Yukon Men Inhumane

  • jake2000
    Ottawa Ontario Canada
    Posts: 59

    I am watching the show Yukon men and they just strangled a lynx with a noose attached to a stick (which they actually measured and cut) it was horrible the cat was screaming and the trappers were smiling. There has to be more humane ways to kill an animal.

    Posts: 1960

    Choking them out is relatively quick and damages nothing……maximizing the value of the pelt. It is the standard method for putting down bobcats and lynx.


    Posts: 605

    not when they are extremely dangerous and they plan on selling their fur. Cant get too close to the animal, and cant shoot if from afar.

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    Dynamite, but you do not get as much for the pelt.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Like being torn up by another Lynx?

    You guys know I am a pretty compassionate guy with animals. I guess I don’t see a big difference between shooting a animal or strangling it for a minute. It suffers and the end result is the same. The difference being how long it suffers.

    I find trapping much more inhumane.

    Not ripping on you, just giving my opinion. Personally, if I saw the episode I’d cringe or turn it off.

    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155


    Dynamite, but you do not get as much for the pelt.

    If they don’t like the show, turn it off & quit meowing!! That’s simple. Love the dynamite way!! Liberals, go figure….

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    That’s a repeat WILD going into OT with the Blackhawks

    Posts: 1009


    I guess you don’t watch the news!

    inhumane what a joke of a word.. bottom line its the right way to take them out.. the reason the trap was set in the first place was to get the pelts.. a real wast or travesty would be to try and be humane and end up ruining the pelt.. then the animal has died for nothing and would be left to rot..

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Liberals, go figure….

    Hey, I am a conservative.

    Posts: 4033

    Now wait a minute, if they were choking it to death how could it scream? You sure the producers did not add in the screaming sound for effect? If the airway is closed with a noose (strangling) then it cannot make any sound and will be out within seconds.

    That is pretty much the standard way to put down a live cat. Don’t want to ruin a $150 pelt by shooting it, that is their lively hood.. they need that income.

    Posts: 3010



    Liberals, go figure….

    Hey, I am a conservative.

    I thought you were an Enigma

    Posts: 4941




    Liberals, go figure….

    Hey, I am a conservative.

    I thought you were an Enigma

    Edward E

    Posts: 1899


    Now wait a minute, if they were choking it to death how could it scream? You sure the producers did not add in the screaming sound for effect?

    I’m sure they did. In the episode where they were hunting geese, they were shooting specklebellys. The genius producers of the show decided to add honker sound effects.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    It’s safer than doing it with their hands and yes, the pelt is worth much more without holes in it. I think they actually say that it’s the reason they do it this way.

    Posts: 3010

    I’ve seen film being shot and then seen the show that was produced from that footage.

    All that needs to be said is this my friend . . .


    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    the naked castaway guy killed a goat with a rock

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092



    Dynamite, but you do not get as much for the pelt.

    If they don’t like the show, turn it off & quit meowing!! That’s simple. Love the dynamite way!! Liberals, go figure….

    This coming from a guy called Dr Death…Please stay away from my children

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I thought you were an Enigma

    Wrapped in a warm blanket.

    Posts: 1493

    If the kitty ain’t screamin, you ain’t doing it right!!!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246

    I’m all in favor of the recent TV trend to stop kissing the buttskies of the “animal rights” activists by refusing to show anything hat involves the death of animals.

    Swamp People, Yukon Men, Wicked Tuna, and now that new show Chasing Tail, that shows bow hunters whacking deer in the burbs. It’s good for people to show them where any and all animal products really come from.

    Bottom line is that if you eat meat or wear leather or use any animal products at all, you are responsible for killing animals. The fact that you may outsource your killing to others dose not absolve you.


    Posts: 3010


    If the kitty ain’t screamin, you ain’t doing it right!!!

    hmm … never tried the “chokin’ the kitty” technique

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    I am pretty sure the phrase “inhumane to animals” has not hit the Yukon yet. And thankfully never will.

    When people have dogs and cats live in their homes and are treated better than their children they lose site of how the world works for folks who live to survive.

    Posts: 3010

    If anyone treats their dogs and/or cats better than they treat ANY child (their own OR anyone else’s child) … welllll, I’d call THAT “inhumane”

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    seems insane doesn’t it desperado. i grew up on a dairy farm and I find it crazy how people treat their pets now adays.

    I thought we treated our shepards and collies good (sleeping in a warm barn, feeding them food other than dog food, playing with them, etc).

    My wife thinks my brother is inhumane to his dogs by making them stay outside in their own big doghouses and a heated pole shed.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246


    When people have dogs and cats live in their homes and are treated better than their children they lose site of how the world works for folks who live to survive.

    The really sad thing is that it happens all the time.


    Historic Mantorville
    Posts: 119

    first time I ran a trap line with my uncles, I about died when I watched a red fox get dispatched from strangulation that was in a leg hold trap. It was explained about the pelt value and way of life, source of income. I got used to seeing that, and I’m fine with it, but usually the first time you see something of that nature, it is a shock. I’m all for trapper’s rights, that’s our heritage. No different than going into one of my clients’ buildings that process beef. First time I saw a cow get shot with this little nail gun/dart thingy, weird..cow just stands there pouring blood from a small hole in it’s head. mooing and carrying on, but that’s how it has to be done. unless it’s kosher beef, then you have a rabbi there slitting throats.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Yep, had some woman screaming at me one night at the restaurant cause a dog was barking at her… Well her concern was how could that guy have a dog outside in the 40* night… I had to tell her that he was doing nothing wrong, that I in fact did the same thing… I told her that if the dog had been in the car in the heat of day, I would have been more on her side…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’ve been on a trap line my entire life and with ADC work, trap all year long. Discussions like this show just how removed people are from reality. Is it pretty or glamorous? NO. But its been a part of life. Somewhere along the way people became oblivious to the fact that animals die and we use renewable resources. Now that reality shows put it in their face for ratings, its a conversation piece.

    As for using the term “inhumane”, I completely disagree with this terminology. To be humane, is to be gentle. inhumane = not gentle…. Sorry, but there is nothing gentle about it. The life of a renewable resource is being taken so the raw product can be utilized. Now, if someone is torturing an animal for the intent of seeing it suffer a long and miserable death or to leave it lame – That’s wrong. Personally I believe in the quickest dispatch or kill method for my own terminating of animals. But if someone else has a method that doesn’t torture an animal, so be it.

    Be careful on where a discussion like this can go. Next is a fish suffocating in a live well because there isn’t enough oxygenated water circulating through

    Posts: 605


    the naked castaway guy killed a goat with a rock

    I loved that show! Atleast they blacked it out, that could have been pretty dicey

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Well said, Randy. Can’t agree more.

    Has anyone else noticed the big uptick in radio adds from “howling for wolves”? Portrays hunters as evel, crule killers having “fun” trapping. I made it a point to call their number for Daytons office and made my support FOR the hunt known.

    Who pays for this stuff?


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