New Catch

  • ptc
    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614



    Why is Sig being pressured to hand over the wheel? He looks to be on top of his game. Nobody in the fleet can match his experience and expertise.

    Right, and if his lil’ bro wants a boat, go get one. I don’t get why he thinks he will run Sigs boat, clearly Sig isnt even close to letting it go!

    I don’t think it is Sig’s boat. I think it is owned by all 3 brothers. Although, I do not know if it is an equal split.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    Isn’t the boat owned by the entire family? It isn’t just Sig’s.

    That was my understanding that when Sverr (sp???) passed away, the three brothers had formed what is the Northwestern LLC. Sig already had his capt. license. Edger spent a number of years on a drug binge and that is what Sig has the big issue with. The third brother Norman in an engineer and returned a few years ago to the crew. I think he works as the engineer to Edger during salmon season on the boat. Which is something they don’t show on the Deadliest Catch. Edger runs the boat for salmon seasons.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908




    I was thinking the loan officer that gave Elliot a loan must not watch the show.

    My thoughts exactly! BUT I assume his father had a lot to do with that purchase Nobody would give an inexperienced boat owner with no comparable credit a 1.5M dollar loan, trust me.

    Also he bought the boat’s quotas. So there are assets backing the loan, both the boat and the quota. I suspect that would have played into it. There must be somebody out there who lent him money.


    I’m sure his contract with Discovery Channel also palys well into the decision.


    Posts: 9309

    When Jonathan took his son for a walk and he was talking about being a captain and they walked past the Cornelia Marie I thought for sure he was going to tell him to try and captain it. I see someonefrom another boat taking it over.


    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I stopped watching the show after Phil died but after watching this new season ..I’m hooked again.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Got caught up on a few episodes. New catch tonight. Good season so far!


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Elliot is going to get his crew killed being preoccupied with that hag he wants to get back together with.

    I like how they are riding Jake. He better keep it together and not snap.

    Can’t wait to see what happens with this storm.

    You catch any of that awful show that is on after Deadliest?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Good show. Cringed at the hand / arm injury. Man that had to hurt! I would have passed out for sure.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Aye! I’d ask to be knocked out before they started twisting it…actually I would have been passed out too.

    I friggen missed what happened though. I missed the first few minutes.

    I wanted to rip the legend with the crap he’s pulled this year, but its hard to rip a guy while he may be losing his father.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    They were setting off fireworks while cheering on the Super Bowl game. Mortor blew up in his hand. Happened right after setting sail. Had to turn around and go back in. Not a good way to start the trip….


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Oh, Andy did mention no more fireworks, but I thought he was using a metaphor as in, no more issues.

    That is a bummer.

    One of the brothers was on the dock, was he not planning on going until the accident?

    Is the new boat Jake’s on much larger than the other ships? It seems to be and a larger crew that speed through the lines.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874


    Good show. Cringed at the hand / arm injury. Man that had to hurt! I would have passed out for sure.


    He looked like he was about to pass out.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Very interesting episode last week, can’t wait for tomorrow’s.

    I had commented before to Mrs. Grouse that fireworks + boats = bad [censored] happening. Well what do you know… Having those heavy-duty fireworks on board the Time Bandit was just a bad idea, they’re lucky they didn’t start a fire and sink the damn boat.

    I can’t believe the new boat is considering Jake as a possible captain in 2 years. That’s a big boat, I can’t see it getting turned over to a 20-something year old.

    The show keeps it interesting, that’s for sure.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    Very interesting episode last week, can’t wait for tomorrow’s.

    I had commented before to Mrs. Grouse that fireworks + boats = bad [censored] happening. Well what do you know… Having those heavy-duty fireworks on board the Time Bandit was just a bad idea, they’re lucky they didn’t start a fire and sink the damn boat.

    I can’t believe the new boat is considering Jake as a possible captain in 2 years. That’s a big boat, I can’t see it getting turned over to a 20-something year old.

    The show keeps it interesting, that’s for sure.


    I agree with the firworks thing.. was only a matter of time. I always wondered how the coastguard would even let that fly to begin with!

    Regarding Jake being a captain in a couple years…I think they make it out to be more than what it is,,catching crab I mean. It’s well documented as far as where the crab hang out right? It’s fishing, spend enough time on the water and you will do just fine. I think it has a lot more to do with operating the boat and having a crew that will work along with a mechanic that knows the boat and engine room than anythign else.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I always wondered about the fireworks thing too, because couldn’t it be mistaken for a flare or someone signalling an emergency?

    I also wonder why these guys don’t use underwater cameras instead of setting test strings. Too murky? Illegal? Too deep? No, I am not talking a Marcum, I would imagine there has to be high end remote cameras they they could afford.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916


    I also wonder why these guys don’t use underwater cameras instead of setting test strings. Too murky? Illegal? Too deep? No, I am not talking a Marcum, I would imagine there has to be high end remote cameras they they could afford.

    I don’t get that either.. and THAT is why I think it’s easier to locate them than they make it out to be. I would spend 3 days trying to locate them instead of breaking the backs of my crew setting pots that come up empty.. There’s alot more to this than what Discovery is letting us know.

    And,, last nights episode was LAME

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Its the same with Wicked Tuna. There are far more advanced electronics than they show or at least I assume there are considering the “3D” scanning freshwater guys have.

    The electronic you see look like plotters from 10 years ago.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    That capt worried about losing his wife if going to get people killed. Obviously not this season or we would have heard about it but he is a wierdo. I always thought he was strange from the beginning. I dont see the greatness in him. How did he get where he is today?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    That capt worried about losing his wife if going to get people killed. Obviously not this season or we would have heard about it but he is a wierdo. I always thought he was strange from the beginning. I dont see the greatness in him. How did he get where he is today?

