All this bullcrap is relevant if you believe all they tell you… Take one simple price raise, like whats going on in cetain areas, think its the price of a barrel of oil?, governments regulations or reagional price hikes because they can? I personally think its price manipulation regionally and nationally, what oil company would want to give up the profits they are making,,,None! Prices don’t rise and fall unless their made to do so, why? because theres too much oil. So regions take advantage of local traits and price gas accordingly depending on traits of the local population. Alot of people think its socialism, I look at it like we have the oil, its ours! and why should we pay the price of the world market when (its our oil, the taxpayers and citizens oil that live in America), anything else and your buying into someone elses problems. In case you didn’t know, all the oil in America is ours, the peoples oil, we should dictate where it goes and sold for how much. The only freedom I see in the way its done is freedom to sell at the highest profit margin to the rest of the world and ,,,the people who own the oil, us, have to pay the world price, which I think is a bunch of crap… its our oil, who should be able tell us to sell it to others at a certain price. I could care less what those companies think,,,why because its our oil and we sould be able to do what we want with it,,,period. Anything else is a monopoly or socialism, and worse yet thier taking our oil and selling it at what they want to, to the rest of the world… I know some are going to disagree but one thing they can’t denigh is,,,its our oil, the people of Americas oil, not the major oil compaies oil.