2013-2014 Ceded Territory Walleye Bag Limits, WI

  • happycampin
    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 667

    They took almost 400 walleyes out of my favorite lake (cedar) in 2 nights last week and are estimated to harvest 30,000 walleye total this year in WI. How many people are consuming all of this fish since they are not supposed to sell?!


    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    Are they allowed to spear/net past opener?

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 667


    Are they allowed to spear/net past opener?


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422


    They took almost 400 walleyes out of my favorite lake (cedar) in 2 nights last week and are estimated to harvest 30,000 walleye total this year in WI. How many people are consuming all of this fish since they are not supposed to sell?!


    That is why Cedar now has a 1 fish under 14″ limit.

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 445

    This does not make me happy….

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    How many of these lakes does the WIDNR stock with walleye?
    I hope it is ZERO!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I wouldn’t have an issue with it if it was done by “traditional means”. The argument is heritage and tradition. So why has our so called leaders bent over and allowed them to continue with modern tools. Common sense will tell anyone that the harvest will be increased with 1,000,000 candle light spot lights, modern spears, conventional boats, outboards, trolling motors,…….

    They can’t sell them, but they can give them away. Those that are not taken are , sorry my blood pressure in getting out of control

    Posts: 65

    I say hit them with a restocking fee 10,000 to one.

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    It all comes down to money. Our money.

    Posts: 349

    Welcome to the land they call America, where you have to be politically correct about everything and you are not allowed to make sense!

    Posts: 31

    I dont have time to look at this stuff as much as i want because of finals for school but check out this website and click on the different links. Its interesting to see the lakes i fish and which ones my grandpa always fished and to watch the number of walleyes go down. http://infotrek.er.usgs.gov/wdnr_public/

    My grandpa has been going to the same lake for opener every year for forty some years and saw the DNR biologist a year ago and he told him this lake isnt a walleye lake. Sad to see somewhere my grandpa enjoyed for so many years go down the drains.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 47


    I say hit them with a restocking fee 10,000 to one.

    That is the biggest problem, WI DNR is not as proactive as the MN DNR when it comes to stocking Walleyes. The DNR tries to steer clear and avoid the stocking of Walleyes.

    Posts: 75

    My favorite part was the guy on cedar last night who lives on the lake in a row boat with no lights on after dark. Wonder how many walleyes he kept???

    Posts: 9

    Whereas I understand everyone’s need to post here, it’s really a bit off mark if you intend to affect change. That whole issue has rankled me for years, and I just sent another email off to my congressman here in Wisconsin. I suggest all of you do the same. Hey, call your local DNR, call the local wardens. They all end up at meetings, like every other issue the government has to manage, the squeeky wheel gets the grease. If you have more time, ask why the casinos are out there sucking up our hard earned money.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661


    My favorite part was the guy on cedar last night who lives on the lake in a row boat with no lights on after dark. Wonder how many walleyes he kept???

    why not instead of complaining on the internet you report it to the DNR? this has already been covered in the wisconsin general discussion forum, as I am working out there currently with the DNR. funny how quick someone can report the natives but not any other potential poachers as the walleyes are in midspawn out there right now. as far as the 1 limit goes, almost all the fish we’ve got are protected slot size males anyways, so with a 2 or 3 limit there would still be people complaining about not being able to keep fish. a dead horse into the ground.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661



    I say hit them with a restocking fee 10,000 to one.

    That is the biggest problem, WI DNR is not as proactive as the MN DNR when it comes to stocking Walleyes. The DNR tries to steer clear and avoid the stocking of Walleyes.

    hmmm, okay so answer this then. on monday we netted 284 walleye. of those 284, only 26 were sexually mature females. thats less than 10%, hows stocking juvenile fingerlings going to improve that? 120 of those were slot size males in one net alone, the numbers dont lie. maybe a 1 limit might actually help the lake, as the natives didnt exceed there quota for the lake either.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    They can spear year round. They had a Musky spearing contest through the ice a few months ago.

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