Antler Point Restriction Bill Passes!!!

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Yes! The best part of democracy is legally and forcefully imposing your opinions and beliefs on others, especially if the others are in the minority.

    Um, this has been going on for 200+ years since our independence was won from England. By the very definition of democracy, someone is always in the minority.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026



    Yes! The best part of democracy is legally and forcefully imposing your opinions and beliefs on others, especially if the others are in the minority.

    Um, this has been going on for 200+ years since our independence was won from England. By the very definition of democracy, someone is always in the minority.

    Since it is a representative government, it can also work the other way around. A minority “belief” or “view” can be imposed on the majority.

    just to clarify.

    Posts: 3010


    Finally! Thank God there are no politics in fishing.

    ya, you deer hunters could learn a lesson from us anglers . . . adopt the Rodney King approach to your sport

    Posts: 3010

    just to establish one little insignificant item


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Is it s Republic?

    Posts: 3010

    a constitutional republic maybe ?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    a constitutional republic maybe ?

    It is a common mistake to leave that part out.

    Posts: 3010

    which adopted not even a purely representative form of gov’t

    but a hybrid representative/judicial/administrative system

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Checks and balances?

    Posts: 3010



    a constitutional republic maybe ?

    It is a common mistake to leave that part out.

    seems to be getting much more common to ignore that part as of late

    Posts: 3010

    and thus ends our civics lesson for today class

    now back to the regularly scheduled programming

    Posts: 264

    Rootski, don’t be so obtuse as to let inconvenient common sense get in the way of your quest for the ultimate trophy rack!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I have to make an observation.

    If there were no humans at all in Minnesota, and all of the original predators were around (Wolves, Coyotes, Grizzly and Black Bears, Cougars) exactly which part of the deer population do you think they would be targeting?

    They’d go after the young, the sick, and the weak. They sure wouldn’t target mature bucks. Does that mean that the deer population would be unhealthy because there aren’t any humans around to pass on stupid young deer?

    I think this issue is way, way more complex that “Us versus Them”, and I also doubt anybody really has the answers yet.


    While your logic is sound, the fact is the apex of all predators IS here. And he is greedy and he will forever alter mother nature’s plans. As an old native man once said, “before white man show up, woman do all work. White come along think he can improve system.” So I paraphrased a bit…

    I don’t know if APR is THE answer, but I’m sure interested to see how it pans out. My gut says the change won’t be nearly as dramatic as either side of the argument thinks.

    Posts: 264



    You need to do your homework Shawn 65 percent of MN hunters want APR,


    Hello Steve, I’d like to do my homework. Could you point me to the source of the information you’re using to make the assertion that 65% of MN hunters want APR?

    Posts: 3010


    I don’t know if APR is THE answer, but I’m sure interested to see how it pans out. My gut says the change won’t be nearly as dramatic as either side of the argument thinks.

    so if more regs won’t make that much difference either way, how ’bout we err on the side of PERSONAL FREEDOM

    set a number (six walleyes per day or four walleyes per day, one deer per season regardless of sex or one buck plus one doe per season) then let everyone take the size they want … some will take big fish and big racks for the wall; others will take medium size for the table
    and we just might find out the way nature handles predator-prey relationships works overall, available population and hunting pressure tend to balance each other out to a fairly healthy distribution of size and age

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    What fun would be in that. Then we wouldn’t have anything to talk about on a Tuesday.

    Posts: 1899


    What fun would be in that. Then we wouldn’t have anything to talk about on a Tuesday.


    Who’da thunk the cabin fever would have lasted until mid May this year. We all need to get on the water and let off some steam.

    Posts: 3010


    We all need to get on the water and let off some steam.

    and be allowed to take home more than one walleye between 19 and 22 inches for the table dagnumit

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If you guys just shot deer with a camera, this wouldn’t be an issue.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I do for about 10 months a year. Beautiful amazing creatures that taste yummy.

    Posts: 1899


    If you guys just shot deer with a camera, this wouldn’t be an issue.

    I don’t care how long you marinade it, the film still tastes like crap.

    Posts: 3010

    Most creatures are beautiful and amazing
    and Most creatures also taste yummy

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m hoping the deer on the left returns to our farm this summer. He’s been with us since the spring of 2011 when I got my first pics. He’s nice 3×4(7 point for you Minnesotans). He didn’t grow much from a 2.5 to a 3.5 this last year. Hoping at 4.5 he really blows up.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    So what is the problem the DNR is trying to fix with this. Deer herd in MN seems to be in great shape to me. Plenty of dead ones laying along side the road every day. We have no problem going out and shooting our deer during deer season. Usually get it done the 1st weekend. Since its usually the smaller ones we shoot Im sure the bigger ones are still out there.

    Maybe the guys trying to shoot bigger deer just need to get better at it.

