• BBKK
    Posts: 4033

    I just got called ignorant for saying $1.50 was too much for a walleye jighead. I can pour myself 48 jig heads for that price. Or buy several pretty painted ones from bfn.

    Anyone else want to go jig some $1.50 jig heads in the rip rap of the mighty miss during flood waters?

    Posts: 7348

    Price is in the eye of the beholder. If you own a $40000 boat and $35000 truck and have 500 crank baits I think some people on here won’t be able to sympathize with you. I don’t even think about spending more than .50 on any jig head plenty to choose from off the clearance rack for this guy. Drop $5-6 every outing just in jigs would add up quick. But with that being said one day I will have a nice rig myself and I will have boxes full of expensive jigheads just BC I worked my butt off and sacrificed now to get them later.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857


    I just got called ignorant for saying $1.50 was too much for a walleye jighead. I can pour myself 48 jig heads for that price. Or buy several pretty painted ones from bfn.

    Not sure I got the point…

    Is $1.50 too much to buy from bfn or are you trying to sell them for $1.50??

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Now that is funny

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    If you own a $40000 boat and $35000 truck and have 500 crank baits I think some people on here won’t be able to sympathize with you.

    My boat is worth way more than 40K and my truck was more than 35K. I’m guessing I have at least 500 crank baits, though I haven’t actually counted them recently. I still don’t want to pay $1.50 for a jig.

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 5

    If that jig head is made in America and of better quality than the import trash that has flooded our tackle market nowadays! I would pay that all day long!!!!!

    Posts: 23

    If the jig is a high quality made in America jig, then I would say it would be worth buying. I try not to buy cheap jig, because they are not nearly as well made in my eyes. Many times the hooks are too flimsy, and the paint jobs on them look like a kindergarten class finger painted them. A Jig that looks good and has a strong hook on the business end makes it worth it to me. I by no means have a ton of money to my name, but depending on quality of the jig I think it’s worth the money. I am not one to risk losing a big fish due to me gear either though.

    Posts: 3010

    quality hooks are essential
    I’d rather pay $1.50 for one that has a sharp hook which is easy to keep sharp, than pay a third that for one with a dull hook that is almost impossible to sharpen

    Also there are many jigs which are now made of tungsten rather than lead; they are obviously more expensive and in certain situations are more effective, thus I think worth the extra price. But probably not the first choice in a snaggy river situation.

    Still no reason to call a guy ignrnt; if there’s a reason a retailer or manufacturer thinks one jig is better than another, take the opportunity to educate your customer (in a kind and helpful manner). Then let him make his choice; different gear is gonna be used by each angler in different situations.

    Posts: 3010

    I myself fish jigs way more than crankbaits and am more inclined to spend “extra” for jigs than for cranks. Thus from my point of view; It amazes me how some guys will not think twice spending the extra for cranks, but somehow jigs don’t get the same respect.

    Anyhow; the fact that we continue to see both higher end and lower end baits and jigs, would indicate that there must be a market at both ends of the spectrum for both kinds of gear.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    I can pour myself 48 jig heads for that price.

    OK then, when your done pouring them and painting them, I am sure you can find a buyer for them at the buck fitty

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I don’t even think about spending more than .50 on any jig head plenty to choose from off the clearance rack for this guy.

    I used to think that. However those “cheapy” jigs use garbage hooks and junk paint. Quality jigs are worth the $1.50.

    However making your own jigs using high end hooks and quality powder paint solves all three problems.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I was thinking of making no roll sinkers and selling them at one time.

    I thought the $2.00 each for a 4 oz sinker was outrageous.

    By the time bought the lead (cheap at .35 a pound) and poured enough to make it worth while, I found I could sell them and make a small profit. But the only real way to make any money was to sell to a distributor.

    By the time they took a small cut and the retailer took some, they would have to retail for over $2. each. Not to mention all the EPA garbage I would need to go through and if, heaven forbid I would hire an employee to work in my lead contaminated hazard!

    If a person is hard core, diy is a great option if they have the time. Otherwise $1.50 is a fair price for a jig in my book.

    Just my .02 cents.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    If the jig is a high quality made in America jig, then I would say it would be worth buying. A Jig that looks good and has a strong hook on the business end makes it worth it to me. I by no means have a ton of money to my name, but depending on quality of the jig I think it’s worth the money. I am not one to risk losing a big fish due to me gear either though.

    I agree that it depends entirely on the jig & its quality.

    If we’re talking about Draggin Jigs from B’Fish’N Tackle, then I’ll gladly pay a little more up front knowing full well that this jig is going to save me money out on the lake or river.

    I could use a cheaper jig and lose ten of them for every draggin jig when fishing snaggy area’s. Plus I much prefer to be fishing instead of tying on jigs, especially when the bites hot.

    On a side note, the Draggin Jig doesn’t cost $1.50/jig either.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309



    If the jig is a high quality made in America jig, then I would say it would be worth buying. A Jig that looks good and has a strong hook on the business end makes it worth it to me. I by no means have a ton of money to my name, but depending on quality of the jig I think it’s worth the money. I am not one to risk losing a big fish due to me gear either though.

