Condition of Upper End of Pepin

  • bear
    Posts: 80

    Just wondering how the water is up on the upper end of Pepin? Is there alot of debris or weeds floating? Talking about Maiden Rock, Rush River, and Bay City areas?

    Thanks for any info.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402


    I have not been in the specific area you are asking about but would venture to guess that there is some floating debris in the upper portions of the lake along with some dirtier water. The head of the lake area had dirty water along with plenty of debris on Wednesday when I was out. The debris made pulling cranks a headache for me.

    Maybe someone who has made it to the lake in the last 2 days can chime in on this one.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Bear: I was out in that area Wensday and their was not much grass in the water.There was a couple places I tryed you couldn’t let your crankbait touch bottom oterwise it was full of grass and leaves. Water clarity wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,figure it was about 1 1/2 ft.

    Ellsworth, WI
    Posts: 186

    I was out this am in the Bay City/head waters area and there is plenty of debris. Alot of larger wood but tons of grass ect. Back channel was much worse than the main river.
    You could still pull plugs but it did get frustrating after awhile.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    From the Rush River north back up into the flats we have ourselves a bonefide mess. Without any real wind today (it came out of the east and basically blew upstream which does nothing to clear anything to one side or the other) the garbage just kept piling up and up and up. By late AM it was nearly impossible to keep lines clean along the WI shorline north of the Rush.

    A little wind from the west or north would clean things up in that area nicely though.

    Oh yeah… fishing in the river was better than out on the lake anyway!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    I was out on the lake today, Friday, and found the lake to be very fishable with cranks from the RR marker on the Wisc side to the South. North of there was a mess…and I just stopped trying to pull plugs. The shoreline (East side) had about 25-30 feet of clean water so casting to the rocks was very doable. Lots of tournament boats out there doing that very thing today. Stay alert when running the lake at commuting speeds because there are lots and lots of floating logs that are big enough to do serious damage. I had a great day pulling plugs and livebait rigging…several eyes in the 22″ range CPR’d.

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