourages further government intervention in the lives of Minnesota citizens.

    You could not be more wrong when you say our group “encourages further government intervention” BWA pushed to take this out of the hands of the Legislature and give the job back to the DNR where it belongs, that was actuwally part of the bill that was passed.

    Thats because BWA is in bed with the DNR and it is a lot easier to persuade a few peaple that you know best then to persuade whole legislative body

    Posts: 711




    Comparing Mn deer hunting to Iowa deer hunting is beyond silly. Almost like comparing Illinois vs South Dakota corn crops it just doesn’t make sense.

    How about WI vs MN? WI is 50X better deer hunting and basically the same habitat and food.

    You are right when you say “basically the same habitat and food” the big differance in MN & WI is that WI holds there gun season after the peak rut, all one needs to do is to look at the record books and see which state takes more record book bucks, the differace is like night and day.

    So what you are saying is this is all about trophy bucks and nothing else

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559



    Congrats to all who voted for this and those who went to war to get the rules put in place….you are no better than the natives and their netting.

    Tom how in the world can you compare APR to the natives and their netting????? Netting kills thousands of fish, APR helps protect young bucks, please explain to me how this is even remotely the same thing??? You are lumping me in with a group of people that have no respect for our natural recourses and that I do take offence to!

    I can and stand by my statement. This is nothing more than a special interest shoving their wants down the throats of the masses who want nothing to do with the rule. The netting is another special interest group. Look at the special interest groups attempting to control certain metro waters with ridiculous rules. Same thing, nothing different and anyone supporting these fool ideas is in the same boat with you Steve.

    The common denominator in every one of these instances is a unique control being thrust on a public entity. Mille Lacs Lake is a public water and the fish in the lake are publicly owned as well. The netting continues even though every single person included in whatever treaty is long gone. This is the 21 century and every day I hear some yutz harping about eqauality. Where is equality here in this instance.

    The metro lakes, PUBLIC waters where glitzy land-owners want to privatize their own little puddle behind the ruse of invasive species. Special interest at its finest.

    The deer in zone three are a public entity too. Your bluff country whatever has no place in today’s scheme of deer management with this micro management idea. Somewhere along the line all of you fools [and yest Steve I have lumped you right in there with the others]who want to shoot a big buck seem to think that its has to be an annual event. There were plenty of the big deer before all this came about and all you had to do was get off your butt and go hunt the darned things. For many changing zones isn’t an option any more than saying you should switch to another form of hunting to achieve your big deer successes. Your bluff country boy club is indeed a SPECIAL INTEREST wanting to shove their ideas down the throats of every hunter in zone three, like it or not. You don’t like the company Steve? Hey, you picked it, so suck up. As far as I am concerned you are chumming around with some of the worst low-life there is.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Take it easy Tom. You are going to blow a gasket… We are just talking about deer hunting. I’m as passionate about it as anyone but let’s not lose our grip here.

    I encourage you to do some research on buck to doe ratios and how important it is for a healthy herd of deer. Take a particular look at what happens to a herd when all the does aren’t covered by the bucks in the proper time frame etc…

    Posts: 4033


    I encourage you to do some research on buck to doe ratios and how important it is for a healthy herd of deer.

    Healthy herd is a herd of 10 year old 4-8pt bucks I thought? Since it was necessary to take the bigger bucks with good genes out and let the little bucks reproduce. Isnt that what was said earlier?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Twist it however it works so you can attempt to make your point Kevin.

    Thinking out loud here. Are some folks confused that APR = Trophy Management? If so, these are two very, very different management practices. Instead of the average deer shot in this zone being 1.5, it will likely creep up to 2.5. The meat hunters get more meat(bigger deer in physical size), more does get bred at the proper time creating more healthy fawns and maybe, just maybe, with a healthier herd more opportunities to acquire some venison will be there. APR is very far from trophy management.

    Posts: 3010

    unfortunately it’s not just deer hunting; lord how I wish it were

    it’s about those who want to only shoot certain size bucks, those who want one segment of the population to be able to net fish, and those who want to control access to public water because they happen to own some land adjacent to said waterbody

    and each of these groups wants the force of gov’t to be imposed on everyone else in a way which specifically benefits their own specific benefits their own desires, regardless of how it affects the rest of those who enjoy the same resources

    sounds like enough to get worked up about for those who are adversly affected

    Posts: 4033


    Twist it however it works so you can attempt to make your point Kevin.

    YOU’RE THE ONE WHO SAID IT NOT ME! Read back on page two, you were the one that said leaving the small bucks and taking the big ones (APR) will make for a healthier herd!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    There is a difference between passion and internal turmoil, which appears to be happening for a few. I hope I’m reading them wrong… But I am obtuse.

    The DNR wanted this management strategy, based on the biologists recommendations and a majority of the hunters supporting it. The ONLY reason this is in the legislative hands is due to a very vocal minority forcing it there. I agree 100%, this should NEVER been put in their hands. This decision should come from the DNR and it’s highly educated staff. I bag on them often, but I believe if they were left to do their jobs, we’d all be better off for the most part. However, you throw in the legislature and look what you get. Lakes netted out, wolves running uncontrolled, moose nearing complete decimation.

    I’m not asking anyone to change his opinion, but at least come to the table for a passionate, cordial debate. First round is on me!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    Twist it however it works so you can attempt to make your point Kevin.

    YOU’RE THE ONE WHO SAID IT NOT ME! Read back on page two, you were the one that said leaving the small bucks and taking the big ones (APR) will make for a healthier herd!

    Yes, I did say by not shooting all the 1.5 year old bucks, this will benefit the herd. Where did I say anything about having a herd of 10 year old deer? Which by the way would be a trophy hunter’s paradise. But, we are talking APR, not TROPHY Management! I assume you realize there is a difference.

    Posts: 3010


    There is a difference between passion and internal turmoil, which appears to be happening for a few. I hope I’m reading them wrong… But I am obtuse.

    ahhh, go ahead an be obtuse

    I, for one, will not be presumptuous enough to raise objection regarding your approach/presentaion … probly in no position to do so anyhow

    … after all, I’m the one who’s flippant

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I dont think anybody around here differentiates between APR and trophy mgt. Yet another law forced on the majority because somebody, somewhere got paid off or blowed to make it a law. I’m sorry for the real deer hunters in Z3 that got screwed. I just hope it doesnt spread.

    Posts: 1899

    I feel bad for the hunters around the Kasson/Mantorville area. This past year, they had a ‘kill-em-all’ season because of the fake CWD scare and lots of bambis of all sizes were dusted. They’re in zone 3 and they aren’t going to have diddly squat for a herd for quite some time, let alone a legal buck.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    2013 SE MN Deer Season Input<< Click here<<

    2013 Southeast Deer Season Input

    View the online presentation below about deer hunting and antler point restrictions After viewing the presentation, click the green “Take Survey” button for the online survey.

    Posts: 4033

    That was 2012 before the vote, cant take the survey now.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    I corrected that reply with my reply to Tom, see my reply above to Tom

    Fair enough, can you point me to the source of the information you’re using to make the claim that 65% of Zone 3 hunters support APR then?

    DNR poll do not have time to dig up the link right now.

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