Yukon Men Inhumane

  • Ed Stern
    Goodhue, MN, Goodhue County,
    Posts: 510



    When people have dogs and cats live in their homes and are treated better than their children they lose site of how the world works for folks who live to survive.

    The really sad thing is that it happens all the time.


    And they think we are the ones with a problem! Go figure!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    As for using the term “inhumane”, I completely disagree with this terminology. To be humane, is to be gentle. inhumane = not gentle…. Sorry, but there is nothing gentle about it. The life of a renewable resource is being taken so the raw product can be utilized. Now, if someone is torturing an animal for the intent of seeing it suffer a long and miserable death or to leave it lame – That’s wrong. Personally I believe in the quickest dispatch or kill method for my own terminating of animals. But if someone else has a method that doesn’t torture an animal, so be it.

    To me humane = limiting suffering, in-humane = total disregard for suffering.

    Tomato / tomato.

    Most of the hunters and trappers I have been exposed to are very conscience of limiting the suffering of the animals just like you.

    I suspect that most peta members would not dispatch of an wounded animal that was suffering. If you run into a PETA member, ask them that scenario. Then ask them about the thousands of adoptable dogs they euthanize.

    Sorry, didn’t mean to stray.

    I’ve watched Yukon Men a lot. I don’t think I have seen them taking joy in dispatching an animal. Most are very grateful and if they have Inuit in them, they will spiritually be thankful for the animal giving its life.

    Posts: 98

    So, as opposed to a “humane” way to bring about the death of an animal?

    As Jeff Foxworthy would say, Here’s your sign…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    So, as opposed to a “humane” way to bring about the death of an animal?

    As Jeff Foxworthy would say, Here’s your sign…

    That would be Bill Engvall

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    So, as opposed to a “humane” way to bring about the death of an animal?

    As Jeff Foxworthy would say, Here’s your sign…

    Huh? Death is natural. So you don’t think there is a humane way to kill something or are you replying to someone else.

    Posts: 3010

    for any living thing, death is a part of life
    it just happens to be the very last part

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Keeping warm on fridged days doing it naturally or from synthetics? Naturally and theres no and never present pollution. Say what they will but naturally is the best outlook. I’ve never known a trapper to kill something to death, usually thier focused on whats really happening. I’ll take a full fur suit over synthetics anyday at 40 below and be prepared to sweat…and I’ll keep warm doing it, and so will my grandkids that are under my coat, if only people knew.

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