trailer wiring

  • tccat
    Minneapolis, MN.
    Posts: 195

    Just rewired the trailer, when i wiggle the left side of the boat or go over bumps the lights flicker. any ideas?

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Trailer lights can be tough; at least for me anyway. Try checking the ground wire, then check all connection points including the plug into your vehicle.

    Trailers are my nemesis.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    The “ground” side connection is the trailer frame and it’s the only thing common to all the lights. I’d start by making sure the lights are bolted down to clean, shiny metal. Then I’d tighten up any bolts that are tying different sections of the trailer together. And finally, the white wire on the trailer connector needs to be bolted down to clean shiny metal on the trailer frame. Don’t trust the ball to make the ground connection.


    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    I had to add a 12″ section of wire to a previous trailer of mine. I added it to where 2 sections of the trailer came together. It basicallly linked the 2 sections. When I would go over bumps it would do the same thing that you are seeing until i added the wire. It worked for me.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Run a direct ground wire to the lights from plug.

    Extension cords work great for this. Takes time but you will easily make it back with not having issues.

    If you want to do it some time bring it on up to ML and we will kill 2 birds…

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    It seems like trailer wiring is a continuos job. I had to replace mine 3 years after I purchased my boat because the trailer was manufactured with the tubing weld at the bottom and guess what- the wires lay along the weld and rub and rub until the insulation wears through. Thought I had the problem licked with the heavy duty multiconductor cable I ran but yesterday running lights not working again. Pulled the cable and….. Rubbed through again! 3 years later. This time it is all getting run outside the trailer frame in a new wire loom so I hopefully do not have to do it again.

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