Go to the Microsoft site and download Microsoft Essentials and have that program run a test on your PC. After it has run a test then defrag your Pc, so whatever program your running it can find the information on the hard drive easier.
More then this and its too complicated but download the essentials program and defrag the hard drive, its free from Microsoft and use it from now on. It checks your PC all the time. If you’ve never defraged your PC’s hard drive it may take several hours for the information to be rearranged, don’t shut it off and let it do its thing. When we got our first PC with windows 98 on it, we didn’t know beans about what to do, it was all touch and go. It took over 10 hours to defrag my hard drive the first time and we were frustrated and thought something was wrong but we let it run and it finially did what it was supposed to do.
Microsoft Essentials and then defrag the hard drive if you know how. Go to control panel by lower left clicking on the very first icon in your tool bar assuming its on the bottom of your screen. After you’ve entered control panel look for system securitys or anything similar, then look for any maintainence program that will find and fix problems and then run each one of those. It will help you and keep searching for the (defrag your PC or hard drive) and do that. Let us know how it works after you’ve done it. Ours was to the point it almost quit working, done and dead PC type of thing.