ever have one of these days??

  • Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    well I went out to tonka to go bass fishing with my wifes cousin. both him and I like to go and chase them and try our best to catch them. well yesterday there was a tourney out of spring lake and they had tourney boats everywhere. well after only having 1 keeper fish in the boat, 2 broken rods, snaped in half from a few different things, me and Jason where trolling and casting the weedline. well here comes this ranger with his big motor running and cuts between me and jason and the shore. I told him to that he should have went around and he just blew me off. I guess here is my question, when you are out pleasure fishing and you have a tourney fishing team do this kind of stuff to you, what do most people do? I told him that he should have went around. he cut between us and the shore where we were casting to, the shore was 15 foot away from us, and he cut in there and kept pitching to shore using a jig and a worm and just blew me off, it was like he was the only boat in that area. his whole excuse was his trolling motor went down and with that excuse i was supposed to be just happy and not care that he cut through where we were fishing. I have not fished many tourneys, but one thing that i have seen, you don’t do stupid stuff like that. I was almost tempted to launch a daredevil into his boat and try to hook him and pull him out of the boat. I was so mad at him, that when i caught another bass after we turned around and started to work the other way, we held it up for them to see. but still, do you have the right to cut another pleasure fisherman off if you are intered in a tourney? do most people do this or would you have gone around to get in front of us?

    thanks for you input

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I would have taken his boat number, and made sure the tournement director knew of his actions, doubtfulu he’d do much of anything this time, but if it ever came across again… Even better if the SOB was lucky enough to actually have a sponser, I’d call the sponser company, and give them hell. It’s hard to not let these things escolate on the water, but it’s best left alone.

    And like I’ve always said, you don’t need a boat to be a jerk.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I agree Shane…although I’m the last person to ask about tourney’s. I would think there would be something in the rule about this. But either way notifing the director and sponsers is a good idea.

    I know that tourney folks are human too, but like guides, they set the example and (should be) role models for the rest of us schmucks.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Definitely get the boat numbers, and turn them in to the tourney directory. Then give them the big number one symbol. OK, so it’s not cool to do that, but it would make you feel better.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I’m not a big knowledge guy on tourneys………but isn’t there a distance rule????

    I thought that you had to keep so many feet from other boats.

    Therefore, being the “rick” (sounds like………..) I am, I would of pulled up in front of his path way and cut him off, pushing him to come close to that “do not enter zone”, then getting him kicked out of the tourney……..

    Again, that is just because of the “trick” (sounds like………) I am…………….

    When people have no respect for others, I tend to prey on them and feed off them for fun…………They tend to get a bit testy…………which makes it all the better…….

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1371

    It’s a lot easier to be a “trick” when you’re 6’7″ tall though isn’t it Gary!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I truely, absolutely hate it……….makes my blood boil, when I see jerks like this………Makes the worse come out of me.

    (by the way………… a 3/4oz “5 of diamonds”, daredevel (without hooks), does a number to the back of the melon at 20 feet)……………….. Couldn’t beleive it, the guy actually took my shore fishing spot, when I caught a nice pike. I walked 10 feet from the area that I was fishing to release the fish. He just went to exactly where I was standing and started casting……….my accuracy couldn’t of been any better……….He left my spot……….never said a word……….

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1371

    Now THAT is justice Gary. Good Story.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    see i was thinking that there was a distance rule for how close you can fish ontop of other fisherman, and then to treat a non-tourney boat in that fashion is just wrong. then people wonder why they don’t like tourney fishing on some lakes. They have probably dealt with some of these “ricks” a few times them selves. I was just hoping that someone that has fished tourneys and have heard of this happeneing, what my recourse is. I know that there was a bass tourney out of spring lake. but I just blew it off, i got the final word in anyway when we netted a 2 pounder. I made sure that he seen it when we where getting the hook out. but thanks, it makes me feel better to what my initial reaction was going to be. nice to know that other people think the same way. I was also thinking that you could turn his boat into the DNR for that stuff to?? I am not sure, maybe someone can clarify this for me.

    thanks a ton!!!


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I must admit, when I drilled the guy in back of the head, I was 16 years old…………..

    I’m a bit more level headed these days………….But I still would probably do it again, just for the giggle……Got to admit, it is pretty funny watching a spoon richochet of the back of a guys head, when it is buzzing at Mach 2………

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    what where you casting with, a 7′ ultra light so it had alot of whip on the tip for casting??


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Dad taught me to do “whatever it takes”………..To be “relentless in pursuit”…………”Get it done”………….”If you are going to do it, do it right”…….

    Popps taught me well………Although I think I would get a little lecture for using his words in this type of action!!!! He was truely a non-violent person and taught me to be the same way…………So, I don’t kick peoples butts………I just launch spoons at them

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    You were catching fish and he was not. That proves that you were a better angler that day. Launching spoons or any type of confrontation, I say is bad advice. I found the best course of action is to start a conversation like you are old friends. More times than not the other boater will give you room or in a short time move on. During the conversation you can metion that he crowded you. I think you will feel better going about it this way.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Don is right……….

    I don’t recommend or support violence of any sort.
    But, just like good, funny movies……….You have to admit it is a bit funny too!!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Oh, it’s darn funny, not right, but darn funny. Violence or anger rarely solves anything.

    Any reputable tourney has some mention of sportsmanship in the rules. This certainly wasn’t an example of sportsmanship. Some tourney’s have distance regulations also, but not all.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    You were catching fish and he was not. That proves that you were a better angler that day. Launching spoons or any type of confrontation, I say is bad advice. I found the best course of action is to start a conversation like you are old friends. More times than not the other boater will give you room or in a short time move on. During the conversation you can metion that he crowded you. I think you will feel better going about it this way.

    Yeah…….. this is how Don and I got to be friends!

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