    What problem is the DNR trying to solve with this? Dont [censored] with my deer hunting because someone else cant get some horns to hang on their wall to impress all of their buddies. What impresses my family is some venison steaks frying in a pan.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Does anybody see the fatal flaw in this bill?
    When you have an APR you force the hunters to let the deer with lesser genetics stay in the herd to breed while taking the deer with greater genetics. This can only lead to a weaker deer herd.
    Any buck with good genetics can have 4 points on an antler by the time it is 1.5 years old.

    I can appreciate the theory behind this but I am afraid it is doomed to failure.

    My two cents.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Mike, the dnr didn’t have anything wrong with the deer herd down here. Not until a bunch of elitist bow hunters decided that they should be able to shoot a huge trophy every year. Then we got that piece of dirt Cornicelli involved and his thought processes just took off. So you know, Cornicelli came here via Colorado where the an issue along these same lines got him run out of state.

    All of the “informative” meetings were held in Winona, the heart of the area involved. Most of the elite hail from that area but a few come from a few other localities too. The 65% that was mentioned in the first of these posts came from a “meeting, not the general population of the hunters. A more accurate view would have come from a polling done at the time of license purchase across the state. The person using this number originally is intentionally trying to sway thinking here. I would offer that over 65% of the hunters from zone 3 never were asked how they felt about such a provision or never got to weigh in on this simply because the meetings were held in Winona. Think about it….why not in say, Rochester, the center of the zone? Or Cabelas, getting it completely on neutral ground?

    Maybe now is the time to start looking at getting the law ammended to read that any buck registered prior to the opening of the Buck firearm season has to have at least ten points and that any buck taken prior to that date with more than nine points has to be certified by the holder of the license paying $200.00 per point in trophy fees and not being able to possess or register another buck by bow and arrow for 5 years, with does being mandiorily registered during the no buck period.

    I buy the license to hunt deer in zone three. the license is identical to that in zones 1, 2 and 4. The limit on that license is the same. The cost is the same. The difference is that some a-hole with a stick and arrows thinks that he needs special regulations so he can be successful while I have to stop to count points and fit into his screwed up agenda. I say its time to start telling bow hunters “sorry, not here”, try the public land down the road….especially in zone three.

    Posts: 4033

    I just… don’t understand it. You say bucks have to be so big to shoot, okay then all the buck hunters will take the big ones out leaving the smaller ones. Now 3-5 years of this and you have a huge herd of 4-6pt bucks and you will have to hunt every day of the season to get one of the highly pressured smart as heck 10pt bucks.

    Who wins? The guys who want big bucks arent going to win… all of them are going to get hunted and shot by the guys who used to take the 4-6pt bucks. You are going to have a huge herd, but nobody will be able to shoot them.

    So now the guys who used to buy buck tags and now can’t get any meat OR antlers since the herd is pressured and full of small bucks will buy doe tags and take out does so they can get some meat. There goes your deer herd, tons of little bucks around and the does are being blasted by used-to-be buck hunters.

    In Iowa near 70% of our deer are shot by shotgun hunters. How many shotgun hunters do you know buy buck tags and sit all season trying to get a trophy?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023


    Mike, the dnr didn’t have anything wrong with the deer herd down here. Not until a bunch of elitist bow hunters decided that they should be able to shoot a huge trophy every year. Then we got that piece of dirt Cornicelli involved and his thought processes just took off. So you know, Cornicelli came here via Colorado where the an issue along these same lines got him run out of state.

    All of the “informative” meetings were held in Winona, the heart of the area involved. Most of the elite hail from that area but a few come from a few other localities too. The 65% that was mentioned in the first of these posts came from a “meeting, not the general population of the hunters. A more accurate view would have come from a polling done at the time of license purchase across the state. The person using this number originally is intentionally trying to sway thinking here. I would offer that over 65% of the hunters from zone 3 never were asked how they felt about such a provision or never got to weigh in on this simply because the meetings were held in Winona. Think about it….why not in say, Rochester, the center of the zone? Or Cabelas, getting it completely on neutral ground?

    Maybe now is the time to start looking at getting the law ammended to read that any buck registered prior to the opening of the Buck firearm season has to have at least ten points and that any buck taken prior to that date with more than nine points has to be certified by the holder of the license paying $200.00 per point in trophy fees and not being able to possess or register another buck by bow and arrow for 5 years, with does being mandiorily registered during the no buck period.

    I buy the license to hunt deer in zone three. the license is identical to that in zones 1, 2 and 4. The limit on that license is the same. The cost is the same. The difference is that some a-hole with a stick and arrows thinks that he needs special regulations so he can be successful while I have to stop to count points and fit into his screwed up agenda. I say its time to start telling bow hunters “sorry, not here”, try the public land down the road….especially in zone three.

    Posts: 2218


    You got your special interest pushed through . Great job .

    I cant believe its a 65% agreement on this ? Do the pole here? Seems you posted and tucked tail once the truth came out about how people really feel ?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    BUT please do not put me down for shooting a spike or fork horn

    I do not know if you are directing this at me or not, but I have never put anyone down for shooting a spike or a fork here on in the field.

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