He was last sighted this mornin’ somewhere near Nashville
I’ll be watchin’ for him this weekend to show up on the Grand Ol Opry show

Posts: 3010
May 3, 2013 at 4:26 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Sticker Shock
He was last sighted this mornin’ somewhere near Nashville
I’ll be watchin’ for him this weekend to show up on the Grand Ol Opry show
Average Joe caught my drift, we paid so you friendly residents didn’t have to. Now get a stick and beat yourselves up! And to that guy complaining about non-res deer license fees here in Iowa, we don’t have any deer anymore. the MN guys came and shot them all. Now stay away from my deer.
on a side note, I really think that if states really took tourism seriously they should have reduced non-resident fees. After all who pumps more money into the local economy? A resident going up to some lake for an afternoon of fishing, or the traveler who will spend a long weekend or even a week buying gas, groceries, lodging, restaurant meals, and bait? This should be true with all states who are after the tourism buck. (no pun intended!)
be proactive and buy lifetime licenses for your kids…I bought the sportsmans and lifetime deer when I was 15 yrs old…money otta my own pocket but a good investment
And to that guy complaining about non-res deer license fees here in Iowa, we don’t have any deer anymore. the MN guys came and shot them all. Now stay away from my deer.
I’m sorry, I guess Minnesota deer hunters are better at deer hunting than you Iowa guys.
And to that guy complaining about non-res deer license fees here in Iowa, we don’t have any deer anymore. the MN guys came and shot them all. Now stay away from my deer.
I’m sorry, I guess Minnesota deer hunters are better at deer hunting than you Iowa guys.
sure got me there! while you guys hunt, we just spread out the picnic blanket, have a glass of wine and fresh fruit, then pull out the shotgun and mow down some supper. I’m really not too far off from my hunting experience.
but I rarely hunt those things anyway.
Lifetime licenses for kids are great as long as your kids decide to live in the state!!
For some that is not a forgone conclusion!
Did they change that rule. When the lifetime first came out, I thought it was good no matter if you moved away.
If you move away the lic. is still good. Just really hard to cast far enough to reach the water.
“Pipe down or we’ll install a special toll lane for Iowa plates on 94.”
Resident fees last went up in 2002. There have been 3 increases in the last 20 years.
Hey now; there’s no need to go messin’ up a good b!tc4-n-m0a^ session with inconvienient facts, ya party pooper
My lifetime renewal for sportsman licence cost me the same as last year…..$0, so i guess it wasnt too bad. But on the other hand, my harpooning license went from $17 to $5.. (It is about time!) So I am not complaining!
should of got the lifetime lic. and we should be charging out of staters way more for what iowa charges for there deer lic. we should charge the same
“Pipe down or we’ll install a special toll lane for Iowa plates on 94.”
I like this dont charge too much just enough to pay for the vikings new playground.
Average Joe caught my drift, we paid so you friendly residents didn’t have to. Now get a stick and beat yourselves up! And to that guy complaining about non-res deer license fees here in Iowa, we don’t have any deer anymore. the MN guys came and shot them all.
Don’t worry Chomps, there aren’t any deer in MN either
During all those years I hunted in MN while I was in college, I never saw a single deer
So other than the spending time with my dad and some good friends, it was a waste of money
After all who pumps more money into the local economy?
Probably not some tight wad non resident complaining about a $45 non resident license.
After all who pumps more money into the local economy?
Probably not some tight wad non resident complaining about a $45 non resident license.
I dunno, even though I live in Sconnie, 95% of my time spent fishing is in MN
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