    I think its his ex, not sure they were married, but they are both messed up from what I have seen. I’d hate to throw rocks in my glass house though. I once pined for a skank.

    I’d like to know where he had offers to play college hockey at.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916



    That capt worried about losing his wife if going to get people killed. Obviously not this season or we would have heard about it but he is a wierdo. I always thought he was strange from the beginning. I dont see the greatness in him. How did he get where he is today?

    I think its his ex, not sure they were married, but they are both messed up from what I have seen. I’d hate to throw rocks in my glass house though. I once pined for a skank.

    I’d like to know where he had offers to play college hockey at.

    Elliot is a D-bag punk. Or at least that’s what I see. But the kid owns a million dollar boat (debt up to his eyeballs) but he still has it. That’s worth something I guess

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I think the same thing of the kid, but I sorta root for him because you know all the seasoned guys were that way too. There seems to be a strong alcoholic/drug culture for almost all of these guys.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248


    I also wonder why these guys don’t use underwater cameras instead of setting test strings. Too murky? Illegal? Too deep? No, I am not talking a Marcum, I would imagine there has to be high end remote cameras they they could afford.

    Too deep. Often when you see the depth indicated on their electronics, it’s in fathoms, not feet. 6 feet to a fathom. 50 fathoms = 300 feet. Even in very clear water on a sunny day, it’s pretty dim at 100 feet. At night or at 300+ feet, it’s going to be black.

    You would need a trillion candlepower worth of light just to see 10 feet. The boat is bobbing up and down and so the camera would be, crab are small and are going to move away from the noise of the boat. I can’t see it being productive.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I have always guesstimated they have about 150 feet of rope on a pot….. are you saying them coils are 300+ ???

    After doing some googling… I gather they fish mostly about 400′ down thats alot of rope to coil

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248


    Elliot is a D-bag punk. Or at least that’s what I see. But the kid owns a million dollar boat (debt up to his eyeballs) but he still has it. That’s worth something I guess

    I read online that Elliot bought both the Saga AND the former owners quota. The quota was estimated to be worth far more than the actual boat. From what I gathered, it is very rare that quoata ever comes up for sale, so it is difficult to determine what the going rate is.

    It was not disclosed how much actual quota Elliot got as part of the purchase of the Saga, but online some are saying it would have to have been a significant tonnage or the whole transaction would not have been viable.

    I would speculate that Elliot was able to get the loan because the value of the quota essentially insures the downside for the bank is limited. Forclosing on a rusting, crapped out old crab boat is one thing, but if there’s a $500+k in quota that they can grab, it kind of modifies the risk.

    I have a great uncle that moved to Alaska during the 1970s to work on the pipeline and he stayed there the rest of his life. Commenting on what it was like to live in Alaska, he told my dad this:

    “What you have to understand is that very few normal people live in Alaska.”

    That pretty much says it all.


    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I thought this last episode was a soap opera

    What did Elliot do to really p/o his GF?

    I don’t think Zach(cape caution) is cut out for this type of fishing.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I haven’t seen this weeks show, but last week he called her and she accused him of seeing another woman. With how p-whipped he is, I find that hard to believe. She’s probably running around and feeling guilty, projecting her feelings on him.

    What is this show turning into anyway, housewives?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I guess the show must be losing its popularity.

    So I am reading the DC Facebook page and there is overwhelming sympathy for Dane. I can’t believe it. Sure, Keith can be a jerk and so can Freddie, but what crew isn’t?

    They are all saying whittle Daney poo was being bullied. Yeah, you heard me right, a greenhorn was being bullied.

    They defend the kid by saying he was a hard worker, I presume that they are assuming this because that’s all the kid said. I guess you can quit and still considered be a hard worker.

    Personally I found the kid very arrogant. He thought he was being clever with the words he chose, but he wasn’t. And he always had that stupid smirk on his face. Worst of all, he sucker punches a guy like a little brother throwing a tantrum on his big brother.

    How about that Elliot? Man, he’s a complete dope. You know what a bad idea is? Its finding out a girls cheated on you, so in turn you decide that you want to marry her as soon as you get off the boat. All while proclaiming the mother of your children will always be THE love of your life.

    I think we should start a pool for the day he sinks the Saga or has to give it up because he is bankrupt.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I don’t like Keith at all, but Dane was a punk, too. He just didn’t have the crab fisherman attitude. I like Freddie–he sure runs his mouth a lot, but he busts his butt and is a guy I would like on my side.

    I just can’t fathom the things that go down on the Saga. Elliot is an idiot. How long does that marriage last? 15 days? He sure forgot about Val in a hurry. And telling the guys that they don’t need to beat the ice off the boat? Really? I just hope no one gets hurt because of his stupidity. The kid’s got an ego.

    I’m interested to see how the Jake and Kiska Sea situation goes down. Those guys are really rough on him! Not that I am a big fan of Jake, but give him a chance to settle in before you really bust his chops!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    I’m interested to see how the Jake and Kiska Sea situation goes down. Those guys are really rough on him! Not that I am a big fan of Jake, but give him a chance to settle in before you really bust his chops!

    From what they edited and shown so far, Jake = Over his head. Lack of confidence and experience is showing. But then, I’m not there day-to-day to see everything

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I felt bad for Dane but I think Freddie was picking on him bc Dane disrespected Keith by not cutting his hair. I’m sure Freddie feels bad after Dane left.

    As for Elliot..OMG.. it sounds like he’s trying to make the ex jealous.

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