    I agree that it depends entirely on the jig & its quality.
    If we’re talking about Draggin Jigs from B’Fish’N Tackle, then I’ll gladly pay a little more up front knowing full well that this jig is going to save me money out on the lake or river.
    I could use a cheaper jig and lose ten of them for every draggin jig when fishing snaggy area’s. Plus I much prefer to be fishing instead of tying on jigs, especially when the bites hot.

    On a side note, the Draggin Jig doesn’t cost $1.50/jig either.

    X2. And to clarify my statement, I don’t WANT to pay $1.50 per jig, but if that is the best jig for the job and it is going to increase my numbers, I would buy a box full of them.

    Posts: 2596

    Paying $1.50 for jig= $1.50
    Spending day on boat catching fish, or even not catching fish = priceless.

    Cuba City, WI
    Posts: 395

    Let’s face it, for most of us fishing is a way to unwind and get away from work and relax. If you can’t justify what you spend on jigs, how can you justify what some of us spend on boats, trucks, rods, reels, etc. Everyone can spend their money any way they like. They earned it, so spend it any way you like for what keeps you sane. If a person had to justify what anybody spent on their hobby, 99% of the people wouldn’t have one. Doesn’t matter weather you fish, boat, snowmobile, motorcycle ride, bowl, drink, smoke, etc. you name it. It is your dollar so spend anyway you want. That’s why the USA is the place to live. My 2 cents.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I buy em’ for 3/$1.00 and never come home without my limit of eyes’. $1.50/jig…never…RR

    Posts: 7348

    Everybody I think agrees cheap jigs don’t have the quality that the more expensive ones do. I think Kevin was trying to say why spend more money on something you know you will lose pretty quickly in the river?

    On a side note though even a nice jig such as some northland tackle gum balls I had problems hooks busting right off just this morning. Pretty impressed that the Sensation 8# line would be strong enough to do that.

    Posts: 4033

    This was a Russian made tungsten jig head painted a bland sparkly green color. That was $1.50 for 1/8 ounce. 1/2 ounce was $5 and 3/4 ounce was $5.99 each.

    Posts: 1552

    Well, you left that part out in your original post.

    You do know that tungsten is WAY more expensive that lead?

    Comparing the lead jigs you pour to a Tungsten jig is not apples to apples.

    Posts: 4033


    Well, you left that part out in your original post.

    You do know that tungsten is WAY more expensive that lead?

    Comparing the lead jigs you pour to a Tungsten jig is not apples to apples.

    Yeah, I’m not an idiot. Even if it is made from tungsten it is still a jig head. All you gain is a little sensitivity and 8X the price. It is still a $1.50 1/8 oz jig head.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I know it’s coming just like Asian Carp and I can’t stop either of them….but I hate tungsten just about as much as Asian Carp!

    Posts: 4033


    I know it’s coming just like Asian Carp and I can’t stop either of them….but I hate tungsten just about as much as Asian Carp!

    Don’t you say that! Tungsten was the best thing to ever come to ice fishing. But for open water…. you can keep it.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    FYI tungsten is about 10$ something a pound and much harder to work with.

    Posts: 4033


    FYI tungsten is about 10$ something a pound and much harder to work with.

    $19.70/lb raw currently and rising every day. Higher demands from mfg companies are raising the price, it was roughly $10/lb last year and by this time next year it is projected to again double to around $40/lb.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    $19.70/lb raw currently and rising every day. Higher demands from mfg companies are raising the price, it was roughly $10/lb last year and by this time next year it is projected to again double to around $40/lb.

    You know this info, but thought a $1.50 was high for a jig? You are cracking me up today.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294



    Well, you left that part out in your original post.

    You do know that tungsten is WAY more expensive that lead?

    Comparing the lead jigs you pour to a Tungsten jig is not apples to apples.

    Yeah, I’m not an idiot. Even if it is made from tungsten it is still a jig head. All you gain is a little sensitivity and 8X the price. It is still a $1.50 1/8 oz jig head.

    I wonder if you thought this information would be relevant to the rest of us who replied to you post? (and didn’t know you were talking about a tungsten jig)

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116


    Anyone else want to go jig some $1.50 jig heads in the rip rap of the mighty miss during flood waters?

    If your not losing jigs, you’re not walleye fishing.
    -The Griz

    Posts: 4033




    Well, you left that part out in your original post.

    You do know that tungsten is WAY more expensive that lead?

    Comparing the lead jigs you pour to a Tungsten jig is not apples to apples.

    Yeah, I’m not an idiot. Even if it is made from tungsten it is still a jig head. All you gain is a little sensitivity and 8X the price. It is still a $1.50 1/8 oz jig head.

    I wonder if you thought this information would be relevant to the rest of us who replied to you post? (and didn’t know you were talking about a tungsten jig)

    Yeah, I did. I did not realize I left the tungsten part out until I got back from fishing today and read what everyone said.

    Still, it does not make any difference what it is made of. It is still a $1.50 jig head. Yeah its smaller than a lead one, and maybe a little more sensitive.. but its still a $1.50 jig head. Ice fishing I’ll pay $1.50-$3 each every time, because I think it really shines there. But spending $1.50 for a jig head no matter what it is made of is just dumb IMO.

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